comparison app/view/window/MessprogrammOrt.js @ 797:b8fd43021c29

Added a Window to alter Orte of a Messprogramm
author Dustin Demuth <>
date Wed, 20 May 2015 16:48:03 +0200
children 097d4edc2f00
equal deleted inserted replaced
796:7267bae1d43f 797:b8fd43021c29
1 /* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz
2 * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
3 *
4 * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3)
5 * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out
6 * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details.
7 */
9 /**
10 * Window to add a Ort to a Messprogramm
11 */
12 Ext.define('Lada.view.window.MessprogrammOrt', {
13 extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
14 alias: 'widget.messprogrammort',
16 requires: [
17 'Lada.model.Ort',
18 'Lada.view.panel.Map',
19 'Lada.view.widget.Location',
20 'Lada.view.form.Location'
21 ],
23 collapsible: true,
24 maximizable: true,
25 autoshow: true,
26 layout: 'border',
27 constrain: true,
29 parentWindow: null,
30 record: null,
32 initComponent: function() {
33 var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle;
35 this.title = i18n.getMsg('messprogrammort.window.title');
36 this.buttons = [{
37 text: i18n.getMsg('apply'),
38 scope: this,
39 handler: this.apply
40 }, {
41 text: i18n.getMsg('cancel'),
42 scope: this,
43 handler: function() {
44 this.close()
45 this.parentWindow.down('messprogrammform')
46 .ortWindow = null;
47 }
48 }];
49 this.width = 900;
50 this.height = 515;
51 this.bodyStyle = {background: '#fff'};
53 // add listeners to change the window appearence when it becomes inactive
54 this.on({
55 activate: function(){
56 this.getEl().removeCls('window-inactive');
57 },
58 deactivate: function(){
59 this.getEl().addCls('window-inactive');
60 }
61 });
63 this.items = [{
64 region: 'west',
65 border: 0,
66 layout: 'vbox',
67 items: [{
68 xtype: 'fieldset',
69 title: i18n.getMsg('ortId'),
70 margin: 5,
71 items: [{
72 border: 0,
73 margin: '0, 0, 10, 0',
74 items: [{
75 xtype: 'location',
76 fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('ortId'),
77 labelWidth: 80,
78 width: 280,
79 forceSelection: true,
80 name: 'ortId',
81 listeners: {//Update MapPanel etc...
82 select: this.updateDetails
83 }
84 }]
85 }]
86 }, {
87 xtype: 'locationform',
88 margin: 5,
89 recordId: this.record.get('ortId')
90 }]
91 }, {
92 xtype: 'fset',
93 bodyStyle: {
94 background: '#fff'
95 },
96 layout: 'border',
97 name: 'mapfield',
98 title: 'Karte',
99 region: 'center',
100 padding: '5, 5',
101 margin: 5,
102 items: [{
103 xtype: 'map',
104 region: 'center',
105 layout: 'border',
106 record: this.record.get('ortId') ? this.record : null,
107 bodyStyle: {
108 background: '#fff'
109 },
110 name: 'map',
111 listeners: { //A listener which listens to the mappanels featureselected event
112 featureselected: this.selectedFeature
113 }
114 }]
115 }];
116 this.callParent(arguments);
117 },
119 initData: function() {
120 //Only do this if an OrtId exists...
121 var ortId = this.record.get('ortId');
123 if (ortId) {
124 Ext.ClassManager.get('Lada.model.Ort').load(ortId, {
125 failure: function(record, action) {
126 // TODO
127 },
128 success: function(record, response) {
129 var me = this;
130 if (record.get('treeModified') < record.get('parentModified')) {
132 title: 'Messprogramm nicht aktuell!',
133 msg: 'Das zugehörige Messprogramm wurde verändert.\nMöchten Sie zu dem Messprogramm zurückkehren und neu laden?\nOhne das erneute Laden des Messprogrammes wird das Speichern des Ortes nicht möglich sein.',
134 buttons: Ext.Msg.OKCANCEL,
135 icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING,
136 closable: false,
137 fn: function(button) {
138 if (button === 'ok') {
139 me.close();
140 me.parentWindow.initData();
141 me.parentWindow.down('messprogrammform')
142 .ortWindow = null;
143 }
144 else {
145 me.record.set('treeModified', me.probe.get('treeModified'));
146 }
147 }
148 });
149 }
150 this.record = record;
151 },
152 scope: this
153 });
154 }
155 },
157 /**
158 * @private
159 * Override to display and update the map view in the panel.
160 */
161 afterRender: function(){
162 this.superclass.afterRender.apply(this, arguments);
163 var map = this.down('map');
164 if (this.record.get('ortId')) {
165 map.selectFeature(this.record.get('ortId'));
166 }
167 else {
169 }
170 },
172 /**
173 * This function is used by the MapPanel, when a Feature was selected
174 */
175 selectedFeature: function(context, args) {
176 var feature = args[0];
177 if ( &&
178 !== '') {
179 var record ='locations').getById(;
180 context.up('window').down('locationform').setRecord(record);
181 context.up('window').down('locationform').setReadOnly(true);
182 context.up('window').down('location').down('combobox').setValue(;
183 }
184 else {
185 context.up('window').down('locationform').setRecord(this.locationRecord);
186 context.up('window').down('locationform').setReadOnly(false);
187 }
188 },
190 /**
191 * updateDetails is used when a value is selected within the location combobox
192 * When this function is called, the map element within the window
193 * which is embedding this form is updated.
194 *
195 * Mostly the same as in Lada.controlle.form.Ort
196 */
197 updateDetails: function(combobox, record) {
198 var win = combobox.up('window');
199 var details = win.down('locationform');
200 //var id = record[0].get('id'); // We are interested in the cbox...
201 var id = combobox.getValue();
203 if (details) {
204 var toLoad ='locations').getById(id);
205 win.down('locationform').setRecord(toLoad);
206 win.down('map').selectFeature(id);
207 }
208 },
210 /**
211 * Write the selected ortId into the record, and update the MessprogrammWindow.
212 */
213 apply: function(button) {
214 var win = button.up('window');
215 var ortId = win.down('location').down('combobox').value;
216 if (this.parentWindow) {
217 this.parentWindow.down('messprogrammform').down('location')
218 .down('combobox').setValue(ortId);
219 }
221 this.parentWindow.down('messprogrammform')
222 .ortWindow = null;
223 this.close();
224 },
225 setMessages: function(errors, warnings) {
226 //todo this is a stub
227 },
229 clearMessages: function() {
230 //todo this is a stub
231 }
232 });