Mercurial > lada > lada-client
view app/view/window/FileUpload.js @ 1402:b2dbf3e3f3f7 release-2.5
Result column index can start with 0 or 1.
author | Raimund Renkert <> |
date | Mon, 20 Mar 2017 14:49:35 +0100 |
parents | 3b4dcc83a21b |
children |
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/* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH * * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3) * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details. */ /** * This is a simple Fileupload Window, used to upload LAF-Files */ Ext.define('Lada.view.window.FileUpload', { extend: 'Ext.window.Window', requires: [ 'Ext.ux.upload.BrowseButton', 'Ext.ux.upload.Item', 'Ext.ux.upload.uploader.ExtJsUploader', 'Lada.view.window.ImportResponse' ], layout: 'hbox', file: null, /** * This function initialises the Window */ initComponent: function() { var me = this; this.browseButton = Ext.create('Ext.ux.upload.BrowseButton', { buttonText: 'Durchsuchen...', margin: '3, 3, 3, 3' }); this.fileInput = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Text', { allowBlank: false, emptyText: 'Wählen Sie eine Datei', hideLabel: true, margin: '3, 3, 3, 3' }); this.items = [ this.fileInput, this.browseButton ]; this.buttons = [{ text: 'Speichern', handler: this.uploadFile }, { text: 'Abbrechen', handler: this.abort }]; this.on('afterrender', function() { this.browseButton.fileInputEl.dom.removeAttribute('multiple', '0'); }, this); this.browseButton.on('fileselected', this.fileSelected, this); this.callParent(arguments); }, /** * @private * A handler for a Abort-Button */ abort: function(button) { var win = button.up('window'); win.close(); }, /** * @private * A handler for the Input field */ fileSelected: function(input, file) { var item = Ext.create('Ext.ux.upload.Item', { fileApiObject: file[0] }); this.fileInput.setValue(item.getName()); this.file = item; }, /** * @private * A handler for the Upload-Button */ uploadFile: function(button) { // TODO Error handling ? var win = button.up('window'); var uploader = Ext.create('Ext.ux.upload.uploader.ExtJsUploader', { extraHeaders: { 'X-OPENID-PARAMS': Lada.openIDParams }, method: 'POST', timeout: 600 * 1000, url: 'lada-server/data/import/laf' }); this.mon(uploader, 'uploadsuccess', win.uploadSuccess, win); this.mon(uploader, 'uploadfailure', win.uploadFailure, win); if (button.up('window').file !== null) { uploader.uploadItem(button.up('window').file); win.setLoading(Lada.getApplication().bundle.getMsg('processingData')); } }, /** * @private */ uploadSuccess: function(file, response) { this.close(); var win = Ext.create('Lada.view.window.ImportResponse', { data: response.response.responseText, message: response.message, modal: true, fileName:, title: 'Importergebnis' });; }, /** * @private */ uploadFailure: function(file, response) { // TODO handle Errors correctly, especially AuthenticationTimeouts this.close(); var win = Ext.create('Lada.view.window.ImportResponse', { data: response.response.responseText, message: response.message, fileName:, title: 'Importergebnis' });; } });