view app/view/form/Ortszuordnung.js @ 1293:16a80ca16732

map feature visibility, selection and grid layout messpunkt layer is now visible per default when in editing mode on selection in map, the form is updated ortszuordnung buttons should not render over grid anymore
author Maximilian Krambach <>
date Wed, 01 Feb 2017 19:38:06 +0100
parents e9f812528324
children 171eacf989d8
line wrap: on
line source
/* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz
 * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
 * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3)
 * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out
 * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details.

 * Form to edit the Ortszuordnung of a Probe
Ext.define('Lada.view.form.Ortszuordnung', {
    extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
    alias: 'widget.ortszuordnungform',

    requires: [

    layout: 'fit',
    margin: '5, 5, 0, 5',
    border: 0,

     * @cfg: the type of the record to be passed. Should be either 'probe' or 'mpr'.
     * Variable naming of these differ slightly (see function initComponent and the
     * two* )
    type: null,

    record: null,

    trackResetOnLoad: true,

    initComponent: function() {
        var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle;
        var me = this;
        if (this.type == 'probe') {
            this.ortIdName = 'ortId';
            this.typName = 'ortszuordnungTyp';
        } else if (this.type == 'mpr') {
            this.ortIdName = 'ort';
            this.typName = 'ortsTyp';
        this.items = [{
            xtype: 'fieldset',
            title: i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.form.fset.title'),
            layout: 'fit',
            items: [{
                layout: 'hbox',
                border: 0,
                margin: '0, 0, 10, 0',
                dockedItems: [{
                    xtype: 'toolbar',
                    dock: 'bottom',
                    border: '0, 1, 1, 1',
                    style: {
                        borderBottom: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important',
                        borderLeft: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important',
                        borderRight: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important'
                    items: [{
                        text: i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.form.setOrt'),
                        tooltip: i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.form.setOrt.qtip'),
                        icon: 'resources/img/dialog-ok-apply.png',
                        action: 'setOrt',
                        enableToggle: true,
                        disabled: true
                    }, '->', {
                        text: i18n.getMsg('save'),
                        tooltip: i18n.getMsg('save.qtip'),
                        icon: 'resources/img/dialog-ok-apply.png',
                        action: 'save',
                        disabled: true
                items: [{
                    layout: 'vbox',
                    autoscroll: true,
                    border: 0,
                    items: [{
                        layout: 'vbox',
                        border: 0,
                        margin: '0, 20, 0, 0',
                        items: [{
                            xtype: 'tfield',
                            labelWidth: 125,
                            maxLength: 100,
                            name: 'ortszusatztext',
                            fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.form.field.ortszusatztext')
                        }, {
                            xtype: 'cbox',
                            labelWidth: 125,
                            maxLength: 1,
                            allowBlank: false,
                            editable: true,
                            name: this.typName,
                            disableKeyFilter: true,
                            fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.form.field.ortszuordnungtyp'),
                            store: Ext.create('', {
                                fields: ['value', 'label'],
                                //TODO: Meaning of the letters should be added
                                data : [
                                    {'value':'U', 'label':'U'},
                                    {'value':'E', 'label':'E'},
                                    {'value':'Z', 'label':'Z'},
                                    {'value':'A', 'label':'A'}
                            displayField: 'label',
                            valueField: 'value',
                            emptyText: 'Bitte geben Sie einen Ortszuordnungstyp ein',
                            queryMode: 'local'
                        }, {
                            // this field is hidden because the user doesn't
                            // need to know the internal ortID
                            xtype: 'textfield',
                            // fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('orte.ortid'),
                            allowBlank: false,
                            regex: /^[0-9]{1,45}$/,
                            submitValue: true,
                            hidden: true,
                            name: this.ortIdName,
                            listeners: {
                                change: me.changed

    setRecord: function(record) {
        if (!record.get('readonly')) {
        else {

     * setOrt can be called from a CallbackFunction, ie select from a grid.
     * it will set the ortId of this record
    setOrt: function(row, selRecord, index, opts) {
        var newOrtId = selRecord.get('id');
        if (newOrtId) {
            if (this.type == 'probe') {
                this.getForm().setValues({ortId: newOrtId});
            } else {
                this.getForm().setValues({ort: newOrtId});

    setOrtInfo: function(ortrecord) {
        var verwStore = Ext.StoreManager.get('verwaltungseinheiten');
        var verw = verwStore.getById(ortrecord.get('gemId'));
        var staatStore = Ext.StoreManager.get('staaten');
        var staat = staatStore.getById(ortrecord.get('staatId'));
        var ortinfo = this.down('ortinfo');
            gemeinde: verw.get('bezeichnung'),
            staat: staat.get('staatIso'),
            lon: ortrecord.get('longitude'),
            lat: ortrecord.get('latitude')

    setMessages: function(errors, warnings) {
        var key;
        var element;
        var content;
        var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle;
        if (warnings) {
            for (key in warnings) {
                element = this.down('component[name=' + key + ']');
                if (!element) {
                content = warnings[key];
                var warnText = '';
                for (var i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
                    warnText += i18n.getMsg(content[i].toString()) + '\n';
        if (errors) {
            for (key in errors) {
                element = this.down('component[name=' + key + ']');
                if (!element) {
                content = errors[key];
                var errorText = '';
                for (var i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
                    errorText += i18n.getMsg(content[i].toString()) + '\n';

    clearMessages: function() {

    setReadOnly: function(value) {
        var fieldId = 'textfield[name=' + this.typName +']';

     * Helper to trigger the forms' validity check
    changed: function(newValue, oldValue) {
        var controller =
        var form = this.up('form').getForm();
        var fields = form.getFields().items;
        controller.validityChange(form, form.isValid());