raimund@548: /* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz
raimund@548: * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
raimund@548: *
raimund@548: * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3)
raimund@548: * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out
raimund@548: * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details.
raimund@548: */
raimund@548: /**
raimund@548: * Viewport for the Lada-Client
raimund@548: *
raimund@548: * The viewport initialises the graphical elements of the application. For
dustin@747: * debugging it is possible to initialise other components directly see the
raimund@548: * initComponent function.
raimund@548: */
raimund@548: Ext.define('Lada.view.Viewport', {
raimund@548: extend: 'Ext.container.Viewport',
raimund@548: requires: [
dustin@747: 'Lada.view.ProbenPlanungSwitcher',
dustin@975: 'Lada.view.FilterPanel'
raimund@548: ],
raimund@548: layout: 'fit',
raimund@548: initComponent: function() {
dustin@800: var i18n = Lada.getApplication().bundle;
raimund@548: this.items = [{
raimund@548: title: '
raimund@548: layout: 'border',
raimund@548: name: 'main',
raimund@548: items: [{
raimund@548: layout: {
raimund@548: type: 'vbox',
raimund@548: align: 'stretch'
raimund@548: },
raimund@548: region: 'west',
raimund@548: split: true,
raimund@548: border: 1,
raimund@548: flex: 1,
raimund@548: dockedItems: [{
raimund@548: xtype: 'toolbar',
raimund@548: dock: 'top',
raimund@548: items: [{
raimund@548: xtype: 'splitbutton',
raimund@548: text: 'Info',
raimund@548: menu: {
raimund@548: items: [{
dustin@800: text: i18n.getMsg('about.button.title'),
raimund@548: action: 'about'
dustin@693: }
dustin@693: ]
raimund@548: }
raimund@548: }, '->', {
raimund@548: xtype: 'tbtext',
raimund@548: id: 'userinfo',
raimund@548: text: ''
raimund@548: }, {
raimund@548: xtype: 'tbtext',
raimund@548: id: 'groupinfo',
raimund@548: text: ''
raimund@548: }]
raimund@548: }],
raimund@548: items: [{
dustin@747: xtype: 'probenplanungswitcher',
dustin@747: margin: '0, 10, 0, 10'
dustin@747: }, {
raimund@548: // Auswahl einer Abfrage.
raimund@548: xtype: 'filterpanel',
raimund@548: margin: '0, 10, 0, 10'
raimund@548: }, {
raimund@548: // Variables settings for the current selected sql statement.
raimund@548: xtype: 'fieldset',
raimund@548: name: 'filtervariables',
raimund@548: title: 'Variablenbelegung',
raimund@548: hidden: true,
raimund@548: margin: '0, 10, 0, 10',
raimund@548: items: []
raimund@548: }]
raimund@548: }, {
dustin@975: xtype: 'panel',
dustin@975: border: 1,
dustin@975: layout: 'fit',
dustin@975: name: 'contentpanel',
raimund@548: flex: 3,
raimund@548: hidden: false,
raimund@548: region: 'center'
raimund@548: }]
raimund@548: }];
raimund@548: this.callParent(arguments);
raimund@548: }
raimund@548: });