Mercurial > lada > lada-client
view app/controller/grid/ProbeList.js @ 1100:250e51e72155
author | Raimund Renkert <> |
date | Tue, 10 May 2016 16:02:31 +0200 |
parents | dbd435256f77 |
children | a73726bba79c |
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/* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH * * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3) * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details. */ /** * Controller for the ProbeList result grid. */ Ext.define('Lada.controller.grid.ProbeList', { extend: '', requires: [ 'Lada.view.window.ProbeEdit', 'Lada.view.window.GenProbenFromMessprogramm' ], /** * Initialize the Controller with listeners */ init: function() { this.control({ 'probelistgrid': { itemdblclick: this.editItem, select: this.activateButtons, deselect: this.deactivateButtons }, 'probelistgrid toolbar button[action=addProbe]': { click: this.addProbeItem }, 'probelistgrid toolbar button[action=import]': { click: this.uploadFile }, 'probelistgrid toolbar button[action=export]': { click: this.downloadFile }, 'probelistgrid toolbar button[action=print]': { click: this.printSelection } }); this.callParent(arguments); }, /** * This function is called after a Row in the * {@link Lada.view.grid.ProbeList} * was double-clicked. * The function opens a {@link Lada.view.window.ProbeEdit} * or a {@link Lada.view.window.Messprogramm}. * To determine which window has to be opened, the function * analyse the records modelname. */ editItem: function(grid, record) { var winname = 'Lada.view.window.ProbeEdit'; var win = Ext.create(winname, { record: record, style: 'z-index: -1;' //Fixes an Issue where windows could not be created in IE8 });; win.initData(); }, /** * This function opens a new window to create a Probe * {@link Lada.view.window.ProbeCreate} */ addProbeItem: function() { var win = Ext.create('Lada.view.window.ProbeCreate');; win.initData(); }, /** * This function opens a {@link Lada.view.window.FileUpload} * window to upload a LAF-File */ uploadFile: function() { var win = Ext.create('Lada.view.window.FileUpload', { title: 'Datenimport', modal: true });; }, /** * This function can be used to Download the items which * were selected in the {@link Lada.view.grid.ProbeList} * The Download does not work with Internet Explorers older than v.10 */ downloadFile: function(button) { var grid = button.up('grid'); var selection = grid.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection(); var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle; var proben = []; for (var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) { proben.push(selection[i].get('id')); } var me = this; Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'lada-server/data/export/laf', jsonData: {'proben': proben}, success: function(response) { var content = response.responseText; var blob = new Blob([content],{type: 'text/plain'}); saveAs(blob, 'export.laf'); }, failure: function(response) { /* SSO will send a 302 if the Client is not authenticated unfortunately this seems to be filtered by the browser. We assume that a 302 was send when the follwing statement is true. */ if (response.status == 0 && response.responseText === "") { Ext.MessageBox.confirm('Erneutes Login erforderlich', 'Ihre Session ist abgelaufen.<br/>'+ 'Für ein erneutes Login muss die Anwendung neu geladen werden.<br/>' + 'Alle ungesicherten Daten gehen dabei verloren.<br/>' + 'Soll die Anwendung jetzt neu geladen werden?', this.reload); } // further error handling var json = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText); if (json) { if(json.errors.totalCount > 0 || json.warnings.totalCount > 0){ formPanel.setMessages(json.errors, json.warnings); } if(json.message){ Ext.Msg.alert(Lada.getApplication().bundle.getMsg('err.msg.generic.title') +' #'+json.message, Lada.getApplication().bundle.getMsg(json.message)); } else { Ext.Msg.alert(i18n.getMsg('err.msg.generic.title'), i18n.getMsg('err.msg.laf.filecreatefailed')); } } else { Ext.Msg.alert(i18n.getMsg('err.msg.generic.title'), i18n.getMsg('err.msg.laf.filecreatefailed')); } } }); }, /** * Send the selection to a Printservice */ printSelection: function(button) { //disable Button and setLoading... button.disable(); button.setLoading(true); var grid = button.up('grid'); var selection = grid.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection(); var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle; var me = this; var columns = []; var columnNames = []; var visibleColumns = []; var displayName = ''; var data = []; // Write the columns to an array try { for (key in selection[0].data) { // Do not write owner or readonly or id if (["owner", "readonly", "id", "probeId"].indexOf(key) == -1){ columns.push(key); } } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } //Retrieve visible columns' id's and names. // and set displayName try { var grid = button.up('grid'); var cman = grid.columnManager; var cols = cman.getColumns(); displayName = grid.down('tbtext').text; for (key in cols) { if (cols[key].dataIndex) { visibleColumns[cols[key].dataIndex] = cols[key].text; } } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } // Retrieve Data from selection try { for (item in selection) { var row = selection[item].data; var out = []; //Lookup every column and write to data array. for (key in columns){ var attr = columns[key]; //Only write data to output when the column is not hidden. if (row[attr] != null && visibleColumns[attr] != null) { out.push(row[attr].toString()); } else if (visibleColumns[attr] != null) { out.push(''); } } data.push(out); } } catch (e){ console.log(e); } //Retrieve the names of the columns. try { var grid = button.up('grid'); var cman = grid.columnManager; var cols = cman.getColumns(); //Iterate columns and find column names for the key... // This WILL run into bad behaviour when column-keys exist twice. for (key in columns){ for (k in cols){ if (cols[k].dataIndex == columns[key]){ columnNames.push(cols[k].text); break; } } } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } var printData = { 'layout': 'A4 landscape', 'outputFormat': 'pdf', 'attributes': { 'title': 'Auszug aus LADA', 'displayName': displayName, 'table': { 'columns': columnNames, 'data': data } } } Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'lada-printer/buildreport.pdf', //configure a proxy in apache conf! jsonData: printData, binary: true, success: function(response) { var content = response.responseBytes; var filetype = response.getResponseHeader('Content-Type'); var blob = new Blob([content],{type: filetype}); saveAs(blob, 'lada-print.pdf'); button.enable(); button.setLoading(false); }, failure: function(response) { console.log('failure'); // Error handling // TODO //console.log(response.responseText) button.enable(); button.setLoading(false); if (response.responseText) { try { var json = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText); } catch(e){ console.log(e); } } if (json) { if(json.errors.totalCount > 0 || json.warnings.totalCount > 0){ formPanel.setMessages(json.errors, json.warnings); } if(json.message){ Ext.Msg.alert(Lada.getApplication().bundle.getMsg('err.msg.generic.title') +' #'+json.message, Lada.getApplication().bundle.getMsg(json.message)); } else { Ext.Msg.alert(i18n.getMsg('err.msg.generic.title'), i18n.getMsg('err.msg.print.noContact')); } } else { Ext.Msg.alert(i18n.getMsg('err.msg.generic.title'), i18n.getMsg('err.msg.print.noContact')); } } }); }, /** * Toggles the buttons in the toolbar **/ activateButtons: function(rowModel, record) { var grid = rowModel.view.up('grid'); this.buttonToggle(true, grid); }, /** * Toggles the buttons in the toolbar **/ deactivateButtons: function(rowModel, record) { var grid = rowModel.view.up('grid'); // Only disable buttons when nothing is selected if (rowModel.selected.items == 0) { this.buttonToggle(false, grid); } }, /** * Enables/Disables a set of buttons **/ buttonToggle: function(enabled, grid) { if (!enabled) { grid.down('button[action=export]').disable(); grid.down('button[action=print]').disable(); } else { grid.down('button[action=export]').enable(); grid.down('button[action=print]').enable(); } }, reload: function(btn) { if (btn === 'yes') { location.reload(); } } });