- Altered permissions to open a Messung from the Messung-grid. Opening a Messung is only possible, when: a) StatusEdit=True or b) StatusWert > 02015-11-12, by Dustin Demuth
- Intermediate Result. When creating a Messung a Statuswert will be set.2015-11-10, by Dustin Demuth
- Hide Status Fields when creating a new messung2015-11-10, by Dustin Demuth
- Made kommentare-grids more robust2015-11-10, by Dustin Demuth
- Made the grids more robust against erroneous data2015-11-10, by Dustin Demuth
- Added Statusstufe to MessungForm2015-11-09, by Dustin Demuth
- Added StatusStufe to the StatusGrid. Created Store and Model for StatusStufe2015-11-09, by Dustin Demuth
- using callback differently for statuswerte2015-11-09, by Dustin Demuth
- Add dockerised setup with respective Apache config.2015-11-04, by Tom Gottfried
- Add example config for V-host/proxy and adapt docs.2015-11-04, by Tom Gottfried
- Follow redirections and do not overwrite existing files.2015-11-04, by Tom Gottfried
- wget produces spammy output when used in docker build.2015-11-04, by Tom Gottfried
- Fixed some issues when the status is null2015-11-03, by Dustin Demuth
- Refreshed Information in documentation2015-11-02, by Dustin Demuth
- Script install dependencies.2015-10-29, by Tom Gottfried
- Edited install instructions2015-10-28, by Dustin Demuth
- added StatusWerte Model2015-10-27, by Dustin Demuth
- Added the ability to work with "StatusWerten" which are delivered by the lada-server.2015-10-27, by Dustin Demuth
- Status grid modified2015-10-16, by Michael Stanko
- PKommentar an MKommentar grid modified2015-10-14, by Michael Stanko
- Added Documentation how to enable printing2015-10-02, by Dustin Demuth
- Added a simple build script, which will not work in every environment. You need to edit the path to sencha command in order tu run this script.2015-10-01, by Dustin Demuth
- Added Require Statement for GenProbenFromMessprogramm2015-10-01, by Dustin Demuth
- LadaPrint: Give Feedback when printing is in Progress2015-09-30, by Dustin Demuth
- LadaPrint removed superfluous debug message and made printer more generic. In theory it should also be capable of printing messprogramme without further changes.2015-09-30, by Dustin Demuth
- LadaPrint enabled dynamic printing of tables.2015-09-30, by Dustin Demuth
- LadaPrint Fixes an Issue where empty cells could not be printed bc NULL has no toString method2015-09-30, by Dustin Demuth
- Merged heads2015-09-29, by Dustin Demuth
- Added Print function to talk with mapfish2015-09-29, by Dustin Demuth
- Clear descriptor s3 if s2 is set to empty value.2015-09-29, by Raimund Renkert
- fix descriptor editing2015-09-23, by Michael Stanko
- remove obsolate code from Probe-Form2015-09-22, by Michael Stanko
- Changed 'medie' and 'mediadesk' fields to readonly fields2015-09-22, by Michael Stanko
- Added tag 2.2.0 for changeset e2a26f9733ee2015-09-11, by Raimund Renkert
- Minor UI styles.2.2.0 2015-09-11, by Raimund Renkert
- Serialize empty solldatum values to 'null'.2015-09-11, by Raimund Renkert
- Changed 'Solldatum' fields to readonly fields without default value.2015-09-11, by Raimund Renkert
- Clear child descriptor fields on descriptor change.2015-09-11, by Raimund Renkert
- changed layout of Probe form2015-08-26, by Michael Stanko
- Added a Print-button which sends a selection of proben to a service which still has to be specified.2015-08-20, by Dustin Demuth
- Added tag 2.1.1 for changeset 8ffaeb6ac4a42015-08-14, by Dustin Demuth
- Removed tag 2015-08-14, by Dustin Demuth
- Adopted Client to SSO, detect a Sessiontimeout and reload the application2015-08-14, by Dustin Demuth
- Added tag 2.1.1 for changeset 9358c5feb8432015-08-14, by Dustin Demuth
- 2.1.12015-08-14, by Dustin Demuth
- Use rest response handler to act on unauthenticated request.2015-08-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Use the roles...2015-08-13, by Raimund Renkert
- uncomment the roles.2015-08-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed parsing user roles in about dialog.2015-08-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Removed OpenId stuff.2015-08-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Reverted last commit.2015-08-11, by Raimund Renkert
- Updated resources path for FileSaver.js and Blob.js2015-08-11, by Raimund Renkert
- Added tag 2.1.0 for changeset 0b6e965d3d9e2015-08-06, by Dustin Demuth
- Removed tag 2015-08-06, by Dustin Demuth
- Fixed Code to correct minified js2015-08-06, by Dustin Demuth
- CSS was still broken2015-08-06, by Dustin Demuth
- Added tag 2.1.0 for changeset f82fef0342352015-08-06, by Dustin Demuth
- should fix the css2015-08-06, by Dustin Demuth
- Removed tag 2.1.02015-08-06, by Dustin Demuth
- Added tag 2.1.0 for changeset 8e5ee263d7c72015-08-06, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed imagepath.2015-08-06, by Raimund Renkert
- Removed tag 2.1.02015-08-06, by Raimund Renkert
- Added tag 2.1.0 for changeset 69a22279cdb62015-08-06, by Dustin Demuth
- Proudly changed version to 2.1.02015-08-06, by Dustin Demuth
- added additional ext-libraries to jsduck config file2015-07-24, by Dustin Demuth
- Moved README to a markdown file, fixed typos in INSTALL.markdown2015-07-24, by Dustin Demuth
- More Instructions2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- Jsduck debug2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- jsduck for forms2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- jsduck for grids and panels2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- even more jsduck... for widgets this time2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- More JSduck2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- Added Documentation to Windows2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- Moved Ext-Version from debug -> normal2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- typos2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- Removed obsolete store listeners.2015-07-23, by Raimund Renkert
- Install.markdown2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- Moved Ext-Resources to another subdirectory2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- More Instructions: How to deal with libraries2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- Moved Blob.js and FileSaver.js to own directories2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- Trailing Commas2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- Fixed the Name of the model. I wonder why this worked anyway??2015-07-23, by Dustin Demuth
- move INSTALL to a markdown File2015-07-22, by Dustin Demuth
- Re-Styled the markers in the map: Increased icon-size of selected-marker to 15px, added colored labels to the markers showing the bezeichnung of the location2015-07-21, by Dustin Demuth
- Applied patch from Workshop: The RW-Icon in the Probenliste is now clickable. This somehow affected the List of Proben which is now more dense.2015-07-17, by Dustin Demuth
- removed bezeichnung-feld from location form. As discussed in Workshop2015-07-17, by Dustin Demuth
- Restored Beschreibung Field2015-07-17, by Dustin Demuth
- Applied Patch which was presented in the Workshop: Title of a Messung-Window contains more details2015-07-17, by Dustin Demuth
- Applied Patch which was presented in the Workshop: Umweltbereich ComboBox in shall not show the name of the umweltbereich2015-07-17, by Dustin Demuth
- Applied Patch which was presented in the Workshop: Sort Datenbasis differently2015-07-17, by Dustin Demuth
- no clear button on IE10+2015-07-13, by Dustin Demuth
- merged heads2015-07-13, by Dustin Demuth
- added a * in coomments. jsduck can find this class now2015-07-13, by Dustin Demuth
- Added tag 2.0.2 for changeset b90e29b22ea62015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed path to image.2.0.2 2015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Removed tag 2.0.22015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Added tag 2.0.2 for changeset 7bd3afe30ac22015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Updated version number.2015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- merged.2015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed version url.2015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- added img file2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- merged heads2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- Restructured Filterresultgrid button-dock, added button to generate Proben from a selection of messprogramme.2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- Close messprogramm windows on probe generation.2015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Show message on probe delete success/error.2015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed descriptor input.2015-07-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Implemented a 'Delete Button' in the ResultGrid. Proben can be deleted when they are not ReadOnly and the Users is the Owner of the Probe2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- Better Error handling2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- Geplant-Checkbox for Messungen is now ReadOnly2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- Made Ortform readonly when the probe is readonly2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- removed beschreibung field from setReadOnly2015-07-10, by Dustin Demuth
- merged.2015-07-08, by Raimund Renkert
- Added templates to deskriptor cbs to display the sn number and a text.2015-07-08, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed expanding.2015-07-08, by Raimund Renkert
- merged heads2015-07-08, by Dustin Demuth
- Netbetreiber Combobox shall be readonly2015-07-08, by Dustin Demuth
- always modify the netzbetreiber when the Messstelle was changed2015-07-07, by Dustin Demuth
- Load messgroessen with messmethode filter.2015-07-08, by Raimund Renkert
- Clear the text filter correctly.2015-07-07, by Raimund Renkert
- Removed debugger breakpoint2015-07-07, by Dustin Demuth