Mercurial > lada > lada-client
comparison app/view/form/Ortserstellung.js @ 1282:20a2466820ce
author | Raimund Renkert <> |
date | Wed, 18 Jan 2017 14:56:16 +0100 |
parents | 291df0037835 |
children | faecbb446a04 |
1281:8012e5212bd5 | 1282:20a2466820ce |
1 /* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz | |
2 * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH | |
3 * | |
4 * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3) | |
5 * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out | |
6 * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details. | |
7 */ | |
8 | |
9 /** | |
10 * Form to create a new Messpunkt | |
11 * TODO: layout, saving, model | |
12 */ | |
13 Ext.define('Lada.view.form.Ortserstellung', { | |
14 extend: 'Ext.form.Panel', | |
15 alias: 'widget.ortserstellungsform', | |
16 | |
17 model: 'Lada.model.Ortszuordnung',//TODO correct model needed | |
18 requires: [ | |
19 'Lada.view.widget.Verwaltungseinheit', | |
20 'Lada.view.widget.Staat' | |
21 ], | |
22 | |
23 width: 900, | |
24 height: 700, | |
25 bodyStyle: {background: '#fff'}, | |
26 layout: 'vbox', | |
27 scrollable: true, | |
28 margin: '5, 5, 0, 5', | |
29 border: 0, | |
30 floating: true, | |
31 closable: true, | |
32 | |
33 /** | |
34 * Preset values | |
35 */ | |
36 presets: null, | |
37 | |
38 initComponent: function() { | |
39 var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle; | |
40 var me = this; | |
41 this.items = [{ //TODO: layout and input types | |
42 title: 'Neuen Messpunkt anlegen', | |
43 dockedItems : [{ | |
44 xtype: 'toolbar', | |
45 dock: 'bottom', | |
46 border: '0, 1, 1, 1', | |
47 style: { | |
48 borderBottom: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important', | |
49 borderLeft: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important', | |
50 borderRight: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important' | |
51 }, | |
52 items: ['->', { | |
53 text: i18n.getMsg('save'), | |
54 disabled: true, | |
55 action: 'save', | |
56 handler: me.saveOrt | |
57 }, { | |
58 text: i18n.getMsg('close'), | |
59 action: 'close', | |
60 handler: function() { | |
61 me.close(); | |
62 } | |
63 }] | |
64 }], | |
65 items : [{ | |
66 xtype: 'netzbetreiber', | |
67 editable: false, | |
68 readOnly: true, | |
69 submitValue: true, | |
70 fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('netzbetreiberId'), | |
71 margin : '0, 5, 5, 5', | |
72 labelWidth: 80, | |
73 // value: XXX | |
74 // TODO: get netzbetreiber of current user | |
75 }, { | |
76 xtype: 'checkbox', | |
77 name: 'aktiv', | |
78 fieldLabel: 'aktiv:', | |
79 value: me.presets.aktiv? me.presets.aktiv:null | |
80 }, { | |
81 xtype: 'displayfield', | |
82 value: 'D', | |
83 labelWidth: 125, | |
84 maxLength: 1, | |
85 name: 'messpunktart', | |
86 fieldLabel: 'Art des Messpunktes:' | |
87 },{ | |
88 xtype: 'displayfield', | |
89 labelWidth: 125, | |
90 maxLength: 100, | |
91 name: 'OrtID', | |
92 fieldLabel: 'Ort/Messpunkt-ID:', | |
93 // TODO: needed? We can't set it, and it is not yet given | |
94 // for a new messpunkt | |
95 editable: false | |
96 }, { | |
97 xtype: 'staat', | |
98 labelWidth: 100, | |
99 fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('staat'), | |
100 name: 'staatId', | |
101 width: 160, | |
102 listeners: { | |
103 change: { | |
104 fn: function() { me.checkCommitEnabled() } | |
105 } | |
106 } | |
107 }, { | |
108 xtype: 'verwaltungseinheit', | |
109 labelWidth: 125, | |
110 fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('orte.gemeinde'), | |
111 name: 'gemeinde', | |
112 listeners: { | |
113 change: { | |
114 fn: function() { me.checkCommitEnabled() } | |
115 } | |
116 } | |
117 }, { | |
118 xtype: 'displayfield', | |
119 labelWidth: 125, | |
120 fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('orte.kda'), | |
121 name: 'kdaId', | |
122 listeners: { | |
123 change: { | |
124 fn: function() { me.checkCommitEnabled() } | |
125 } | |
126 } | |
127 }, { | |
128 xtype: 'displayfield', | |
129 labelWidth: 125, | |
130 fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('orte.koordx'), | |
131 name: 'koordXExtern', | |
132 listeners: { | |
133 change: { | |
134 fn: function() { me.checkCommitEnabled() } | |
135 } | |
136 } | |
137 }, { | |
138 xtype: 'displayfield', | |
139 labelWidth: 125, | |
140 fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('orte.koordy'), | |
141 name: 'koordYExtern', | |
142 listeners: { | |
143 change: { | |
144 fn: function() { me.checkCommitEnabled() } | |
145 } | |
146 } | |
147 }, { | |
148 xtype: 'displayfield', | |
149 labelWidth: 125, | |
150 fieldLabel: 'Höhe:', | |
151 name: 'hoehe', //TODO: hohe_ueber_NN? | |
152 }, { | |
153 xtype: 'displayfield', | |
154 labelWidth: 125, | |
155 maxLength: 100, | |
156 name: 'kurztext', | |
157 fieldLabel: 'Kurztext:' | |
158 },{ | |
159 xtype: 'displayfield', | |
160 labelWidth: 125, | |
161 fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('orte.langtext'), | |
162 name: 'langtext' | |
163 },{ | |
164 xtype: 'displayfield', | |
165 labelWidth: 125, | |
166 fieldLabel: 'Berichtstext:', | |
167 name: 'berichtstext' | |
168 }] | |
169 }]; | |
170 //TODO: | |
171 // 'Anlage:'? | |
172 // zone | |
173 // sektor | |
174 // zustaendigkeit | |
175 // Messregime (mpArt) | |
176 // 'Prog.-Punkt:', ? | |
177 // nutsCode | |
178 // Ortszusatz-ID (ozId) | |
179 me.callParent(arguments); | |
180 this.prefillForm(); | |
181 }, | |
182 | |
183 /** | |
184 * checks Messpunktart and if the Messpunkt can be committed. | |
185 * Disables the save button if false | |
186 */ | |
187 // TODO messpunktart is not yet finally defined | |
188 checkCommitEnabled: function() { | |
189 var savebutton = this.down('toolbar').down('button[action=save]'); | |
190 var form = this.getForm(); | |
191 if (this.checkCoordinates()) { | |
192 form.findField('messpunktart').setValue('D'); | |
193 savebutton.setDisabled(false); | |
194 } else if (form.findField('gemeinde').getValue()) { | |
195 form.findField('messpunktart').setValue('V'); | |
196 savebutton.setDisabled(false); | |
197 } else if (form.findField('staatId')) { | |
198 form.findField('messpunktart').setValue('S'); | |
199 savebutton.setDisabled(false); | |
200 } else { | |
201 form.findField('messpunktart').setValue('D'); | |
202 savebutton.setDisabled(true); | |
203 } | |
204 }, | |
205 | |
206 /** | |
207 * Validates the coordinate fields kdaId, koordXExtern, koordYExtern | |
208 */ | |
209 checkCoordinates: function() { | |
210 var x = this.getForm().findField('koordXExtern').getValue(); | |
211 var y = this.getForm().findField('koordYExtern').getValue(); | |
212 var kda = this.getForm().findField('kdaId').getValue(); | |
213 if (x && y && kda) { | |
214 if (kda === 4){ | |
215 if (x > -180 && x < 180 | |
216 && y > -90 && y < 90) { | |
217 return true; | |
218 } else { | |
219 // TODO: WGS84 (degrees- decimal), coordinates invalid | |
220 return false; | |
221 } | |
222 } else if (kda === 5){ | |
223 if (x >= 1000000 && x < 61000000 && | |
224 y > -10000000 && y < 10000000) { | |
225 return true; | |
226 } else { | |
227 // TODO: UTM, coordinates invalid | |
228 return false; | |
229 } | |
230 } else { | |
231 // TODO KDA not supported | |
232 return false; | |
233 } | |
234 } else { | |
235 // TODO: not all fields filled in | |
236 return false; | |
237 } | |
238 }, | |
239 | |
240 saveOrt: function(){ | |
241 // TODO not yet implemented | |
242 alert("save!"); | |
243 }, | |
244 | |
245 /** | |
246 * Fill the form with values passed by presets. | |
247 // TODO Find a shorter way of setting all these | |
248 */ | |
249 prefillForm: function() { | |
250 var form = this.getForm(); | |
251 if (this.presets.aktiv) { | |
252 form.findField('aktiv').setValue(this.presets.aktiv); | |
253 } | |
254 if (this.presets.staatId) { | |
255 // TODO: staatID != staatISO | |
256 form.findField('staatId').setValue(me.presets.staatId); | |
257 } | |
258 if (this.presets.gemeinde) { | |
259 // TODO: ortId != gemeinde | |
260 form.findField('gemeinde').setValue(this.presets.gemeinde); | |
261 } | |
262 if (this.presets.kdaId) { | |
263 form.findField('kdaId').setValue(this.presets.kdaId); | |
264 } | |
265 if (this.presets.koordXExtern) { | |
266 form.findField('koordXExtern').setValue(this.presets.koordXExtern); | |
267 } | |
268 if (this.presets.koordYExtern) { | |
269 form.findField('koordYExtern').setValue(this.presets.koordYExtern); | |
270 } | |
271 if (this.presets.hoehe) { | |
272 // TODO hohe_ueber_NN? | |
273 form.findField('hoehe').setValue(me.presets.hoehe); | |
274 } | |
275 if (this.presets.kurztext) { | |
276 form.findField('kurztext').setValue(this.presets.kurztext); | |
277 } | |
278 if (this.presets.langtext) { | |
279 form.findField('langtext').setValue(this.presets.langtext); | |
280 } | |
281 if (this.presets.berichtstext) { | |
282 form.findField('berichtstext').setValue(this.presets.berichtstext); | |
283 } | |
284 } | |
285 }); | |
286 |