view app/view/Viewport.js @ 759:b7484c7da2d4

Unified the Messprogramm windows. Unfortunately the Roweditor of Messmethodengrid is broken in this commit. This is due to the fact that the Mmt store is noit autoloaded anymore
author Dustin Demuth <>
date Thu, 07 May 2015 10:55:44 +0200
parents 3ffecbce17d6
children 56f91254cd23
line wrap: on
line source
/* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz
 * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
 * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3)
 * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out
 * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details.

 * Viewport for the Lada-Client
 * The viewport initialises the graphical elements of the application. For
 * debugging it is possible to initialise other components directly see the
 * initComponent function.
Ext.define('Lada.view.Viewport', {
    extend: 'Ext.container.Viewport',
    requires: [
    layout: 'fit',
    initComponent: function() {
        this.items = [{
            title: '<center>Labordatenerfassung</center>',
            layout: 'border',
            name: 'main',
            items: [{
                layout: {
                    type: 'vbox',
                    align: 'stretch'
                region: 'west',
                split: true,
                border: 1,
                flex: 1,
                dockedItems: [{
                    xtype: 'toolbar',
                    dock: 'top',
                    items: [{
                        xtype: 'splitbutton',
                        text: 'Info',
                        menu: {
                            items: [{
                                text: 'About',
                                action: 'about'
                            }, {
                                text: 'Anmeldeinformationen',
                                handler: function(){
                                    logintime = new Date(Lada.logintime);
                                        + "Sie sind angemeldet mit der Kennung:"
                                        + "<br />"
                                        + Lada.username
                                        + "</p>"
                                        + "<p>"
                                        + "Sie sind Mitglied der folgenden "
                                        + "Gruppen:"
                                        + "<br />"
                                        + Lada.userroles
                                        + "</p>"
                                        + "<p>"
                                        + "<br/>"
                                        + "Die Anmeldung wurde durchgeführt um:"
                                        + "<br />"
                                        +  Ext.Date.format(logintime, 'd.m.Y H:i:s P')
                                        + "</p>"
                    }, '->', {
                        xtype: 'box',
                        autoEl: {
                            tag: 'img',
                            src: 'resources/img/user-identity.png'
                    }, {
                        xtype: 'tbtext',
                        id: 'userinfo',
                        text: ''
                    }, {
                        xtype: 'box',
                        autoEl: {
                            tag: 'img',
                            src: 'resources/img/network-workgroup.png'
                    }, {
                        xtype: 'tbtext',
                        id: 'groupinfo',
                        text: ''
                items: [{
                    xtype: 'probenplanungswitcher',
                    margin: '0, 10, 0, 10'
                }, {
                    // Auswahl einer Abfrage.
                    xtype: 'filterpanel',
                    margin: '0, 10, 0, 10'
                }, {
                // Variables settings for the current selected sql statement.
                    xtype: 'fieldset',
                    name: 'filtervariables',
                    title: 'Variablenbelegung',
                    hidden: true,
                    margin: '0, 10, 0, 10',
                    items: []
            }, {
            // Resultlist for the query.
                flex: 3,
                xtype: 'filterresultgrid',
                hidden: false,
                region: 'center'