view README @ 568:e7b36e596751 tip

Last week's year is not necessarily today's year
author Tom Gottfried <>
date Mon, 03 Jan 2022 11:37:31 +0100 (2022-01-03)
parents e6cd694f0460
line wrap: on
line source

Call ``getan`` or ```` in a terminal to start
with an empty list of tasks that you want to track time for.

Use the Insert-Key to add a new task to track.
(A *task* is called *project* within getan.)
You will have to enter a project "key" and a project "description".

Now select one of the projects with the arrow keys from your keyboard
and press enter to start the clock. See ``INTRODUCTION`` for more keyboard

The time log entries will be saved in an sqlite database,
by default getan will create ``~/.getan/time.db``.
The ``scripts/`` will help to generate reports from them.

Tree mode
Getan supports a hierarchy of projects. A top level project key
has only one character, once you starting using a second character
as project key, it will be the next level down in the hierarchy.

    a    Top level project
    aa   1st second level project
    ab   2nd second level project
    aba  Third level Project

Use the switch_project_order key which is ``f2`` by default
to cycle to the hierarchical view.


Use ``~/.getan/getanrc`` or the system-wide ``/etc/getanrc``
to customize keys and colors. See ``getan/`` for
the recognized options. Example::

    # changes the insert function to be activated by the `)` key
    insert: )

    header: light green, dark green
    body: light green, black


Getan requires `urwid <>`_ in a version >= 1.0. Urwid is
a console user interface library written in Python. For console output e.g. Getan also requires `Jinja2 <>_`.

Install urwid

On Debian GNU/Linux >= Wheezy just run as root:::

    $ apt-get install python3-urwid

On other systems urwid may be installed via pip or directly put into the sources
of getan.

Using pip

To install urwid via pip run as root::

    $ pip install urwid

Or if you prefer using a virtualenv::

    $ virtualenv getan-env
    $ source getan-env/bin/activate
    (getan-env)$ pip install -U pip  # to get the latest pip
    (getan-env)$ pip install urwid

Using urwid sources

Urwid can be put as source to the getan directory when getan is run directly
from the sources. Urwid source can be downloaded from `pypi

For urwid 1.1.2 the direct download link from pypi is
(sha256sum is

    $ cd getan-source
    $ v=urwid-1.1.2
    $ curl -O$v.tar.gz
    $ sha256sum $v.tar.gz
    $ tar -xzvf $v.tar.gz
    $ ln -s $v/urwid urwid

Install Jinja2

On Debian GNU/Linux just run as root:::

    $ apt-get install python3-jinja2

On other systems jinja2 may be installed via pip or directly put into the
sources of getan.

Using pip

To install jinja2 via pip run as root::

    $ pip install jinja2

Or if you prefer using a virtualenv::

    $ source getan-env/bin/activate
    (getan-env)$ pip install jinja2

Install getan

A installation of getan is not required. It can also be run directly from the
sources. To install getan system wide the following command must be run as root

    $ python3 install

You may need to install setuptools first, on Debian GNU/Linux just run as root:::

    $ apt-get install python3-setuptools

Starting getan

Getan can be directly run from sources or after a system wide installation from
the bin dir (e.g. /usr/bin).

Running from Sources

To run getan from the sources run::

    $ ./


    $ ./ /path/to/mytime.db

to choose a different sqlite3 database then the default time.db

Running from installation

After installing getan it can be run with::

    $ getan


    $ getan /path/to/mytime.db

Writing Templates

External templates must be stored in ~/.getan/templates/ to be able to call

Getan uses the Jinja2 templating language. You can find more information
at `Jinja2 <>`_.

If a year or a week is specified, only the entries in this period will be


current_week: The current week.
current_year: The current year.

user: What You indicated with -u.
week: What You indicated with -w.
unix_week: What You indicated with -w, in unix notation.
year: What you indicated with -y.

get_total_duration(): Total duration of all entries.

database: Path of the database.

entries: List of all entries.
    get_comment(): Description of the entry.
    get_workpackage(): Work package of the entry.
    desc: Work package and Description of the entry.

    startisoday: Year, month and day in ISO format.
    start: Start time as datetime.
    end: End time as datetime.
    get_duration(): Duration of the entry.

projects: List of all projects.
    get_total_duration(): Total duration of all
    entries in the project.
    desc: Description of the project.
    key: Key of the project.

    entries: All entries in this project (See entries).

If -w is specified, only this week will be loaded from the database.

year(): All entries in this year.
month(): All entries in this month.
week(): All entries in this week.
day(): All entries in this day.


{{ user }}, (KW {{ week }}, {{ year }})
{% for i in user -%}
{%- endfor -%}

{% for proj in projects %}
# {{ proj.desc }}
{% for entry in proj.entries|sort(attribute='start') -%}
{{ entry.get_comment() }}
{% endfor -%}
# total time: {{ proj.get_total_duration()|human_time }}h
{% endfor %}
# total: {{ total_time|human_time }}h

Getan is Free Software licensed under the terms of GNU GPL v>=3.
For details see LICENSE coming with the source of 'getan'.

Main development
2018-     Magnus Schieder <> (current maintainer)
2014-     Bernhard E. Reiter <>
2011-2014 Björn Ricks <>
2010      Ingo Weinzierl <>
2009-2014 Thomas Arendsen Hein <>
2008-2010 Sascha L. Teichmann <>

Frank Koormann
Stephan Holl
Tom Gottfried

To all users that gave feedback, especially at Intevation.

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