view app/view/search/List.js @ 280:1afccc0cab90

Issue55: Added ignoreFields parameter to the setReadonly function to be able to ignore some fields when setting the form into read only state.
author Torsten Irländer <>
date Thu, 08 Aug 2013 11:11:55 +0200
parents c2effc4a497b
children d5a2f7af695a
line wrap: on
line source
Ext.define('' ,{
    extend: 'Ext.form.FieldSet',
    title: 'SQL-Auswahl',
    alias: 'widget.queryselector',
    initComponent: function() {
        this.layout = 'column',
        this.items = [
                id: 'search',
                xtype: 'combobox',
                editable: false,
                store: 'Queries',
                emptyText:'Wählen Sie eine Abfrage'
                xtype: 'panel',
                maxWidth: '500',
                border: false,
                margin: '0 10',
                items: [
                        id: 'sqldesc',
                        xtype: 'displayfield',
                        fieldLabel: 'Beschreibung',
                        value: '-/-'
                        id: 'sqlquery',
                        xtype: 'displayfield',
                        fieldLabel: 'Abfrage',
                        value: '-/-'