- Updated version number.2015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- merged.2015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed version url.2015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- added img file2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- merged heads2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- Restructured Filterresultgrid button-dock, added button to generate Proben from a selection of messprogramme.2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- Close messprogramm windows on probe generation.2015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Show message on probe delete success/error.2015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed descriptor input.2015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Implemented a 'Delete Button' in the ResultGrid. Proben can be deleted when they are not ReadOnly and the Users is the Owner of the Probe2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- Better Error handling2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- Geplant-Checkbox for Messungen is now ReadOnly2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- Made Ortform readonly when the probe is readonly2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- removed beschreibung field from setReadOnly2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- merged.2015-07-08, by Raimund Renkert
- Added templates to deskriptor cbs to display the sn number and a text.2015-07-08, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed expanding.2015-07-08, by Raimund Renkert
- merged heads2015-07-08, by Dustin Demuth
- Netbetreiber Combobox shall be readonly2015-07-08, by Dustin Demuth
- always modify the netzbetreiber when the Messstelle was changed2015-07-07, by Dustin Demuth
- Load messgroessen with messmethode filter.2015-07-08, by Raimund Renkert
- Clear the text filter correctly.2015-07-07, by Raimund Renkert
- Removed debugger breakpoint2015-07-07, by Dustin Demuth
- Added logic to autofill the Netzbetreiber when the Messstelle was selected.2015-07-07, by Dustin Demuth
- Added logic to autofill the Netzbetreiber when the Messstelle was selected.2015-07-07, by Dustin Demuth
- Removed Beschreibung-field from Location form2015-07-06, by Dustin Demuth
- Diplays Orte atop of Messungen2015-07-06, by Dustin Demuth
- Display Time in Proben over Medium2015-07-06, by Dustin Demuth
- Switch the Mode of the Filterresultgrid according to the selection of the radio buttons in the probenplanungswitcher2015-07-06, by Dustin Demuth
- fix emtytext in Betriebsart.js and in Lada_de-DE.properties2015-07-06, by Michael Stanko
- Added tag 2.0.1 for changeset 2214aea9fd3a2015-06-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Patched correct file of r. 8322.0.1 2015-06-16, by Dustin Demuth
- Backed out changeset d9824c49e7812015-06-16, by Dustin Demuth
- GenProbenWindow: Resize2015-06-16, by Dustin Demuth
- Fixed url for 'proben generieren' request.2015-06-15, by Raimund Renkert
- Emptytext wurde falsch gesetzt2015-06-15, by Dustin Demuth
- Fixed descriptor selection.2015-06-15, by Raimund Renkert
- Added tag 2.0 for changeset 42f7475f3b7d2015-05-29, by Raimund Renkert
- Set version to 2.02.0 2015-05-29, by Raimund Renkert
- disable remove button after a item is deleted from grid2015-05-29, by Dustin Demuth
- fixed scope for reload2015-05-29, by Dustin Demuth
- add disbled remove button to all grids which relate to proben or messungen. Messprogramme-grids are untouched. BUG: When the last entry is deleted, the button remains active2015-05-29, by Dustin Demuth
- Only enable delete button in grids when an entry was selected2015-05-29, by Dustin Demuth
- New Error String2015-05-29, by Dustin Demuth
- added an errortext2015-05-29, by Dustin Demuth
- Fixed Button Positon for Orte Window2015-05-29, by Dustin Demuth
- reload works now.2015-05-29, by Dustin Demuth
- Genprobenwindow can only be created once, also fixed messprogrammortewindow 'close with x and can not reopen' bug2015-05-29, by Dustin Demuth
- ComboBox ForceSelection defaults to false now, ProbenehmerId can not be negative2015-05-29, by Dustin Demuth
- Removed a Bug where Datetimepickler errormessages where not reset on Form Discard2015-05-28, by Dustin Demuth
- fixed a bug where the window is not refreshed.2015-05-28, by Dustin Demuth
- Fix for IE8 compatibility2015-05-28, by Dustin Demuth
- In some cases there was an error bc. the Item in the StatuswerteStore was not found. this is fixed now.2015-05-28, by Dustin Demuth
- Added Errorhandling for AJAX-Requests, especially Authentication Issues.2015-05-27, by Dustin Demuth
- removed surplus code2015-05-27, by Dustin Demuth
- Created a loading Animation for the Filterresultgrid2015-05-27, by Dustin Demuth
- Added some todos, Enhanced Proge-Generation Success Msg.2015-05-22, by Dustin Demuth
- removed console msg.2015-05-22, by Dustin Demuth
- Less ugly2015-05-22, by Dustin Demuth
- Exchanged Icon to display if Probe/Messprogramm is editable2015-05-22, by Dustin Demuth