- Added Cancel Button to all Windows. Changed order howthe form is initialized.2013-08-06, by Torsten Irländer
- Add cancel Button to the editproben window and only show save button if the2013-08-06, by Torsten Irländer
- Set maxlength to 202013-07-29, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed Syntax.2013-07-29, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed Issue16: Removed "Ursprungszeit"2013-07-29, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed issue34. Erzeuger is now a selection field for messstelle.2013-07-29, by Torsten Irländer
- Added Changes.txt2013-07-29, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed Issue17.2013-07-29, by Torsten Irländer
- Added tag 0.2 for changeset 1626279daadb2013-07-26, by Torsten Irländer
- Set client version0.2 2013-07-26, by Torsten Irländer
- Issue50. Show ID an text in combobox.2013-07-26, by Torsten Irländer
- Issue50: Added sorting on the most stores.2013-07-25, by Torsten Irländer
- Added code to show general information about the application in the2013-07-25, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed Issue44: Show locked or unlocked icon in the first column of the2013-07-25, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed Issue54. Set fieldtype to numberfield.2013-07-25, by Torsten Irländer
- Added a possible fix for issue57. After the create dialog is closed the edit2013-07-25, by Torsten Irländer
- #57: Open Edit-Dialog after creating a new Probe.2013-07-24, by Torsten Irländer
- Added panel with details for the selected query2013-07-24, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed variable name2013-07-24, by Torsten Irländer
- Update description and sql statement when chosing another query2013-07-24, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed filter names2013-07-24, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed id of filter2013-07-24, by Torsten Irländer
- Simpliefied function to reconfigure the table.2013-07-24, by Torsten Irländer
- Changed proxy to load data from the server.2013-07-24, by Torsten Irländer
- Removed data from store. queries are now loaded from the server.2013-07-24, by Torsten Irländer
- Change logic how to show and hide the search filters. Now we iterate over the2013-07-23, by Torsten Irländer
- Put all available search filters to the viewport. They are later hidden and2013-07-23, by Torsten Irländer
- Added filter attribute and added comments.2013-07-23, by Torsten Irländer
- Configured fields for the two defined search queries.2013-07-23, by Torsten Irländer
- Iteratre the available cols in reverse order (begining from 0) to maintain the2013-07-23, by Torsten Irländer
- If the user selects a search query add call setupColumns method to dynamically2013-07-23, by Torsten Irländer
- Added a comment with a list of currently available columns.2013-07-23, by Torsten Irländer
- Added function to dynamically add columns to the probenlist.2013-07-23, by Torsten Irländer
- On Default the proben list will have no columns at all. The are added2013-07-23, by Torsten Irländer
- Added configuration varibale to define the set of all available columns.2013-07-23, by Torsten Irländer
- Use new queries store in search selection.2013-07-23, by Torsten Irländer
- Added new model and store for Queries.2013-07-23, by Torsten Irländer
- Added tag M1 for changeset f60472df54e32013-07-17, by Torsten Irländer
- Added Listener for save event in edit dialog.M1 2013-07-17, by Torsten Irländer
- Used new Editdialog and set the form readonly if the parent probe is readonly.2013-07-17, by Torsten Irländer
- Modified create dialogs to only contain fields to create a messung (without,2013-07-17, by Torsten Irländer
- Added function to directly initialize the probenendit form.2013-07-17, by Torsten Irländer
- Set messung readonly if parent probe is readonly2013-07-17, by Torsten Irländer
- Only iterate over fields of the form is readonly. This increases the2013-07-17, by Torsten Irländer
- Set IdProperty and fix creating and updating mkommentar2013-07-17, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed creating messwerte.2013-07-17, by Torsten Irländer
- Fix ID-property2013-07-16, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed loading stores when editing Messung.2013-07-16, by Torsten Irländer
- Set Id to Messgroesse. In a store of messwerte the messgroesse is the unique2013-07-16, by Torsten Irländer
- Set maxLength of erzeuger to 52013-07-16, by Torsten Irländer
- setReadOnly now also iterates over the toolbars within the form and hide them2013-07-16, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed variable name2013-07-15, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed delete call2013-07-15, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed delete call2013-07-15, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed issue212013-07-15, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed issue232013-07-15, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed issue222013-07-15, by Torsten Irländer
- Fix getting messerte, status and kommentare in debug mode2013-07-12, by Torsten Irländer
- Set messungsid for new messungunswerte2013-07-12, by Torsten Irländer
- add getEidi function to model2013-07-12, by Torsten Irländer