- Changed layout and added Listeners to show the correct variable definition for2013-04-30, by Torsten Irländer
- Remove title form sqllist to not show the panel header.2013-04-30, by Torsten Irländer
- Remove title attribute to not show Header on the probenlist2013-04-30, by Torsten Irländer
- Load data from data/proben.json2013-04-30, by Torsten Irländer
- Added model for Proben and a Store.2013-04-30, by Torsten Irländer
- Added Viewport class which should be used to setup the viewport. Currently not2013-04-30, by Torsten Irländer
- Added some comment.2013-04-30, by Torsten Irländer
- Do not autocreate a viewport as automatic loading of the Viewport.js fiel2013-04-30, by Torsten Irländer
- Add probnelist to view2013-04-30, by Torsten Irländer
- Moved stored SQL into its own file.2013-04-29, by Torsten Irländer
- Moved title attribute2013-04-29, by Torsten Irländer
- Added a list to select predefined SQL Statement for the Proben list.2013-04-29, by Torsten Irländer
- Map double click event on rows of the userlist to the editProben function.2013-04-29, by Torsten Irländer
- Added a first example view (userlisting) from the EXJS Tutorial. Need to be2013-04-29, by Torsten Irländer
- Initialise the Proben controller.2013-04-29, by Torsten Irländer
- Added a simple panel to the application.2013-04-29, by Torsten Irländer
- Added basic Proben controller.2013-04-29, by Torsten Irländer
- Initial commit2013-04-17, by Torsten Irländer