view app/model/Staat.js @ 413:e1af66012ef0 0.6

Reverse displayFields Array before configuring the columns of the result list. Now the displayed columns are in the same order as defined in the query configuration file.
author Torsten Irländer <>
date Mon, 23 Sep 2013 14:26:09 +0200
parents e1364948eb01
children debfcc7713e3
line wrap: on
line source
 * Model class for Staat
Ext.define('Lada.model.Staat', {
    extend: 'Lada.model.Base',
    fields: [
        {name: "staatId", type: 'int'},
        {name: "staat"},
        {name: "staatIso"},
        {name: "staatKurz"}
    idProperty: "staatId",
    proxy: {
        type: 'rest',
        appendId: true, //default
        url: 'server/rest/staat',
        api: {
        reader: {
            type: 'json',
            root: 'data'