Mercurial > lada > lada-client
view app/view/window/SetStatus.js @ 1293:16a80ca16732
map feature visibility, selection and grid layout
messpunkt layer is now visible per default when in editing mode
on selection in map, the form is updated
ortszuordnung buttons should not render over grid anymore
author | Maximilian Krambach <> |
date | Wed, 01 Feb 2017 19:38:06 +0100 |
parents | 38599f18c863 |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
/* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH * * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3) * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details. */ /** * This is a simple Window to set the Status for multiple Messungen on bulk. */ Ext.define('Lada.view.window.SetStatus', { extend: 'Ext.window.Window', alias: 'setstatuswindow', requires: [ 'Lada.view.widget.Status' ], grid: null, selection: null, modal: true, closable: false, resultMessage: '', /** * This function initialises the Window */ initComponent: function() { var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle; var me = this; var statusWerteStore = Ext.create(''); statusWerteStore.load({ params: { messungsId: Ext.Array.pluck(this.selection, 'id').toString() } }); this.items = [{ xtype: 'form', name: 'valueselection', border: 0, items: [{ xtype: 'fieldset', title: 'Status für ' + this.selection.length + ' Messung(en) setzen', margin: '5, 5, 10, 5', items: [{ xtype: 'combobox', store:'messstellenFiltered'), displayField: 'messStelle', valueField: 'id', allowBlank: false, queryMode: 'local', editable: false, width: 300, labelWidth: 100, emptyText: 'Wählen Sie einen Erzeuger aus.', fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('statusgrid.header.erzeuger') }, { xtype: 'statuswert', store: statusWerteStore, allowBlank: false, width: 300, labelWidth: 100, fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('statusgrid.header.statusWert') }, { xtype: 'combobox', name: 'statusstufe', store:'statusstufe'), displayField: 'stufe', valueField: 'id', allowBlank: false, editable: false, forceSelection: true, width: 300, labelWidth: 100, fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('statusgrid.header.statusStufe') }, { xtype: 'textarea', width: 300, height: 100, labelWidth: 100, fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('statusgrid.header.text'), emptyText: 'Geben Sie einen Kommentar ein.' }] }], buttons: [{ text: i18n.getMsg('statusSetzen'), name: 'start', icon: 'resources/img/mail-mark-notjunk.png', formBind: true, disabled: true, handler: this.setStatus }, { text: i18n.getMsg('cancel'), name: 'abort', handler: this.closeWindow }] }, { xtype: 'panel', hidden: true, margin: '5, 5, 5, 5', overflow: 'auto', name: 'result' }, { xtype: 'progressbar', margin: '5, 5, 5, 5', hidden: true, text: 'Verarbeite Statusänderungen' }]; this.buttons = [{ text: i18n.getMsg('close'), name: 'close', hidden: true, handler: this.closeWindow }]; this.callParent(arguments); // Initially validate to indicate mandatory fields clearly. this.down('form').isValid(); }, /** * @private * A handler for a Abort-Button */ closeWindow: function(button) { var win = button.up('window'); win.close(); }, /** * @private * A handler to setStatus on Bulk. */ setStatus: function(button) { var win = button.up('window'); win.down('panel').disable(); win.down('button[name=start]').disable(); win.down('button[name=abort]').disable(); var progress = win.down('progressbar');; win.send(); }, send: function() { var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle; var me = this; var progress = me.down('progressbar'); var progressText = progress.getText(); var count = 0; var wert = me.down('statuswert').getValue(); var stufe = me.down('[name=statusstufe]').getValue(); var kombis ='statuskombi'); var kombiIdx = kombis.findBy(function(record) { return record.get('statusStufe').id === stufe && record.get('statusWert').id === wert; }); if (kombiIdx < 0) { Ext.Msg.alert(i18n.getMsg('err.msg.generic.title'), 'Unerlaubte Kombination aus Status und Stufe'); me.down('button[name=close]').show(); return; } for (var i = 0; i < this.selection.length; i++) { var data = Ext.create('Lada.model.Status', { messungsId: this.selection[i].get('id'), mstId: this.down('combobox').getValue(), datum: new Date(), statusKombi: kombis.getAt(kombiIdx).get('id'), text: this.down('textarea').getValue() }); Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'lada-server/rest/status', method: 'POST', jsonData: data.raw, success: function(response) { var json = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText); me.resultMessage += '<strong>' + i18n.getMsg('messung') + ': '; var sel = me.selection[count]; me.resultMessage += sel.get('hauptprobenNr') + ' - ' + sel.get('nebenprobenNr') + '</strong><br><dd>'; me.resultMessage += i18n.getMsg('status-' + json.message) + '</dd><br>'; count++; progress.updateProgress(count / me.selection.length, progressText + ' (' + count + ')'); if (count === me.selection.length) { var result = me.down('panel[name=result]'); var values = me.down('panel[name=valueselection]'); me.down('button[name=start]').hide(); me.down('button[name=abort]').hide(); me.down('button[name=close]').show(); result.setSize(values.getWidth(), values.getHeight()); result.getEl().setHTML(me.resultMessage);; values.hide(); } }, failure: function(response) { console.log(response); count++; progress.updateProgress(count / me.selection.length); if (count === me.selection.length) { me.close(); } } }); } } });