view app/controller/Proben.js @ 96:ecb0c0cf386b

Only add search params if the user actually set them in the form.
author Torsten Irländer <>
date Fri, 14 Jun 2013 11:13:03 +0200
parents 21c069e2ecdb
children 3552b0ee4526
line wrap: on
line source
Ext.define('Lada.controller.Proben', {
    extend: '',
    views: [
    stores: [
    models: [
    init: function() {
        console.log('Initialising the Proben controller');
            // CSS like selector to select element in the viewport. See
            // ComponentQuery documentation for more details.
            'probenlist': {
                itemdblclick: this.editProbe
            'probenlist toolbar button[action=add]': {
                click: this.addProbe
            'probencreate form': {
                savesuccess: this.createSuccess,
                savefailure: this.createFailure
            'probenedit form': {
                savesuccess: this.editSuccess,
                savefailure: this.editFailure
    addProbe: function(button) {
        console.log('Adding new Probe');
        var view = Ext.widget('probencreate');
    editProbe: function(grid, record) {
        console.log('Editing Probe');
        var id = record.get('probeId');
        var view = Ext.widget('probenedit', {modelId: id});
        console.log("Loaded Probe with ID " + record.getId()); //outputs ID
    createSuccess: function(form, record, operation) {
        // Reload store
        var store = this.getProbenStore();
        var win = form.up('window');
    createFailure: function(form, record, operation) {{
            title: 'Fehler beim Speichern',
            msg: form.message,
            icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
            buttons: Ext.Msg.OK
    editSuccess: function(form, record, operation) {
        // Reload store
        var store = this.getProbenStore();
        var win = form.up('window');
    editFailure: function(form, record, operation) {{
            title: 'Fehler beim Speichern',
            msg: form.message,
            icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
            buttons: Ext.Msg.OK