dustin@610: /* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz dustin@610: * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH dustin@610: * dustin@610: * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3) dustin@610: * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out dustin@610: * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details. dustin@610: */ dustin@610: dustin@610: Ext.define('Lada.view.widget.base.CheckBox', { dustin@610: extend: 'Ext.form.Panel', dustin@610: alias: 'widget.chkbox', dustin@610: dustin@610: layout: 'hbox', dustin@610: dustin@610: border: 0, dustin@610: dustin@610: margin: '0, 0, 5, 0', dustin@610: dustin@610: initComponent: function() { dustin@610: this.items = [{ dustin@610: xtype: 'checkbox', dustin@610: flex: 1, dustin@610: name: this.name, dustin@610: fieldLabel: this.fieldLabel, dustin@610: labelWidth: this.labelWidth, dustin@610: listeners: this.listeners, dustin@610: triggerAction: this.triggerAction, dustin@610: msgTarget: 'none', dustin@610: tpl: this.tpl dustin@610: }, { dustin@610: xtype: 'image', dustin@610: name: 'warnImg', raimund@632: src: 'resources/img/dialog-warning.png', raimund@632: width: 14, raimund@632: height: 14, dustin@610: hidden: true dustin@610: }, { dustin@610: xtype: 'image', dustin@610: name: 'errorImg', raimund@632: src: 'resources/img/emblem-important.png', raimund@632: width: 14, raimund@632: height: 14, dustin@610: hidden: true dustin@610: }]; dustin@610: this.callParent(arguments); dustin@610: }, dustin@610: dustin@610: showWarnings: function(warnings) { dustin@610: var img = this.down('image[name=warnImg]'); dustin@610: Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', { dustin@610: target: img.getEl(), dustin@610: html: warnings dustin@610: }); dustin@610: this.down('checkbox').invalidCls = 'x-lada-warning'; dustin@610: this.down('checkbox').markInvalid(''); dustin@610: img.show(); dustin@610: var fieldset = this.up('fieldset[collapsible=true]'); dustin@610: if (fieldset) { dustin@610: fieldset.showWarnings(warnings); dustin@610: } dustin@610: }, dustin@610: dustin@610: showErrors: function(errors) { dustin@610: var img = this.down('image[name=errorImg]'); dustin@610: var warnImg = this.down('image[name=warnImg]'); dustin@610: warnImg.hide(); dustin@610: Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', { dustin@610: target: img.getEl(), dustin@610: html: errors dustin@610: }); dustin@610: this.down('checkbox').invalidCls = 'x-lada-error'; dustin@610: this.down('checkbox').markInvalid(''); dustin@610: img.show(); dustin@610: var fieldset = this.up('fieldset[collapsible=true]'); dustin@610: if (fieldset) { dustin@610: fieldset.showErrors(); dustin@610: } dustin@610: }, dustin@610: dustin@610: clearWarningOrError: function() { dustin@610: this.down('image[name=errorImg]').hide(); dustin@610: this.down('image[name=warnImg]').hide(); dustin@610: }, dustin@610: dustin@610: getValue: function() { dustin@610: return this.down('checkbox').getValue(); dustin@610: }, dustin@610: dustin@610: getName: function() { dustin@610: return this.name; dustin@610: }, dustin@610: dustin@610: setReadOnly: function(value) { dustin@610: this.down('checkbox').setReadOnly(value); dustin@610: } dustin@610: });