view app/controller/Base.js @ 362:6a7a9267e00f

Issue56: Changed way how to set the form and window to readonly. Now all dialogs should habe proper readonly settings. Now the Save and Cancel button are displayed as needed.
author Torsten Irländer <>
date Thu, 15 Aug 2013 14:07:35 +0200
parents 302db31ac50a
children debfcc7713e3
line wrap: on
line source
 * Base Controller
 * The controller defines the main logic of the application. It provides
 * various methods which are bound to listeners and called when the defined
 * events in the various UI elements occour (e.g User clicks on a button)
Ext.define('Lada.controller.Base', {
    extend: '',
     * Define required views for this controller
    views: [],
     * Define required stores for this controller
    stores: [],
     * Define required models for this controller
    models: [],
    init: function() {
        console.log('Initialising the Kommentare controller');
     * Function to add listeners for various events in UI items. The UI Items are selected
     * with a CSS like selector.See ComponentQuery documentation for more
     * details. The function is called while initializing the controller.
     * The function should be overwritten by a specfic implementation.
    addListeners: function() {
     * Method to save the kommentar in the database. The method is called when
     * the user clicks on the "Save" button
    saveItem: function(button) {
        console.log('Saving ...');
        var form = button.up('window').down('form');
     * Method to open a window to enter the values for a new kommentar.
     * The method is called when the user clicks on the "Add" button in the
     * grid toolbar.
    addItem: function(button) {},
     * Method to open a window to edit the values for an existing kommentar.
     * The method is called when the user doubleclicks on the item in the
     * grid.
    editItem: function(grid, record) {},
     * Method to delete a kommentar. This will trigger the display of a
     * Confirmation dialog. After the deletion the related store will be
     * refreshed.
     * The method is called when the user selects the item in the grid and
     * selects the delete button in the grid toolbar.
    deleteItem: function(button) {
        var grid = button.up('grid');
        var selection = grid.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
        Ext.MessageBox.confirm('Löschen', 'Sind Sie sicher?', function(btn){
            if(btn === 'yes'){
                var store = grid.getStore();
                var deleteUrl = selection.getProxy().url + selection.getEidi();
                    url: deleteUrl,
                    method: 'DELETE',
                    success: function(response, opts) {
                console.log('Deleting ' + selection);
            } else {
                console.log('Cancel Deleting ' + selection);
     * Method to trigger the action after successfull save (create).
     * In this case the related store is refreshed and the window is closed.
    createSuccess: function(form, record, operation) {},
     * Method to trigger the action after save (create) fails.
     * In this case a Message Boss with a general error is shown.
    createFailure: function(form, record, operation) {{
            title: 'Fehler beim Speichern',
            msg: form.message,
            icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
            buttons: Ext.Msg.OK
     * Method to trigger the action after successfull save (edit).
     * In this case the related store is refreshed and the window is closed.
    editSuccess: function(form, record, operation) {},
     * Method to trigger the action after save ( edit) fails.
     * In this case a Message Boss with a general error is shown.
    editFailure: function(form, record, operation) {{
            title: 'Fehler beim Speichern',
            msg: form.message,
            icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
            buttons: Ext.Msg.OK