Mercurial > lada > lada-client
view app/view/window/MessungEdit.js @ 826:2362f8ab1e9f
disable remove button after a item is deleted from grid
author | Dustin Demuth <> |
date | Fri, 29 May 2015 15:26:52 +0200 |
parents | fab0b7be5aca |
children | 613ad3263e59 |
line wrap: on
line source
/* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH * * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3) * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details. */ /* * Window to edit a Messung */ Ext.define('Lada.view.window.MessungEdit', { extend: 'Ext.window.Window', alias: 'widget.messungedit', requires: [ 'Lada.view.form.Messung', 'Lada.view.grid.Messwert', 'Lada.view.grid.Status', 'Lada.view.grid.MKommentar' ], collapsible: true, maximizable: true, autoshow: true, autoscroll: true, layout: 'fit', constrain: true, probe: null, parentWindow: null, record: null, grid: null, initComponent: function() { if (this.record === null) { Ext.Msg.alert('Keine valide Messung ausgewählt!'); this.callParent(arguments); return; } if (this.probe === null) { Ext.Msg.alert('Zu der Messung existiert keine Probe!'); this.callParent(arguments); return; } this.title = 'Messung ' + this.record.get('nebenprobenNr'); this.buttons = [{ text: 'Schließen', scope: this, handler: this.close }]; // add listeners to change the window appearence when it becomes inactive this.on({ activate: function(){ this.getEl().removeCls('window-inactive'); }, deactivate: function(){ this.getEl().addCls('window-inactive'); } }); this.width = 700; this.height = Ext.getBody().getViewSize().height - 30; this.items = [{ border: 0, autoScroll: true, items: [{ xtype: 'messungform', margin: 5, recordId: this.record.get('id') }, { xtype: 'fset', name: 'messwerte', title: 'Messwerte', padding: '5, 5', margin: 5, items: [{ xtype: 'messwertgrid', recordId: this.record.get('id') }] }, { xtype: 'fset', name: 'messungstatus', title: 'Status', padding: '5, 5', margin: 5, items: [{ xtype: 'statusgrid', recordId: this.record.get('id') }] }, { xtype: 'fset', name: 'messungskommentare', title: 'Kommentare', padding: '5, 5', margin: 5, items: [{ xtype: 'mkommentargrid', recordId: this.record.get('id') }] }] }]; this.callParent(arguments); }, initData: function() { this.clearMessages(); var that = this; Ext.ClassManager.get('Lada.model.Messung').load(this.record.get('id'), { failure: function(record, response) { // TODO console.log('An unhandled Failure occured. See following Response and Record'); console.log(response); console.log(record); }, success: function(record, response) { var me = this; if (this.probe.get('treeModified') < record.get('parentModified')) {{ title: 'Probe nicht aktuell!', msg: 'Die zugehörige Probe wurde verändert.\n' + 'Möchten Sie zu der Probe zurückkehren und neu laden?\n' + 'Ohne das erneute Laden der Probe wird das Speichern' + ' der Messung nicht möglich sein.', buttons: Ext.Msg.OKCANCEL, icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING, closable: false, fn: function(button) { if (button === 'ok') { me.close(); me.parentWindow.initData(); } else { me.record.set('treeModified', me.probe.get('treeModified')); that.disableForm(); } } }); } this.down('messungform').setRecord(record); this.record = record; var json = Ext.decode(response.response.responseText); if (json) { this.setMessages(json.errors, json.warnings); } if (this.record.get('readonly') === true) { this.disableForm(); } else { this.enableForm(); } }, scope: this }); }, disableForm: function() { this.down('messungform').setReadOnly(true); this.disableChildren(); }, enableForm: function() { this.down('messungform').setReadOnly(false); this.enableChildren(); }, disableChildren: function() { this.down('fset[name=messwerte]').down('messwertgrid').setReadOnly(true); this.down('fset[name=messwerte]').down('messwertgrid').readOnly = true; this.down('fset[name=messungstatus]').down('statusgrid').setReadOnly(true); this.down('fset[name=messungstatus]').down('statusgrid').readOnly = true; this.down('fset[name=messungskommentare]').down('mkommentargrid').setReadOnly(true); this.down('fset[name=messungskommentare]').down('mkommentargrid').readOnly = true; }, enableChildren: function() { this.down('fset[name=messwerte]').down('messwertgrid').setReadOnly(false); this.down('fset[name=messwerte]').down('messwertgrid').readOnly = false; this.down('fset[name=messungstatus]').down('statusgrid').setReadOnly(false); this.down('fset[name=messungstatus]').down('statusgrid').readOnly = false; this.down('fset[name=messungskommentare]').down('mkommentargrid').setReadOnly(false); this.down('fset[name=messungskommentare]').down('mkommentargrid').readOnly = false; }, setMessages: function(errors, warnings) { this.down('messungform').setMessages(errors, warnings); }, clearMessages: function() { this.down('messungform').clearMessages(); } });