- Fixed fieldset interactions (Ortsangaben)2017-02-23, by Evi Huber
- Fixed combobox interactions.2017-02-22, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed Ortszuordnung in case netzbetreiber owns no Ort2017-02-17, by Maximilian Krambach
- Only displaying own messpunkte in ortszuordnung after creation of new messpunkt2017-02-14, by Maximilian Krambach
- Added additional resources to compile statement.2017-02-14, by Raimund Renkert
- fix sencha parse warnings2017-02-14, by Michael Stanko
- Advance version.2017-02-09, by Tom Gottfried
- Added tag 2.5 for changeset bf41823cdcf22017-02-09, by Tom Gottfried
- Prepare tag.2.5 2017-02-09, by Tom Gottfried
- update other panels if ortegrid changes2017-02-09, by Maximilian Krambach
- Add icons to make buttons look like others in the application.2017-02-09, by Tom Gottfried
- Enabled initial display of ortinfo for Ortzuordnungwindow (Messprogramm)2017-02-09, by Maximilian Krambach
- Introduce new warning code from server.2017-02-08, by Tom Gottfried
- fix rowediting trigger in ortstammdatengrid and proper reloading after save2017-02-08, by Maximilian Krambach
- removed unused legacy code2017-02-08, by Maximilian Krambach
- fix validity of oz-Id in Ortserstellung2017-02-08, by Maximilian Krambach
- Fixed type error in ortszuordnung when user has 'funktion = 4'2017-02-08, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed grid selection in searchField in Ortszuordnungsgrid2017-02-08, by Maximilian Krambach
- reintroduced filtered display of Stammdaten panel2017-02-08, by Maximilian Krambach
- Allow re-selection of referenced items in Ortserstellung.2017-02-08, by Tom Gottfried
- removed unused code (older Location/Ort forms)2017-02-07, by Maximilian Krambach
- Merge behaviour of Stammdaten panel and ortszuordnungs grid2017-02-07, by Maximilian Krambach
- Fix reset button in Ortserstellung form.2017-02-07, by Tom Gottfried
- Remove trailing whitespace.2017-02-07, by Tom Gottfried
- Remove dead code.2017-02-07, by Tom Gottfried
- Fix handling of errors and warnings in Ortserstellung form.2017-02-07, by Tom Gottfried
- Remove dead code.2017-02-07, by Tom Gottfried
- fix: ortserstellung did load verwaltungsstore with only one entry2017-02-07, by Maximilian Krambach
- Ortserstellung validator: fix reference to form2017-02-07, by Maximilian Krambach
- Do not allow arbitrary input for Koordinatenart.2017-02-07, by Tom Gottfried
- fixed validitycheck in Ortserstellung2017-02-07, by Maximilian Krambach
- Fix checks for not given foreign keys.2017-02-07, by Tom Gottfried
- Ortrecord in Ortszuordnung failed if there is no Staat2017-02-07, by Maximilian Krambach
- anlageId can be null.2017-02-07, by Tom Gottfried
- corrected created coordinates in Stammdaten view from EPSG 3857 to EPSG 43262017-02-06, by Maximilian Krambach
- fix ortszuordnung 'revert' if record is new ortszuordnung2017-02-06, by Maximilian Krambach
- Get kta code to display the correct value in ortszuordnung grid.2017-02-06, by Raimund Renkert
- Check for empty values in ort grid.2017-02-06, by Raimund Renkert
- Clear filters for stores.2017-02-06, by Raimund Renkert
- correct behaviour of 'reverting changes' in ortszuordnung2017-02-06, by Maximilian Krambach
- fix: Ortserstellung for Staaten and validity check triggers2017-02-06, by Maximilian Krambach
- OrtszuordnungMp fix2017-02-03, by Maximilian Krambach
- reenabled listeners and buttons on ortszuordnung2017-02-03, by Maximilian Krambach
- messprogramm zuordnung now functional2017-02-03, by Maximilian Krambach
- Use service and widget instead of local store for OrtszuordnungTyp.2017-02-03, by Tom Gottfried
- Ortserstellung controller separated from form2017-02-03, by Maximilian Krambach
- Create orte store for grid to have only orte with the correct netzbetreiberId2017-02-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed ort grid selection.2017-02-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed ortszuordnung window layout.2017-02-03, by Raimund Renkert
- preselect ortTyp on Ortserstellugnswindow2017-02-03, by Maximilian Krambach
- Added i18n strings for empty comboboxes.2017-02-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Use koordinaten art combobox as input field in create ort window.2017-02-03, by Raimund Renkert
- It's not the IDs anymore we show.2017-02-03, by Tom Gottfried
- check the correct grid to avoid editing.2017-02-03, by Raimund Renkert
- reinserted discard button and functionality2017-02-03, by Maximilian Krambach
- reload ort store for grid using netzbetreiber as filter param.2017-02-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed id property in OrtsZusatz model.2017-02-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Changed ort grid editors from custom to default comboboxes.2017-02-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Add missing requirement.2017-02-03, by Tom Gottfried
- merged2017-02-03, by Raimund Renkert