dustin@581: /* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz
dustin@581:  * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
dustin@581:  *
dustin@581:  * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3)
dustin@581:  * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out
dustin@581:  * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details.
dustin@581:  */
dustin@894: /**
dustin@894:  * Form to edit a Messung
dustin@581:  */
dustin@581: Ext.define('Lada.view.form.Messung', {
dustin@581:     extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
dustin@581:     alias: 'widget.messungform',
dustin@581:     requires: [
dustin@581:         'Lada.view.widget.Datenbasis',
dustin@611:         'Lada.view.widget.base.CheckBox',
dustin@611:         'Lada.view.widget.Messmethode',
dustin@581:         'Lada.view.widget.base.TextField',
dustin@882:         'Lada.view.widget.base.Datetime'
dustin@581:     ],
dustin@581:     model: 'Lada.model.Messung',
dustin@581:     minWidth: 650,
dustin@581:     margin: 5,
dustin@581:     border: 0,
dustin@581:     recordId: null,
dustin@581:     trackResetOnLoad: true,
raimund@589:     initComponent: function() {
dustin@611:         var me = this;
dustin@581:         this.items = [{
dustin@581:             xtype: 'fieldset',
dustin@611:             title: 'Allgemein',
dustin@611:             items: [{
dustin@611:                 border: 0,
dustin@611:                 margin: '0, 0, 10, 0',
dustin@611:                 layout: {
dustin@611:                     type: 'table',
dustin@611:                     columns: 2
dustin@611:                 },
dustin@611:                 dockedItems: [{
dustin@611:                     xtype: 'toolbar',
dustin@611:                     dock: 'bottom',
dustin@611:                     border: '0, 1, 1, 1',
dustin@611:                     style: {
dustin@611:                         borderBottom: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important',
dustin@611:                         borderLeft: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important',
dustin@611:                         borderRight: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important'
dustin@611:                     },
dustin@611:                     items: ['->', {
dustin@611:                         text: 'Speichern',
dustin@611:                         qtip: 'Daten speichern',
dustin@611:                         icon: 'resources/img/dialog-ok-apply.png',
dustin@611:                         action: 'save',
dustin@611:                         disabled: true
dustin@611:                     }, {
dustin@611:                         text: 'Verwerfen',
dustin@611:                         qtip: 'Ă„nderungen verwerfen',
dustin@611:                         icon: 'resources/img/dialog-cancel.png',
dustin@611:                         action: 'discard',
dustin@611:                         disabled: true
dustin@611:                     }]
dustin@611:                 }],
dustin@611:                 items: [{
dustin@708:                     xtype: 'tfield',
dustin@611:                     name: 'nebenprobenNr',
dustin@611:                     maxLength: 10,
dustin@611:                     margin: '0, 10, 5, 0',
dustin@611:                     fieldLabel: 'Nebenprobennr.',
dustin@611:                     width: 300,
dustin@718:                     labelWidth: 100
dustin@611:                 }, {
dustin@611:                     xtype: 'messmethode',
dustin@611:                     name: 'mmtId',
dustin@611:                     margin: '0, 10, 5, 0',
dustin@611:                     fieldLabel: 'Messmethode',
dustin@611:                     width: 300,
dustin@718:                     labelWidth: 100
dustin@611:                 }, {
dustin@611:                     xtype: 'datetime',
dustin@611:                     name: 'messzeitpunkt',
dustin@611:                     margin: '0, 10, 5, 0',
dustin@611:                     fieldLabel: 'Messzeitpunkt',
dustin@611:                     width: 300,
dustin@718:                     labelWidth: 100
dustin@611:                 }, {
dustin@611:                     xtype: 'numberfield',
dustin@611:                     allowDecimals: false,
dustin@661:                     allowExponential: false,
dustin@661:                     enforceMaxLength: true,
dustin@661:                     maxLength: 10,
dustin@611:                     minValue: 0,
dustin@611:                     name: 'messdauer',
dustin@611:                     margin: '0, 10, 5, 0',
dustin@611:                     fieldLabel: 'Messdauer',
dustin@611:                     width: 300,
dustin@718:                     labelWidth: 100
dustin@611:                 }, {
dustin@611:                     xtype: 'chkbox',
dustin@611:                     name: 'fertig',
dustin@611:                     margin: '0, 10, 5, 0',
dustin@611:                     fieldLabel: 'Fertig',
dustin@611:                     width: 300,
dustin@718:                     labelWidth: 100
dustin@611:                 }, {
dustin@611:                     xtype: 'chkbox',
dustin@611:                     name: 'geplant',
dustin@854:                     readOnly: true,
dustin@611:                     margin: '0, 10, 5, 0',
dustin@611:                     fieldLabel: 'Geplant',
dustin@611:                     width: 300,
dustin@718:                     labelWidth: 100
dustin@945:                 }, {
dustin@945:                     xtype: 'textfield',
dustin@945:                     name: 'status',
dustin@945:                     readOnly: true,
dustin@945:                     isFormField: false,
dustin@945:                     maxLength: 10,
dustin@945:                     margin: '0, 10, 5, 0',
dustin@945:                     fieldLabel: 'Status',
dustin@945:                     width: 300,
dustin@945:                     labelWidth: 100,
dustin@945:                     submitValue: false,
dustin@945:                     isFormField: false,
dustin@945:                     preventMark: true, //Do not display error msg.
dustin@945:                     validateValue: function() {
dustin@945:                         return true; //this field is always valid
dustin@965:                     }
dustin@957:                 }, {
dustin@957:                     xtype: 'textfield',
dustin@957:                     name: 'stufe',
dustin@957:                     readOnly: true,
dustin@957:                     isFormField: false,
dustin@957:                     maxLength: 10,
dustin@957:                     margin: '0, 10, 5, 0',
dustin@957:                     fieldLabel: 'Stufe',
dustin@957:                     width: 300,
dustin@957:                     labelWidth: 100,
dustin@957:                     submitValue: false,
dustin@957:                     isFormField: false,
dustin@957:                     preventMark: true, //Do not display error msg.
dustin@957:                     validateValue: function() {
dustin@957:                         return true; //this field is always valid
dustin@965:                     }
dustin@611:                 }]
dustin@611:             }]
dustin@581:         }];
dustin@581:         this.callParent(arguments);
dustin@581:     },
raimund@589:     setRecord: function(record) {
dustin@960:         var form = this.getForm();
dustin@960:         form.loadRecord(record);
dustin@960:         if (record.getId()){
dustin@961:             this.retrieveStatus(record.getId(), record.get('status'));
dustin@960:         }
dustin@960:         else {
dustin@960:             //remove the StatusWert and StatusStufe field from the form
dustin@960:             var sw = this.down('[name=status]');
dustin@960:             var ss = this.down('[name=stufe]');
dustin@960:             ss.hide();
dustin@960:             sw.hide();
dustin@960:         }
dustin@945:     },
dustin@945:     retrieveStatus: function(messungsId, statusId) {
dustin@945:         var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle;
dustin@945:         var msg = i18n.getMsg('load.statuswert');
dustin@945:         var textfield = this.down('[name=status]');
dustin@997:         var messwin = this.up('window');
dustin@961:         if(textfield) {
dustin@961:             textfield.setRawValue(msg);
dustin@961:         }
dustin@961:         var sStore = Ext.create('Lada.store.Status');
dustin@961:         sStore.load({
dustin@961:             params: {
dustin@961:                 messungsId: messungsId
dustin@961:             },
dustin@961:             callback: function(records, operation, success) {
dustin@1017:                 var sw, ss, se;
dustin@945:                 var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle;
dustin@950:                 if (sStore.getTotalCount() === 0 || !statusId) {
dustin@957:                     sw = 0;
dustin@945:                 }
dustin@945:                 else {
dustin@957:                     sw = sStore.getById(statusId).get('statusWert');
dustin@957:                     ss = sStore.getById(statusId).get('statusStufe');
dustin@1017:                     se = sStore.getById(statusId).get('erzeuger');
dustin@945:                 }
dustin@957:                 this.setStatusWert(sw);
dustin@957:                 this.setStatusStufe(ss);
dustin@1017:                 // Enable / Disable the statusreset button of the statusgrid of the messungwindow
dustin@997:                 if (messwin.record.get('statusEdit') === true &&
dustin@997:                         sw != 0 &&
dustin@1017:                         sw != 4 &&
dustin@1017:                         Ext.Array.contains(Lada.mst, se)) {
dustin@997:                     messwin.enableStatusReset();
dustin@997:                 }
dustin@997:                 else {
dustin@997:                     messwin.disableStatusReset();
dustin@997:                 }
dustin@945:             },
dustin@961:             scope: this
dustin@945:         });
dustin@945:     },
dustin@957:     /**
dustin@957:      * Updates the Messungform and fills the Statuswert
dustin@957:      */
dustin@945:     setStatusWert: function(value){
dustin@963:         var swStore = Ext.data.StoreManager.get('statuswerte');
dustin@963:         var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle;
dustin@963:         var msg = i18n.getMsg('load.statuswert.error');
dustin@963:         var textfield = this.down('[name=status]');
dustin@963:         if (!swStore) {
dustin@963:             //Set the textfield asynchronously
dustin@963:             swStore = Ext.create('Lada.store.StatusWerte');
dustin@965:             console.log('loading sw store messungform');
dustin@963:             swStore.load({
dustin@963:                 scope: this,
dustin@963:                 callback: function(records, operation, success) {
dustin@963:                     if (success) {
dustin@963:                         var item = swStore.getById(value);
dustin@963:                         if (item) {
dustin@963:                             msg = item.get('wert');
dustin@963:                         }
dustin@957:                     }
dustin@963:                     if (textfield) {
dustin@963:                         textfield.setRawValue(msg);
dustin@963:                     }
dustin@965:                 }
dustin@963:             });
dustin@963:         }
dustin@963:         else {
dustin@963:             //Set the textfield
dustin@963:             var item = swStore.getById(value);
dustin@963:             if (item) {
dustin@963:                 msg = item.get('wert');
dustin@963:             }
dustin@963:             if (textfield) {
dustin@963:                 textfield.setRawValue(msg);
dustin@963:             }
dustin@963:         }
dustin@957:     },
dustin@957:     /**
dustin@957:      * Updates the Messungform and fills the StatusStufe
dustin@957:      */
dustin@957:     setStatusStufe: function(value){
dustin@963:         var ssStore = Ext.data.StoreManager.get('statusstufe')
dustin@963:         var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle;
dustin@963:         var msg = i18n.getMsg('load.statusstufe.error');
dustin@963:         var textfield = this.down('[name=stufe]');
dustin@963:         if (!ssStore) {
dustin@963:             //set the value asynchronously
dustin@963:             Ext.create('Lada.store.StatusStufe');
dustin@963:             ssStore.load({
dustin@963:                 scope: this,
dustin@963:                 callback: function(records, operation, success) {
dustin@963:                     if (success) {
dustin@963:                         var item = ssStore.getById(value);
dustin@963:                         if (item) {
dustin@963:                             msg = item.get('stufe');
dustin@963:                         }
dustin@957:                     }
dustin@963:                     if (textfield) {
dustin@963:                         textfield.setRawValue(msg);
dustin@963:                     }
dustin@965:                 }
dustin@963:             });
dustin@963:         }
dustin@963:         else {
dustin@963:             //Set the value.
dustin@963:             var item = ssStore.getById(value);
dustin@963:             if (item) {
dustin@963:                 msg = item.get('stufe');
dustin@963:             }
dustin@963:             if (textfield) {
dustin@963:                 textfield.setRawValue(msg);
dustin@963:             }
dustin@963:         }
dustin@581:     },
dustin@708:     setMessages: function(errors, warnings) {
dustin@708:         var key;
dustin@708:         var element;
dustin@708:         var content;
dustin@708:         var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle;
dustin@708:         if (warnings) {
dustin@708:             for (key in warnings) {
dustin@708:                 element = this.down('component[name=' + key + ']');
dustin@708:                 if (!element) {
dustin@708:                     continue;
dustin@708:                 }
dustin@708:                 content = warnings[key];
dustin@708:                 var warnText = '';
dustin@708:                 for (var i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
dustin@708:                     warnText += i18n.getMsg(content[i].toString()) + '\n';
dustin@708:                 }
dustin@708:                 element.showWarnings(warnText);
dustin@708:             }
dustin@708:         }
dustin@708:         if (errors) {
dustin@708:             for (key in errors) {
dustin@708:                 element = this.down('component[name=' + key + ']');
dustin@708:                 if (!element) {
dustin@708:                     continue;
dustin@708:                 }
dustin@708:                 content = errors[key];
dustin@708:                 var errorText = '';
dustin@708:                 for (var i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
dustin@708:                     errorText += i18n.getMsg(content[i].toString()) + '\n';
dustin@708:                 }
dustin@708:                 element.showErrors(errorText);
dustin@708:             }
dustin@708:         }
dustin@581:     },
dustin@581:     clearMessages: function() {
dustin@708:         this.down('tfield[name=nebenprobenNr]').clearWarningOrError();
dustin@708:         //this.down('messmethode[name=mmtId]').clearWarningOrError();
dustin@708:         this.down('datetime[name=messzeitpunkt]').clearWarningOrError();
dustin@708:         //this.down('numberfield[name=messdauer]').clearWarningOrError();
dustin@708:         this.down('chkbox[name=fertig]').clearWarningOrError();
dustin@708:         this.down('chkbox[name=geplant]').clearWarningOrError();
dustin@581:     },
dustin@694:     setReadOnly: function(value) {
dustin@708:         this.down('tfield[name=nebenprobenNr]').setReadOnly(value);
raimund@710:         this.down('messmethode[name=mmtId]').setReadOnly(value);
dustin@694:         this.down('datetime[name=messzeitpunkt]').setReadOnly(value);
dustin@694:         this.down('numberfield[name=messdauer]').setReadOnly(value);
dustin@985:         this.down('chkbox[name=fertig]').setReadOnly(value);
dustin@581:     }
dustin@581: });