- Fixed a bug where Comboboxes where not loaded2015-05-08, by Dustin Demuth
- Only disable Add/Remove buttons of Messwertgrid and not the whole grid when no record is present2015-05-08, by Dustin Demuth
- Sending Date as timestamp2015-05-08, by Dustin Demuth
- Added a Window and Buttons to generate Proben from a Messprogramm2015-05-08, by Dustin Demuth
- Unified the Messprogramm windows. Unfortunately the Roweditor of Messmethodengrid is broken in this commit. This is due to the fact that the Mmt store is noit autoloaded anymore2015-05-07, by Dustin Demuth
- Filled MessmethodenGrid with life.2015-05-06, by Dustin Demuth
- Added missing files. Added MmtMockup2015-05-06, by Dustin Demuth
- Created a Messmethoden Combobox in a Messprogramme form without higher functionality.2015-05-06, by Dustin Demuth
- Enabled Creation of a Messprogramm, an empty Window is now shown. The save operation leads to a E 5002015-05-06, by Dustin Demuth
- added Probenintervalle to a Messprogramm... there is still a lot of work needed. For instance for the slider element.2015-05-05, by Dustin Demuth
- Display a Title in the Toolbar2015-04-29, by Dustin Demuth
- remove and hide filters when switching between modes2015-04-28, by Dustin Demuth
- dynamically exchange the store of the resultfiltergrid2015-04-28, by Dustin Demuth
- reset combobox when the store was switched2015-04-28, by Dustin Demuth
- Change store on radiobutton change for proben and messprogramm.2015-04-28, by Raimund Renkert
- Added new stores for messprogramm and Probe queries.2015-04-28, by Raimund Renkert
- Radio-Buttons to switch between query-modes: Probenliste und Probenplanung. Filter-Combobox store wird automatisch gewechselt. ToDo: Query-Store für Probenplanung2015-04-24, by Dustin Demuth
- Renamed Messprogramm (caps)2015-04-24, by Dustin Demuth
- Added Messprogramme Store and Model2015-04-24, by Dustin Demuth
- Fixed a Copy-Paste Error2015-04-24, by Dustin Demuth
- merged heads2015-04-23, by Dustin Demuth
- added documentation for Form and Grid controllers2015-04-23, by Dustin Demuth
- Clear filter on umwelt combox store.2015-04-20, by Raimund Renkert
- made Comboboces editable and filterable for; Messungenform: Messstelle,Datenbasis,Betriebsarts,Testdatensatz,Preobenart,Netzbetreiber Messungform: Messmethode Messwertegrid: Messgroesse,Messeinheit2015-04-20, by Dustin Demuth
- Enabled autocompletion for Messwerte in a Messung.2015-04-20, by Dustin Demuth
- Fixed ToDo in Umweltbereiche Store, made Umweltbereiche Typable to fix the regression, Sorted Umweltbereiche by ID2015-04-20, by Dustin Demuth
- merged heads2015-04-20, by Dustin Demuth
- Returned Units od Measurement where not distinct2015-04-20, by Dustin Demuth
- Added tag 2.0-beta1 for changeset 2d482dfaa41a2015-04-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Update list on search and reset filter values on reset button click.2.0-beta1 2015-04-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Added method to clear values.2015-04-17, by Raimund Renkert
- merged2015-04-17, by Dustin Demuth
- Added i18n strings.2015-04-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Show the window for importer response messages.2015-04-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Added window to display importer messages.2015-04-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Load the record returned by the request.2015-04-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Corrected URL for lada-server in export and import2015-04-17, by Dustin Demuth
- Fixed tree_modified check in orte edit.2015-04-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Added window for laf file upload and use filtergrid buttons to export or import.2015-04-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Added new depencies: filesaver[1] and upload[2].2015-04-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixes an Issue that the wrong Units were shown for a Probenzusatzwert. Now the findRecord operation looks for an exact match of the mehId in the Messeinheiten Store2015-04-16, by Dustin Demuth
- Do not autoload this store2015-04-16, by Dustin Demuth
- accidently pushed debugger statement... it is getting late...2015-04-15, by Dustin Demuth
- Fix for ErrorMessages in FieldSets for IE8 IE92015-04-15, by Dustin Demuth
- Added a Browser Switch as a function is not available in IE9 and lower2015-04-15, by Dustin Demuth
- Trailing Commas, editable: false for Umwelt und Messstelle widget2015-04-15, by Dustin Demuth
- Datevalidation. When editing a timeperiod in a Probeform it is validated wheter begindate is before enddate. This only happens when the blur-event is fired. ToDo: Listen to Events from the Übernehmen Button of the DateTimePicker, ToDo: Somehow the ErrorMessages are not Cleared correctly when the form is restored.2015-04-13, by Dustin Demuth
- Added Logininformation to a Popup in Viewport2015-04-08, by Dustin Demuth
- Disable the Fertig-Flag Checkbox in a Messung when the User is not the owner. Do not enable Form-Children when readonly is set to true. Parse login-response in app.js2015-04-08, by Dustin Demuth
- Loading Mask was not translated correctly. Added Override to fix this.2015-04-08, by Dustin Demuth
- Set some loading masks.2015-04-08, by Raimund Renkert
- Cosmetics.2015-04-08, by Raimund Renkert
- Updated the model to have correct tree_modified value and parent_modified2015-04-08, by Raimund Renkert
- Handle readonly mode and refresh operations.2015-04-08, by Raimund Renkert
- Added some CSS to make distinction between active and inactice windows more simple for the user2015-04-07, by Dustin Demuth
- Added ClearMessages, SetWarnigs, SetReadonly2015-03-27, by Dustin Demuth
- added disable/enableChildren Method2015-03-27, by Dustin Demuth
- Re-Enable Add/Delete Button of a MessungGrid in Cases when the User owns the Probe2015-03-27, by Dustin Demuth
- ResponseObject was not defined2015-03-27, by Dustin Demuth
- Further Failure Messages2015-03-27, by Dustin Demuth