- Changes to the Datetimepicker's events, InputValidation and Sanity Checks2015-03-19, by Dustin Demuth
- More translations for the RowEditor2015-03-19, by Dustin Demuth
- Field Validity in Probenzusatzwerte Grid2015-03-19, by Dustin Demuth
- Field Validity in MKommentar Grid2015-03-19, by Dustin Demuth
- Field Validity in Status Grid2015-03-19, by Dustin Demuth
- MaxLength2015-03-19, by Dustin Demuth
- Enforcing maxlength on Numberfield Messdauer2015-03-19, by Dustin Demuth
- merged2015-03-19, by Dustin Demuth
- Textfields sind nun max. 1000 Zeichen Lang. Die begrenzung wird erzwungen, kann jedoch überschrieben werden2015-03-19, by Dustin Demuth
- ComboBoxes sind nun per default nicht mehr editierbar. Das Betriftt auch die Filter-ComboBoxes2015-03-19, by Dustin Demuth
- Set search parameters as extra parameters to result grid store to send them on2015-03-19, by Raimund Renkert
- Paging Enabled, RemoteSort Enabled, totalProperty für Probelist spezifisziert2015-03-19, by Dustin Demuth
- Fixed bug in datetimepicker: Allways insert leading zero; do not allow values2015-03-18, by Raimund Renkert
- Added tag 2.0-alpha1 for changeset 9f557bd48c302015-03-18, by Raimund Renkert
- Temporarily disabled paging toolbar.2.0-alpha1 2015-03-18, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed field names.2015-03-18, by Raimund Renkert
- Changed numberfield to spinner in datepicker to allow leading zeros.2015-03-18, by Raimund Renkert
- Removed old DateTimeField and replaced them with the new one.2015-03-18, by Raimund Renkert
- Added new DateTimeFields.2015-03-18, by Raimund Renkert
- Erste Ansaätze für Paging. Der Server muss dass nun noch umsetzen2015-03-18, by Dustin Demuth
- zusätzliche overrides für übersetzungsfehler von ext-js2015-03-18, by Dustin Demuth
- Im Probeform den Custom-Datetimepicker durch den Standard Datepicker ersetzt. So funktioniert die Lokalisierung besser2015-03-17, by Dustin Demuth
- Ein Datefield Widget hinzugefügt2015-03-17, by Dustin Demuth
- Reload grids on messung or ort changed/added.2015-03-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Open the ort create window on button click.2015-03-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Added window to create a new ort.2015-03-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Load and update the correct orte form.2015-03-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Removed field types from orte model.2015-03-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Open Probe-/Messung-Edit window automatically if a new item was saved2015-03-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Added controllers for map and location form and handle new locations.2015-03-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Remove a new record on cancel in grids with rowediting plugin.2015-03-17, by Raimund Renkert
- merged.2015-03-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Added a toolbar to the OpenLayers map panel.2015-03-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Set translateable messages for the parent fieldset.2015-03-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Allow multiple warning- or error-messages in a fieldset.2015-03-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Updated images for errors and warnings.2015-03-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Die Datei translations_de.js hinzugefügt. In Ihr sind Übersetzungen für die Buttons des Row-Editors enthalten.2015-03-16, by Dustin Demuth
- Column zu datecolumn gemacht2015-03-16, by Dustin Demuth
- added ext-lang-de.js to index.html2015-03-16, by Dustin Demuth
- merged2015-03-16, by Dustin Demuth
- Datumsspalte xtype hinzugefügt2015-03-16, by Dustin Demuth
- Datum Spalte zu einer Datumsspalte gemacht2015-03-16, by Dustin Demuth
- Xtype numbercolumn hinzugefügt,2015-03-16, by Dustin Demuth
- added xtype for numeric-fields to grid to enable decimalseparator-replacement by locale-config2015-03-16, by Dustin Demuth
- anchored all elements, to make them the same size, added a margin of 1px to the frame around the fieldset to prevent the cuttoff on the right side2015-03-16, by Dustin Demuth
- Open messung create window on button click.2015-03-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Added messung create window.2015-03-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Open probe create window on button click.2015-03-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Added window for creating probe objects.2015-03-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Improve error handling on authentication loss.openid 2015-03-13, by Andre Heinecke
- Merge branch default into openidopenid 2015-03-13, by Andre Heinecke
- merged.2015-03-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Update feature selection on 'ort' selection change.2015-03-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Load locations as layer on the map, set selections based on the selected 'ort'.2015-03-13, by Raimund Renkert
- reverted changes on messungenedit.js2015-03-13, by Dustin Demuth
- merged2015-03-13, by Dustin Demuth
- added a controller for messungforms, modified testdatensatz-widget to load a local store, removed dirtychange listeners from probe-form2015-03-13, by Dustin Demuth
- Added a Checkbox Widget2015-03-13, by Dustin Demuth
- Do not load query store in controller.2015-03-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Add client side openID authentication handlingopenid 2015-03-12, by Andre Heinecke