bjoern@283: #!/usr/bin/env python bjoern@283: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- bjoern@283: # bjoern@358: # (c) 2013, 2014 by Björn Ricks bjoern@283: # bjoern@283: # This is Free Software licensed under the terms of GPLv3 or later. bjoern@283: # For details see LICENSE coming with the source of 'getan'. bjoern@283: bjoern@373: import codecs bjoern@373: import locale bjoern@373: import sys bjoern@373: bjoern@283: from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta bjoern@283: from optparse import OptionParser bjoern@283: bjoern@358: from getan.template import render bjoern@283: bjoern@347: bjoern@283: def main(): bjoern@283: parser = OptionParser() bjoern@283: parser.add_option("-d", "--database", dest="database", bjoern@347: help="getan database", metavar="DATABASE") bjoern@283: parser.add_option("-t", "--template", dest="template", metavar="TEMPLATE", bjoern@347: help="name of getan template") bernhard@429: parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="user", bernhard@429: help="[REQUIRED] name of user") bjoern@283: parser.add_option("-p", "--project", dest="project", bjoern@347: help="key of output project") bjoern@283: parser.add_option("-w", "--week", type="int", dest="week", bjoern@347: help="week of year") bjoern@283: parser.add_option("-y", "--year", type="int", dest="year", help="year") bjoern@358: parser.add_option("-c", "--lastweek", dest="lastweek", bjoern@358: help="entries of last working week", bjoern@347: action="store_true") bjoern@360: parser.add_option("-m", "--empty", dest="empty", bjoern@360: help="show projects without an entries", bjoern@360: action="store_true") bjoern@373: parser.add_option("--encoding", dest="encoding", bjoern@373: help="encoding of output", metavar="ENCODING") bjoern@283: bjoern@283: (options, args) = parser.parse_args() bjoern@283: bjoern@358: if options.lastweek: bjoern@358: week = ( - timedelta(7)).isocalendar()[1] bjoern@358: year = int("%Y")) bjoern@283: else: bjoern@358: year = options.year bjoern@358: week = options.week bjoern@283: bjoern@283: template_name = options.template or "wochenbericht" bjoern@283: bjoern@373: if not options.encoding: bjoern@373: encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] bjoern@373: bjoern@373: Writer = codecs.getwriter(encoding) bjoern@373: sys.stdout = Writer(sys.stdout) bjoern@373: bjoern@390: if options.user: bjoern@390: user = options.user.decode(encoding) bernhard@429: else: bernhard@429: parser.error("You have to give the -u/--user parameter.") bjoern@390: bjoern@390: print render(database=options.database, user=user, bjoern@358: template=template_name, year=year, week=week, bjoern@360: project=options.project, empty_projects=options.empty) bjoern@283: bjoern@283: bjoern@283: if __name__ == '__main__': bjoern@283: main() bjoern@283: bjoern@283: # vim:set ts=4 sw=4 si et sta sts=4 :