raimund@548: /* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz
raimund@548:  * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
raimund@548:  *
raimund@548:  * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3)
raimund@548:  * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out
raimund@548:  * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details.
raimund@548:  */
mstanko@924: /*
mstanko@924:  * Formular to edit a Probe
raimund@548:  */
raimund@548: Ext.define('Lada.view.form.Probe', {
raimund@548:     extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
raimund@548:     alias: 'widget.probeform',
raimund@548:     requires: [
raimund@548:         'Lada.view.widget.Datenbasis',
mstanko@1107:         'Lada.view.widget.DatensatzErzeuger',
mstanko@1107:         'Lada.view.widget.Probenehmer',
mstanko@1107:         'Lada.view.widget.MessprogrammLand',
mstanko@924:         'Lada.view.widget.base.CheckBox',
raimund@1066:         'Lada.view.widget.MessstelleLabor',
raimund@548:         'Lada.view.widget.Netzbetreiber',
raimund@548:         'Lada.view.widget.Betriebsart',
raimund@548:         'Lada.view.widget.Probenart',
raimund@548:         'Lada.view.widget.Umwelt',
raimund@771:         'Lada.view.widget.Deskriptor',
raimund@548:         'Lada.view.widget.base.TextField',
raimund@548:         'Lada.view.widget.base.Datetime',
raimund@548:         'Lada.view.widget.base.FieldSet',
dustin@646:         'Lada.view.widget.base.DateField',
tom@1189:         'Lada.view.window.MessungCreate',
raimund@771:         'Lada.model.Probe'
raimund@548:     ],
raimund@548:     model: 'Lada.model.Probe',
raimund@548:     minWidth: 650,
raimund@548:     margin: 5,
raimund@548:     border: 0,
raimund@548:     recordId: null,
raimund@548:     trackResetOnLoad: true,
raimund@548:     initComponent: function() {
raimund@548:         var me = this;
tom@1155:         var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle;
raimund@548:         this.items = [{
raimund@548:             xtype: 'fieldset',
raimund@548:             title: 'Allgemein',
raimund@548:             items: [{
raimund@548:                 border: 0,
raimund@548:                 margin: '0, 0, 10, 0',
raimund@548:                 dockedItems: [{
raimund@548:                     xtype: 'toolbar',
raimund@548:                     dock: 'bottom',
raimund@548:                     border: '0, 1, 1, 1',
raimund@548:                     style: {
raimund@548:                         borderBottom: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important',
raimund@548:                         borderLeft: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important',
raimund@548:                         borderRight: '1px solid #b5b8c8 !important'
raimund@548:                     },
raimund@548:                     items: ['->', {
raimund@548:                         text: 'Speichern',
raimund@548:                         qtip: 'Daten speichern',
raimund@548:                         icon: 'resources/img/dialog-ok-apply.png',
raimund@548:                         action: 'save',
raimund@548:                         disabled: true
raimund@548:                     }, {
raimund@548:                         text: 'Verwerfen',
raimund@548:                         qtip: 'Ă„nderungen verwerfen',
raimund@548:                         icon: 'resources/img/dialog-cancel.png',
raimund@548:                         action: 'discard',
raimund@548:                         disabled: true
raimund@548:                     }]
raimund@548:                 }],
raimund@548:                 items: [{
mstanko@924:                     layout: 'vbox',
raimund@548:                     border: 0,
ehuber@1175:                         items: [{
ehuber@1175:                              xtype: 'displayfield',
ehuber@1243:                              name: 'idAlt',
ehuber@1175:                              fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('probeId'),
ehuber@1175:                              margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
ehuber@1175:                              labelWidth: 95,
ehuber@1175:                              maxLength: 20
ehuber@1175:                         },{
mstanko@924:                             layout: {
mstanko@924:                                 type: 'hbox',
mstanko@924:                                 align: 'stretch'
mstanko@924:                             },
mstanko@924:                             border: 0,
mstanko@924:                             width: '100%',
raimund@548:                             items: [{
raimund@1066:                                 xtype: 'messstellelabor',
raimund@1066:                                 name: 'mstlabor',
raimund@1066:                                 fieldLabel: 'Messstelle/Labor',
raimund@1066:                                 margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
raimund@1066:                                 width: '35%',
raimund@1066:                                 labelWidth: 95,
raimund@1066:                                 allowBlank: false,
raimund@1066:                                 editable: true,
raimund@1066:                                 listeners: {
raimund@1066:                                     select: {
raimund@1066:                                         fn: function(combo, newValue) {
raimund@1066:                                             var mst = newValue[0].get('messStelle');
raimund@1066:                                             var labor = newValue[0].get('laborMst');
raimund@1066:                                             combo.up('fieldset').down('messstelle[name=mstId]').setValue(mst);
raimund@1066:                                             combo.up('fieldset').down('messstelle[name=laborMstId]').setValue(labor);
raimund@1066:                                         }
raimund@1066:                                     }
raimund@1066:                                 }
raimund@1066:                             }, {
mstanko@924:                                 xtype: 'messstelle',
mstanko@924:                                 name: 'mstId',
raimund@1066:                                 fieldLabel: 'Messstelle/Labor',
mstanko@924:                                 margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
mstanko@924:                                 width: '35%',
raimund@1066:                                 labelWidth: 95,
mstanko@924:                                 allowBlank: false,
raimund@1066:                                 editable: true,
raimund@1066:                                 hidden: true
raimund@1066:                             }, {
raimund@1066:                                 xtype: 'messstelle',
raimund@1066:                                 name: 'laborMstId',
raimund@1066:                                 fieldLabel: 'Messstelle/Labor',
raimund@1066:                                 margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
raimund@1066:                                 width: '35%',
raimund@1066:                                 labelWidth: 95,
raimund@1066:                                 allowBlank: false,
raimund@1066:                                 editable: true,
raimund@1066:                                 hidden: true
raimund@548:                             }, {
raimund@548:                                 xtype: 'netzbetreiber',
raimund@548:                                 editable: false,
dustin@847:                                 readOnly: true,
tom@1217:                                 isFormField: false,
tom@1217:                                 submitValue: false,
tom@1235:                                 fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('netzbetreiberId'),
mstanko@924:                                 margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
mstanko@924:                                 width: '35%',
tom@1235:                                 labelWidth: 80
mstanko@924:                             }, {
mstanko@924:                                 xtype: 'datenbasis',
mstanko@924:                                 editable: false,
mstanko@924:                                 name: 'datenbasisId',
mstanko@924:                                 fieldLabel: 'Datenbasis',
mstanko@924:                                 margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
mstanko@924:                                 width: '20%',
mstanko@924:                                 labelWidth: 65
mstanko@924:                             }, {
mstanko@924:                                 xtype: 'chkbox',
mstanko@924:                                 name: 'test',
mstanko@924:                                 fieldLabel: 'Test',
mstanko@924:                                 margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
mstanko@924:                                 width: '10%',
dustin@623:                                 anchor: '100%',
mstanko@924:                                 labelWidth: 30
mstanko@924:                             }]
mstanko@924:                         }, {
mstanko@924:                             layout: {
mstanko@924:                                 type: 'hbox',
mstanko@924:                                 align: 'stretch'
mstanko@924:                             },
mstanko@924:                             border: 0,
mstanko@924:                             width: '100%',
mstanko@924:                             items: [{
mstanko@924:                                 xtype: 'tfield',
mstanko@924:                                 name: 'hauptprobenNr',
tom@1155:                                 fieldLabel: i18n.getMsg('hauptprobenNr'),
mstanko@924:                                 margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
mstanko@924:                                 width: '35%',
raimund@1066:                                 labelWidth: 95,
mstanko@924:                                 maxLength: 20,
mstanko@924:                                 allowBlank: true
mstanko@924:                             }, {
mstanko@924:                                 xtype: 'betriebsart',
mstanko@924:                                 name: 'baId',
mstanko@924:                                 fieldLabel: 'Messregime',
mstanko@924:                                 margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
mstanko@924:                                 width: '35%',
mstanko@924:                                 labelWidth: 80
mstanko@924:                             }, {
mstanko@924:                                 xtype: 'probenart',
mstanko@924:                                 editable: false,
mstanko@924:                                 name: 'probenartId',
mstanko@924:                                 fieldLabel: 'Probenart',
mstanko@924:                                 margin: '0, 15, 5, 5',
mstanko@924:                                 width: '20%',
mstanko@924:                                 labelWidth: 65,
dustin@718:                                 allowBlank: false
mstanko@924:                             }]
mstanko@924:                         }, {
mstanko@924:                             layout: {
mstanko@924:                                 type: 'hbox',
mstanko@924:                                 align: 'stretch'
mstanko@924:                             },
mstanko@924:                             border: 0,
mstanko@924:                             width: '100%',
mstanko@924:                             items: [{
mstanko@1107:                                 xtype: 'probenehmer',
mstanko@924:                                 name: 'probeNehmerId',
mstanko@924:                                 fieldLabel: 'Probennehmer',
mstanko@924:                                 margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
mstanko@924:                                 width: '50%',
mstanko@924:                                 minValue: 0,
mstanko@924:                                 anchor: '100%',
raimund@1066:                                 labelWidth: 95
raimund@548:                             }, {
mstanko@1107:                                 xtype: 'datensatzerzeuger',
mstanko@1107:                                 name: 'erzeugerId',
raimund@548:                                 fieldLabel: 'Datensatzerzeuger',
mstanko@924:                                 margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
mstanko@924:                                 width: '50%',
dustin@623:                                 anchor: '100%',
raimund@928:                                 labelWidth: 110
raimund@548:                             }]
mstanko@1107:                         },{
mstanko@1107:                             xtype: 'messprogrammland',
mstanko@1107:                             name: 'mplId',
mstanko@1107:                             fieldLabel: 'Messprogramm-Land',
mstanko@1107:                             margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
mstanko@1116:                             width: '100%',
mstanko@1107:                             anchor: '100%',
mstanko@1107:                             labelWidth: 110
raimund@548:                         }]
raimund@548:                 }, {
raimund@548:                     // Zeit
raimund@548:                     xtype: 'fieldset',
raimund@548:                     title: 'Zeit',
raimund@548:                     layout: {
mstanko@924:                         type: 'vbox',
dustin@646:                         align: 'stretch'
raimund@548:                     },
raimund@548:                     items: [{
dustin@717:                         xtype: 'fset',
mstanko@924:                         name: 'sollzeitPeriod',
mstanko@924:                         width: '100%',
mstanko@924:                         border: 0,
mstanko@924:                         margin: 0,
raimund@548:                         layout: {
raimund@928:                             type: 'hbox'
raimund@548:                         },
raimund@548:                         items: [{
mstanko@931:                             xtype: 'datefield',
raimund@926:                             emptyText: ' ',
mstanko@924:                             fieldLabel: 'Sollzeitraum von',
raimund@928:                             labelWidth: 130,
mstanko@924:                             margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
mstanko@924:                             name: 'solldatumBeginn',
mstanko@931:                             format: 'd.m.Y',
raimund@926:                             period: 'start',
raimund@926:                             readOnly: true
mstanko@924:                         }, {
mstanko@931:                             xtype: 'datefield',
raimund@926:                             emptyText: ' ',
mstanko@924:                             fieldLabel: 'bis',
raimund@928:                             labelWidth: 17,
mstanko@924:                             margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
mstanko@924:                             name: 'solldatumEnde',
mstanko@931:                             format: 'd.m.Y',
raimund@926:                             period: 'end',
raimund@926:                             readOnly: true
mstanko@924:                         }]
mstanko@924:                     }, {
mstanko@924:                         xtype: 'fset',
mstanko@924:                         name: 'entnahmePeriod',
mstanko@924:                         width: '100%',
mstanko@924:                         border: 0,
mstanko@924:                         margin: 0,
mstanko@924:                         layout: {
raimund@928:                             type: 'hbox'
mstanko@924:                         },
mstanko@924:                         items: [{
mstanko@924:                             xtype: 'datetime',
mstanko@924:                             fieldLabel: 'Probenentnahme von',
raimund@928:                             labelWidth: 130,
mstanko@924:                             margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
raimund@548:                             name: 'probeentnahmeBeginn',
dustin@717:                             format: 'd.m.Y H:i',
dustin@717:                             period: 'start'
raimund@548:                         }, {
raimund@650:                             xtype: 'datetime',
mstanko@924:                             fieldLabel: 'bis',
raimund@928:                             labelWidth: 17,
mstanko@924:                             margin: '0, 5, 5, 5',
raimund@548:                             name: 'probeentnahmeEnde',
dustin@717:                             format: 'd.m.Y H:i',
dustin@717:                             period: 'end'
raimund@548:                         }]
raimund@548:                     }]
dustin@838:                 }, {
dustin@838:                     // Medium
dustin@838:                     xtype: 'fieldset',
dustin@838:                     title: 'Medium',
mstanko@924:                     width: '100%',
dustin@838:                     items: [{
dustin@838:                         border: 0,
dustin@838:                         layout: {
dustin@838:                             type: 'vbox',
dustin@838:                             align: 'stretch'
dustin@838:                         },
dustin@838:                         width: '100%',
dustin@838:                         items: [{
dustin@838:                             xtype: 'umwelt',
dustin@838:                             name: 'umwId',
dustin@838:                             fieldLabel: 'Umweltbereich',
dustin@838:                             labelWidth: 125,
dustin@838:                             allowBlank: false,
dustin@838:                             editable: true,
dustin@838:                             listeners: {
dustin@838:                                 dirtychange: {
dustin@838:                                     fn: this.updateOnChange,
dustin@838:                                     scope: me
dustin@838:                                 }
dustin@838:                             }
dustin@838:                         }, {
mstanko@924:                             border: 0,
mstanko@924:                             layout: {
mstanko@924:                                 type: 'hbox',
mstanko@924:                                 align: 'stretch'
mstanko@924:                             },
mstanko@924:                             width: '100%',
mstanko@924:                             items: [{
mstanko@924:                                     xtype: 'tfield',
mstanko@924:                                     maxLength: 38,
mstanko@924:                                     enforceMaxLength: true,
mstanko@924:                                     name: 'mediaDesk',
mstanko@924:                                     width: '60%',
mstanko@924:                                     minWidth: 290,
mstanko@924:                                     labelWidth: 125,
mstanko@924:                                     fieldLabel: 'Deskriptoren',
mstanko@930:                                     editable: false,
mstanko@930:                                     readOnly: true,
mstanko@924:                                     listeners: {
mstanko@924:                                         dirtychange: {
mstanko@924:                                             fn: this.updateOnChange,
mstanko@924:                                             scope: me
mstanko@924:                                         }
mstanko@924:                                     }
mstanko@924:                                 }, {
mstanko@924:                                     xtype: 'textfield',
mstanko@924:                                     name: 'media',
mstanko@924:                                     margin: '0, 10, 5, 10',
mstanko@930:                                     width: '40%',
mstanko@924:                                     enforceMaxLength: true,
mstanko@924:                                     editable: false,
mstanko@931:                                     readOnly: true
mstanko@924:                                 }]
mstanko@924:                         }, {
dustin@838:                             xtype: 'fieldset',
dustin@838:                             title: 'Details Deskriptoren',
dustin@838:                             collapsible: true,
dustin@838:                             collapsed: true,
dustin@838:                             layout: {
mstanko@930:                                 type: 'vbox',
mstanko@930:                                 align: 'stretch'
dustin@838:                             },
dustin@838:                             items: this.buildDescriptors()
dustin@838:                         }]
dustin@838:                     }]
raimund@548:                 }]
raimund@548:             }]
raimund@548:         }];
dustin@681:         this.callParent(arguments);
dustin@816:         this.clearMessages();
raimund@548:     },
raimund@1066:     setRecord: function(probeRecord) {
dustin@717:         this.clearMessages();
raimund@1066:         this.getForm().loadRecord(probeRecord);
raimund@1066:         if (!probeRecord.raw) {
raimund@1066:             return;
raimund@1066:         }
raimund@1066:         var mstStore = Ext.data.StoreManager.get('messstellen');
tom@1217:         var mstId = mstStore.getById(probeRecord.get('mstId'));
raimund@1066:         if (!probeRecord.get('owner')) {
raimund@1066:             var laborMstId = mstStore.getById(probeRecord.get('laborMstId'));
raimund@1066:             if (laborMstId) {
raimund@1066:                 laborMstId = laborMstId.get('messStelle');
raimund@1066:             }
raimund@1066:             else {
raimund@1066:                 laborMstId = '';
raimund@1066:             }
raimund@1066:             var id = this.down('messstellelabor').store.count() + 1;
raimund@1066:             var newStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
raimund@1066:                 model: 'Lada.model.MessstelleLabor',
raimund@1066:                 data: [{
raimund@1066:                     id: id,
raimund@1066:                     laborMst: probeRecord.get('laborMstId'),
raimund@1066:                     messStelle: probeRecord.get('mstId'),
raimund@1066:                     displayCombi: mstId.get('messStelle') +
raimund@1066:                         '/' + laborMstId
raimund@1066:                 }]
raimund@1066:             });
raimund@1066:             this.down('messstellelabor').down('combobox').store = newStore;
raimund@1066:             this.down('messstellelabor').setValue(id);
raimund@1066:         }
raimund@1066:         else {
raimund@1066:             var mstLaborStore = Ext.data.StoreManager.get('messstellelabor');
raimund@1066:             var items = mstLaborStore.queryBy(function(record) {
raimund@1066:                 if (record.get('messStelle') === probeRecord.get('mstId') &&
raimund@1066:                     record.get('laborMst') === probeRecord.get('laborMstId')) {
raimund@1066:                     return true;
raimund@1066:                 }
raimund@1066:             });
raimund@1066:             this.down('messstellelabor').setValue(items.getAt(0));
raimund@1066:         }
tom@1217:         this.down('netzbetreiber').setValue(mstId.get('netzbetreiberId'));
raimund@548:     },
raimund@771:     setMediaDesk: function(record) {
tom@1234:         var media = record.get('mediaDesk');
tom@1234:         if (media) {
tom@1234:             var mediaParts = media.split(' ');
tom@1234:             this.setMediaSN(0, mediaParts);
tom@1234:         }
raimund@771:     },
mstanko@1276:     setMediaSN: function(ndx, media, beschreibung) {
raimund@771:         if (ndx >= 12) {
mstanko@1276:             mediabeschreibung.setValue(beschreibung);
raimund@771:             return;
raimund@771:         }
raimund@771:         var me = this;
raimund@771:         var current = this.down('deskriptor[layer=' + ndx + ']');
raimund@771:         var cbox = current.down('combobox');
raimund@771:         if (ndx === 0) {
raimund@771:             cbox.store.proxy.extraParams = {
raimund@771:                 'layer': ndx
raimund@771:             };
raimund@771:         }
raimund@771:         else {
raimund@771:             var parents = current.getParents(current.down('combobox'));
raimund@771:             if (parents.length === 0) {
raimund@771:                 return;
raimund@771:             }
raimund@771:             cbox.store.proxy.extraParams = {
raimund@771:                 'layer': ndx,
raimund@771:                 'parents': parents
raimund@771:             };
raimund@771:         }
raimund@771:         cbox.store.load(function(records, op, success) {
raimund@771:             if (!success) {
raimund@771:                 return;
raimund@771:             }
raimund@771:             cbox.select(cbox.store.findRecord('sn', parseInt(media[ndx + 1], 10)));
mstanko@1276:             var mediatext = cbox.store.findRecord('sn', parseInt(media[ndx + 1], 10));
mstanko@1276:             if (mediatext !== null) {
mstanko@1276:                 if ( (ndx <= 3) && (media[1] === '01') && (mediatext.data.beschreibung !== "leer") ) {
mstanko@1276:                     beschreibung = mediatext.data.beschreibung;
mstanko@1276:                 } else if ( (media[1] !== '01') && (mediatext.data.beschreibung !== "leer") && (ndx <= 1) ) {
mstanko@1276:                     beschreibung = mediatext.data.beschreibung;
mstanko@1276:                 }
mstanko@1276:             }
mstanko@1276:             me.setMediaSN(++ndx, media, beschreibung);
raimund@771:         });
raimund@771:     },
raimund@548:     setMessages: function(errors, warnings) {
raimund@548:         var key;
raimund@548:         var element;
raimund@548:         var content;
raimund@548:         var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle;
raimund@548:         if (warnings) {
raimund@548:             for (key in warnings) {
raimund@548:                 element = this.down('component[name=' + key + ']');
raimund@548:                 if (!element) {
raimund@548:                     continue;
raimund@548:                 }
raimund@548:                 content = warnings[key];
raimund@548:                 var warnText = '';
raimund@548:                 for (var i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
raimund@548:                     warnText += i18n.getMsg(content[i].toString()) + '\n';
raimund@548:                 }
raimund@548:                 element.showWarnings(warnText);
raimund@548:             }
raimund@548:         }
raimund@548:         if (errors) {
raimund@548:             for (key in errors) {
raimund@548:                 element = this.down('component[name=' + key + ']');
raimund@548:                 if (!element) {
raimund@548:                     continue;
raimund@548:                 }
raimund@548:                 content = errors[key];
raimund@548:                 var errorText = '';
raimund@548:                 for (var i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
raimund@548:                     errorText += i18n.getMsg(content[i].toString()) + '\n';
raimund@548:                 }
raimund@548:                 element.showErrors(errorText);
raimund@548:             }
raimund@548:         }
raimund@548:     },
raimund@548:     clearMessages: function() {
raimund@1068:         this.down('cbox[name=mstlabor]').clearWarningOrError();
raimund@548:         this.down('tfield[name=hauptprobenNr]').clearWarningOrError();
raimund@548:         this.down('cbox[name=datenbasisId]').clearWarningOrError();
raimund@548:         this.down('cbox[name=baId]').clearWarningOrError();
mstanko@924:         this.down('chkbox[name=test]').clearWarningOrError();
raimund@548:         this.down('cbox[name=probenartId]').clearWarningOrError();
tom@1217:         this.down('netzbetreiber').clearWarningOrError();
mstanko@1107:         this.down('cbox[name=erzeugerId]').clearWarningOrError();
raimund@548:         this.down('cbox[name=umwId]').clearWarningOrError();
raimund@652:         this.down('datetime[name=probeentnahmeBeginn]').clearWarningOrError();
raimund@652:         this.down('datetime[name=probeentnahmeEnde]').clearWarningOrError();
dustin@717:         this.down('fset[name=entnahmePeriod]').clearMessages();
dustin@717:         this.down('fset[name=sollzeitPeriod]').clearMessages();
raimund@548:     },
raimund@548:     setReadOnly: function(value) {
raimund@1068:         this.down('cbox[name=mstlabor]').setReadOnly(value);
raimund@548:         this.down('tfield[name=hauptprobenNr]').setReadOnly(value);
raimund@548:         this.down('cbox[name=datenbasisId]').setReadOnly(value);
raimund@548:         this.down('cbox[name=baId]').setReadOnly(value);
mstanko@924:         this.down('chkbox[name=test]').setReadOnly(value);
raimund@548:         this.down('cbox[name=probenartId]').setReadOnly(value);
mstanko@1107:         this.down('cbox[name=erzeugerId]').setReadOnly(value);
raimund@548:         this.down('cbox[name=umwId]').setReadOnly(value);
raimund@652:         this.down('datetime[name=probeentnahmeBeginn]').setReadOnly(value);
raimund@652:         this.down('datetime[name=probeentnahmeEnde]').setReadOnly(value);
mstanko@1107:         this.down('cbox[name=probeNehmerId]').setReadOnly(value);
mstanko@1116:         this.down('cbox[name=mplId]').setReadOnly(value);
dustin@685:         //Deskriptoren
dustin@685:         for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
raimund@783:             this.down('deskriptor[layer='+i+']').setReadOnly(value);
dustin@685:         }
raimund@548:     },
raimund@548:     buildDescriptors: function() {
raimund@548:         var fields = [];
raimund@548:         for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
raimund@548:             fields[i] = {
raimund@771:                 xtype: 'deskriptor',
raimund@548:                 fieldLabel: 'S' + i,
raimund@783:                 //name: 's' + i,
raimund@548:                 labelWidth: 25,
raimund@771:                 width: 190,
raimund@771:                 layer: i,
dustin@718:                 margin: '0, 10, 5, 0'
raimund@548:             };
raimund@548:         }
raimund@548:         return fields;
raimund@548:     }
raimund@548: });