Mercurial > lada > lada-client
- Load currently "selected" verwaltungseinheit when changing the selection.2013-11-08, by Torsten Irländer
- Added listener to load the recored of the set Verwaltungseinheit.2013-11-08, by Torsten Irländer
- The proxy to REST for Verwaltungseinheiten2013-11-08, by Torsten Irländer
- Set flex to true for the probenlist. Remove minheigt and maxheigt from panel2013-11-08, by Torsten Irländer
- Added layout to the Viewport (root panel) to fix some layout issues.2013-11-08, by Torsten Irländer
- Fix rendering of the orte list. Some fields was not shown because of wrong2013-11-08, by Torsten Irländer
- Fixed class names.2013-11-07, by Raimund Renkert
- Removed trailing commas.2013-11-07, by Raimund Renkert