bjoern@288: Installation bjoern@288: ============ teichmann@0: bjoern@288: Getan requires `urwid <>`_ in a version >= 1.0. Urwid is bjoern@288: a console user interface library written is python. bjoern@261: bjoern@288: Install urwid bjoern@288: ------------- ingo_weinzierl@23: bjoern@288: On Debian GNU/Linux >= Wheezy just run as root::: bjoern@288: bjoern@288: $ apt-get install python-urwid bjoern@288: bjoern@288: On other systems urwid may be installed via pip or directly put into the sources bjoern@288: of getan. bjoern@288: bjoern@288: Using pip bjoern@288: ^^^^^^^^^ bjoern@288: bjoern@288: To install urwid via pip run as root:: bjoern@288: bjoern@288: $ pip install urwid bjoern@288: bjoern@288: Or if you prefer using a virtualenv:: bjoern@288: bjoern@288: $ virtuelenv getan-env bjoern@288: $ source getan-env/bin/activate bjoern@288: (getan-env)$ pip install urwid bjoern@288: bjoern@288: Using urwid sources bjoern@288: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ bjoern@288: bjoern@288: Urwid can be put as source to the getan directory when getan is run directly bjoern@288: from the sources. Urwid source can be downloaded from `pypi bjoern@288: <>`_ or from the `urwid website bjoern@288: <>`_. bjoern@288: bjoern@288: For urwid 1.1.1 the direct download link from pypi is bjoern@288: `<>`_ (md5sum bjoern@288: should be 932d199de6fc847eab2c151512220665).:: bjoern@288: bjoern@288: $ cd getan-source bjoern@288: $ wget bjoern@288: $ md5sum urwid-1.1.1.tar.gz bjoern@288: $ tar xzvf urwid-1.1.1.tar.gz bjoern@291: $ ln -s urwid-1.1.1/urwid urwid bjoern@288: bjoern@288: Install getan bjoern@288: ------------- bjoern@288: bjoern@288: A installation of getan is not required. It can also be run directly from the bjoern@288: sources. To install getan system wide the following command must be run as root bjoern@288: user:: bjoern@288: bjoern@288: $ python install bjoern@288: bjoern@288: Starting getan bjoern@288: ============== bjoern@288: bjoern@288: Getan can be directly run from sources or after a system wide installation from bjoern@288: the bin dir (e.g. /usr/bin). bjoern@288: bjoern@288: Running from Sources bjoern@288: -------------------- bjoern@288: bjoern@288: To run getan from the sources run:: teichmann@0: ingo_weinzierl@23: $ ./ teichmann@0: bjoern@288: or:: teichmann@0: bjoern@288: $ ./ /path/to/mytime.db teichmann@0: bjoern@288: to choose a different sqlite3 database the the defautl time.db bjoern@288: bjoern@288: The classic version of 'getan' which is based on curses can be run with:: bjoern@288: ingo_weinzierl@23: $ classic/getan ingo_weinzierl@23: bjoern@288: or:: ingo_weinzierl@23: bjoern@288: $ classic/getan /path/to/mytime.db bjoern@288: bjoern@288: Running from installation bjoern@288: ------------------------- bjoern@288: bjoern@288: After installing getan it can be run with:: bjoern@288: bjoern@288: $ getan bjoern@288: bjoern@288: or:: bjoern@288: bjoern@288: $ getan /path/to/mytime.db bjoern@288: bjoern@288: The classic version of 'getan' is also available:: bjoern@288: bjoern@288: $ getan-classic bjoern@288: bjoern@288: or:: bjoern@288: bjoern@288: $ getan-classic /path/to/mytime.db