- Version: bumps to 2.2.dev1.2017-09-07, by Bernhard Reiter
- Added tag 2.1 for changeset 11c2a3beee912017-09-07, by Bernhard Reiter
- Prepares for release 2017-09-07, by Bernhard Reiter
- Improves command line options.2017-09-07, by Bernhard Reiter
- Fixes a possible encoding detection failure.2017-05-30, by Bernhard Reiter
- Improves how 'user' is found.2017-05-30, by Bernhard Reiter
- Backed out changeset 5ee2ce059338.2017-05-30, by Bernhard Reiter
- improves diagnosis.2017-05-29, by Bernhard Reiter
- TODO: Adds point to move off optparse.2017-05-29, by Bernhard Reiter
- Added signature for changeset 4c6770764fd92017-05-05, by Bernhard Reiter
- Docs: Adds dedication to Björn Ricks to CHANGES.2017-05-05, by Bernhard Reiter
- Merge.2017-05-05, by Bernhard Reiter
- Docs: adds CREDITS section with license info.2017-05-05, by Bernhard Reiter
- TODO: adds logfile config idea.2017-05-04, by Bernhard Reiter
- Version: improves indication of dev version.2017-05-04, by Bernhard Reiter
- Setup: improves short description.2017-05-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- Version: bumped to 2.0.dev12017-05-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- Added tag 2.0.post1 for changeset cd990c7dc7462017-05-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- Version: Prepares for 2.0.post1 release.2.0.post1 2017-05-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- Prepares for PyPi publication.2017-05-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- Version: bumped to 2.0.dev02017-05-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- Added tag 2.0 for changeset 69ef6f89e9302017-05-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- Prepares release v2.0.2.0 2017-05-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- Fixes sorting by day for templates.2017-05-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- Code-quality: prepares for logging.2017-05-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- Merge.2017-05-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- Code-cleanup: improves style.2017-05-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- Improves editing of length for saved entries.2017-04-24, by Bernhard Reiter
- TODO: added problem report for move.2017-03-17, by Bernhard Reiter
- Fixes ability to change length of saved entries.2017-02-28, by Bernhard Reiter
- CHANGES updated. AUTHOR BER added. removed.2017-02-10, by Bernhard Reiter
- Adds ability to adjust the length of (saved) entries.2017-02-10, by Bernhard Reiter
- scripts/ also accepts YYYYMMDD as reportdate.2017-02-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- improves -t output format.2017-02-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- ignores microseconds.2017-02-03, by Bernhard Reiter
- Adjusting starting datetime:2016-09-12, by Bernhard Reiter
- Added possibility to move starting datetime of entries.2016-09-12, by Bernhard Reiter
- Added a TODO item.2016-01-28, by Bernhard Reiter
- Scanning for workpackage string is now closer to what zeitvertexung does.2015-11-30, by Bernhard Reiter
- Added two TODOs.2015-11-30, by Bernhard Reiter
- templates/zeiterfassung2: daily sum per category fixed.2015-03-06, by Bernhard Reiter
- templates/zeiterfassung2: improved: "category" instead of "project". Fixed missing newline before new workpackage.2015-03-02, by Bernhard Reiter
- templates/zeiterfassung2: Better formatting of grouping for one AP in on day.2015-03-02, by Bernhard Reiter
- New template for, by Bernhard Reiter
- scripts/ enabled choice of used templates.2015-02-16, by Bernhard Reiter
- Remove rendering a newline for the first project and fix headline2015-02-09, by Björn Ricks
- Fix using umlauts in usernames like Björn for script2015-02-09, by Björn Ricks
- Add list of all entries to the template context2015-01-26, by Björn Ricks
- Update coding style for pep82015-01-26, by Björn Ricks
- Update coding style for pep82015-01-26, by Björn Ricks
- Fix: year must be an int in template.render function2015-01-06, by Björn Ricks
- Update copyright and remove empty lines2015-01-05, by Björn Ricks
- Update calling set_footer_text2015-01-05, by Björn Ricks
- Ignore dist and build directories2015-01-05, by Björn Ricks
- Rename to getan-report.py2015-01-05, by Björn Ricks
- Include the template in the installed package data2015-01-05, by Björn Ricks
- Move all scripts in a common scripts directory2015-01-05, by Björn Ricks
- Let getan crash if entry _get_time doesn't return an int2014-03-12, by Björn Ricks
- Added contrib/, a script to write a daily report by Bernhard Reiter.2014-11-04, by Bernhard Reiter
- Sort entries in wochenbericht and zeiterfassung templates by startdate2014-03-11, by Björn Ricks
- Update setup.py2014-03-10, by Björn Ricks
- Update coding style for pep82014-03-10, by Björn Ricks
- Use week in wochenbericht template2014-03-10, by Björn Ricks
- Allow to set encoding in getan-eval2014-03-10, by Björn Ricks
- Add current date to getan template context2014-03-10, by Björn Ricks
- Fix setting workpackage of project if description is None2014-03-07, by Björn Ricks
- Move justification of human_time to templates (only for zeiterfassung)2014-03-03, by Thomas Arendsen Hein
- Empty workpackage defaults to "-" instead of "----"2014-03-03, by Thomas Arendsen Hein
- Left-justify user entry in zeiterfassung to three characters2014-03-03, by Thomas Arendsen Hein
- Update README for installing jinja22014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Now we require jinja2 for template rendering2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Add vim modeline to CHANGES file2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Update CHANGES2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Fix: Entry.duration got renamed to Entry.get_duration2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Fix loading entries of a project2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Add a improved template for a wochenbericht2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Allow to render only projects with entries in templates2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Change script to use getan.template2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Use the new getan.template module in script2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Add a template for generating the zeiterfassung data2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Add a template module to getan2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Add methods to return a workpackage [wp] from a Entry description2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Add method to calculate the total duration of a project2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Pass the Backend to the Project constructor2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Add lazy loading of Project Entries2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Allow to load one project and specific entries from the Backend2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Correctly escape sql query2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Fix textwidth <= 802014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Fix coding style for pep82014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Fix coding style for pep82014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Update version after release 1.12014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Added tag 1.1 for changeset 2c7f3bb7b6732014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Prepare version for a getan 1.1 release1.1 2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Add license header comment of file2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Add vim modeline to REAMDE file2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks
- Fix typos in README2014-03-03, by Björn Ricks