view app/view/window/Ortszuordnung.js @ 1293:16a80ca16732

map feature visibility, selection and grid layout messpunkt layer is now visible per default when in editing mode on selection in map, the form is updated ortszuordnung buttons should not render over grid anymore
author Maximilian Krambach <>
date Wed, 01 Feb 2017 19:38:06 +0100
parents 317ae6bfd647
children c1b7db04b39c
line wrap: on
line source
/* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz
 * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
 * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3)
 * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out
 * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details.

 * Window to create/edit the Ort/Probe or Ort/Messprogramm Relation

Ext.define('Lada.view.window.Ortszuordnung', {
    extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
    alias: 'widget.ortszuordnungwindow',

    requires: [

    collapsible: true,
    maximizable: true,
    autoshow: true,
    layout: 'fit',
    constrain: true,

    probe: null,
    messprogramm: null,

    parentWindow: null,
    record: null,
    grid: null,

     * This function initialises the Window
    initComponent: function() {
        var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle;
        this.title = i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.window.title');
        var recordtype;
        if (this.probe) {
            if (this.record) {
                // A probe record will be edited
                this.title = i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.window.title')
                            + ' '
                            + i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.window.title2')
                            + ' '
                            + i18n.getMsg('probe')
                            + ' '
                            + this.probe.get('hauptprobenNr')
                            + ' '
                            + i18n.getMsg('edit');
            } else  {
                // A new probe record will be created
                this.title = i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.window.title')
                            + ' '
                            + i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.window.title2')
                            + ' '
                            + i18n.getMsg('probe')
                            + ' '
                            + this.probe.get('hauptprobenNr')
                            + ' '
                            + i18n.getMsg('create');
        } else if (this.messprogramm) {
            if (this.record) {
                // A messprogramm record will be edited
                this.title = i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.window.title')
                            + ' '
                            + i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.window.title2')
                            + ' '
                            + i18n.getMsg('messprogramm')
                            + ' '
                            + i18n.getMsg('edit');
            } else  {
                // A new messprogramm record will be created
                this.title = i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.window.title')
                            + ' '
                            + i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.window.title2')
                            + ' '
                            + i18n.getMsg('messprogramm')
                            + ' '
                            + i18n.getMsg('create');

        this.buttons = [{
            text: i18n.getMsg('close'),
            scope: this,
            handler: this.close
        this.width = 900;
        this.height = 465;
        this.bodyStyle = {background: '#fff'};

        // add listeners to change the window appearence when it becomes inactive
            activate: function(){
            deactivate: function(){

        this.items = [{
            layout: 'border',
            bodyStyle: {background: '#fff'},
            border: 0,
            items: [{
                xtype: 'map',
                region: 'center',
                layout: 'border',
                margin: '13, 5, 10, 5',
                minHeight: 380,
                externalOrteStore: true
            }, {
                xtype: 'ortszuordnungform',
                region: 'east',
                minHeight: 380,
                type: this.probe? 'probe': 'mpr'
            }, {
                region: 'south',
                border: 0,
                layout: 'fit',
                name: 'ortgrid',
                hidden: true,
                maxHeight: 240,
                items: [{
                    xtype: 'ortstammdatengrid'
                dockedItems: [{
                    xtype: 'toolbar',
                    dock: 'bottom',
                    border: '0, 1, 1, 1',
                    style: {
                        borderBottom: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important',
                        borderLeft: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important',
                        borderRight: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important'
                    items: [{
                        xtype: 'textfield',
                        name: 'search',
                        labelWidth: 50,
                        enableKeyEvents: true,
                        fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('ortszuordnung.ortsuche'),
                    }, '->', {
                        text: i18n.getMsg(''),
                        action: 'createort'
                    }, {
                        text: i18n.getMsg('orte.frommap'),
                        action: 'frommap'
                    }, {
                        text: i18n.getMsg('orte.clone'),
                        action: 'clone',
                        disabled : true

     * Initialise the Data of this Window
    initData: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (!this.record) {
            if (this.probe) {
                this.record = Ext.create('Lada.model.Ortszuordnung');
                this.record.set('probeId', this.probe.get('id'));
            } else {
                this.record = Ext.create('Lada.model.OrtszuordnungMp');
                this.record.set('messprogrammId', this.messprogramm.get('id'));
            if (!this.record.get('letzteAenderung')) {
       = new Date();
        var map = this.down('map');
        var osg = this.down('ortstammdatengrid');
        this.ortstore = Ext.create('', {
            defaultPageSize: 0,
            autoLoad: false,
            listeners: {
                beforeload: {
                    fn: function() {
                load: {
                    fn: function() {
                        map.selectedFeatureLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(
                            'gewählter Messpunkt', {
                                styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
                                    externalGraphic: 'resources/lib/OpenLayers/img/marker-blue.png',
                                    pointRadius: 12,
                                    label: '${bez}',
                                    labelAlign: 'rt',
                                    fontColor: 'blue',
                                    fontWeight: 'bold',
                                displayInLayerSwitcher: false,
                                projection: new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:3857')
                        var ortId = me.messprogramm? me.record.get('ort') : me.record.get('ortId');
                        if (ortId){
                            var feat = map.featureLayer.getFeaturesByAttribute('id', ortId);
                            var ortrecord = this.findRecord('id', ortId);
                            osg.selectOrt(map, feat);
                            map.selectFeature(this.model, ortrecord);
        map.addListener('featureselected', osg.selectOrt, osg);
        osg.addListener('select', map.selectFeature, map);
        osg.addListener('select', me.activateCloneButton, me);

     * @private
     * Override to display and update the map view in the panel.
    afterRender: function(){
        this.superclass.afterRender.apply(this, arguments);
        var map = this.down('map'); OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());

     * Instructs the fields / forms listed in this method to set a message.
     * @param errors These Errors shall be shown
     * @param warnings These Warning shall be shown
    setMessages: function(errors, warnings) {
        //todo this is a stub

     * Instructs the fields / forms listed in this method to clear their messages.
    clearMessages: function() {
        //todo this is a stub

    activateCloneButton: function() {
        var toolbar = this.down('panel[name=ortgrid]').getDockedItems()[0];