Mercurial > lada > lada-client
view app/view/grid/Messung.js @ 1395:f428b7d8f19b
SENCHAPATH now can be preset by using export SENCHAPATH=... before ./
author | Marco Lechner, Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz, SW 2.1 <> |
date | Mon, 13 Mar 2017 12:39:14 +0100 |
parents | 9a428be3907b |
children | 0e081a9badbc |
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/* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH * * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3) * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details. */ /** * Grid to list Messungen */ Ext.define('Lada.view.grid.Messung', { extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel', alias: 'widget.messunggrid', maxHeight: 350, emptyText: 'Keine Messungen gefunden', minHeight: 44, viewConfig: { deferEmptyText: false }, margin: '0, 5, 15, 5', recordId: null, warnings: null, errors: null, readOnly: true, bottomBar: true, allowDeselect: true, initComponent: function() { this.dockedItems = [{ xtype: 'toolbar', dock: 'bottom', items: ['->', { text: 'Hinzufügen', icon: 'resources/img/list-add.png', action: 'add', probeId: this.probeId }, { text: 'Löschen', icon: 'resources/img/list-remove.png', action: 'delete' }] }]; this.columns = [{ xtype: 'actioncolumn', text: '', dataIndex: 'readonly', sortable: false, width: 30, getClass: function (val, meta, rec) { if (rec.get('readonly') === false) { return 'edit'; } return 'noedit'; }, handler: function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex) { var rec = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); grid.fireEvent('itemdblclick', grid, rec); } }, { header: 'Nebenproben-Nr.', dataIndex: 'nebenprobenNr', flex: 1, editor: { allowBlank: false } }, { header: 'MMT', dataIndex: 'mmtId', flex: 1, editor: { allowBlank: false } }, { header: 'Messzeit', dataIndex: 'messzeitpunkt', xtype: 'datecolumn', format: 'd.m.Y H:i', flex: 2, editor: { xtype: 'datefield', allowBlank: false, format: 'd.m.Y H:i', // minValue: '01.01.2001', //todo: gibt es das? // minText: 'Das Datum der Messung darf nicht vor dem 01.01.2001 liegen.', maxValue: Ext.Date.format(new Date(), 'd.m.Y H:i') } }, { header: 'Status', flex: 1, dataIndex: 'statusKombi', renderer: function(value, meta, record, rNdx, cNdx) { var statusId = record.get('status'); var mId = record.get('id'); //also fwd the record to the asynchronous loading of statuswerte // in order to add the statuswert to the record, // after the grid was rendered... if (!value || value === '') { this.updateStatus(mId, statusId, record); return 'Lade...'; } var kombis ='statuskombi'); var kombi = kombis.getById(value); var st = kombi.raw.statusWert.wert return st; } }, { header: 'Stufe', flex: 1, dataIndex: 'statusKombi', renderer: function(value, meta, record, rNdx, cNdx) { var statusId = record.get('status'); var mId = record.get('id'); //also fwd the record to the asynchronous loading of statuswerte // in order to add the statuswert to the record, // after the grid was rendered... if (!value || value === '') { this.updateStatus(mId, statusId, record); return 'Lade...'; } var kombis ='statuskombi'); var kombi = kombis.getById(value); var st = kombi.raw.statusStufe.stufe return st; } }, { header: 'OK-Flag', dataIndex: 'fertig', flex: 1, renderer: function(value) { if (value) { return 'Ja'; } return 'Nein'; }, editor: { xtype: 'checkboxfield', allowBlank: false } }, { header: 'Anzahl Nuklide', // Gibt die Anzahl der Messwerte wieder, // NICHT die Anzahl der verschiedenen Nukleide // Eventuell ist die Bezeichnug daher irreführend dataIndex: 'messwerteCount', flex: 1, renderer: function(value, meta, record) { if (value === '') { var mId = record.get('id'); this.updateNuklide(mId, record); return 'Lade...'; } return value; } }, { header: 'Anzahl Kommentare', flex: 1, dataIndex: 'kommentarCount', renderer: function(value, meta, record) { if (value === '') { var mId = record.get('id'); this.updateKommentare(mId, record); return 'Lade...'; } return value; } }]; this.listeners = { select: { fn: this.activateRemoveButton, scope: this }, deselect: { fn: this.deactivateRemoveButton, scope: this } }; this.initData(); this.callParent(arguments); if (!this.bottomBar) { this.down('toolbar[dock=bottom]').hide(); } this.setReadOnly(true); //Grid is always initialised as RO }, initData: function() { this.setLoading(true); = Ext.create('');{ params: { probeId: this.recordId }, callback: function (records, operation, success) { this.setLoading(false); }, scope: this }); }, /** * Load the statusstore, * afterwards: retrieve the statusid */ updateStatus: function(value, statusId, record) { var statusStore = Ext.create(''); statusStore.on('load', this.updateStatusColumn, this, {statusId: statusId, record: record}); statusStore.load({ params: { messungsId: value } }); }, updateNuklide: function(id, record) { var messwerte = Ext.create(''); messwerte.on('load', this.updateColumn, this, {record: record, type: 'messwerteCount'}); messwerte.load({ params: { messungsId: id } }); }, updateKommentare: function(id, record) { var kommentare = Ext.create(''); kommentare.on('load', this.updateColumn, this, {record: record, type: 'kommentarCount'}); kommentare.load({ params: { messungsId: id } }); }, updateColumn: function(store, record, success, opts) { var value; if (success) { if (store.getTotalCount() === 0) { value = '0'; } else { value = store.getTotalCount(); } } else { value = '-'; } opts.record.beginEdit(); opts.record.set(opts.type, value); opts.record.endEdit(); }, /** * Retrieve Statuswert and update the column */ updateStatusColumn: function(sstore, record, success, opts) { var value = 0; if (sstore.getTotalCount() === 0 || !opts.statusId) { value = 0; } else { var rec = sstore.getById(opts.statusId); if (rec) { value = rec.get('statusKombi'); //add the determined statuswert to the record. // this is necessary to let the controller determine // which actions are allowed. opts.record.beginEdit(); opts.record.set('statusKombi', value); opts.record.endEdit(); } } }, setReadOnly: function(b) { this.readOnly = b; if (b === true) { //Readonly if (this.getPlugin('rowedit')) { this.getPlugin('rowedit').disable(); } this.down('button[action=delete]').disable(); this.down('button[action=add]').disable(); } else { //Writable if (this.getPlugin('rowedit')) { this.getPlugin('rowedit').enable(); } //this.down('button[action=delete]').enable(); //always disabled, unless a row was selected this.down('button[action=add]').enable(); } }, /** * Activate the Remove Button */ activateRemoveButton: function(selection, record) { var grid = this; //only enable the remove buttone, when the grid is editable. if (! grid.readOnly && record.get('statusWert') === 0 && record.get('owner')) { grid.down('button[action=delete]').enable(); } }, /** * Activate the Remove Button */ deactivateRemoveButton: function(selection, record) { var grid = this; //only enable the remove buttone, when the grid is editable. if (! grid.readOnly) { grid.down('button[action=delete]').disable(); } } });