dustin@892: /* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz dustin@892: * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH dustin@892: * dustin@892: * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3) dustin@892: * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out dustin@892: * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details. dustin@892: */ dustin@892: dustin@892: /** dustin@892: * This Widget extends a DateTimePicker in order to create a dustin@892: * something like a DateTimePicker dustin@892: */ raimund@649: Ext.define('Lada.view.widget.base.DateTimePicker', { raimund@649: extend: 'Ext.picker.Date', raimund@649: alias: 'widget.datetimepicker', raimund@649: requires: [ raimund@649: 'Ext.picker.Date', raimund@649: 'Ext.form.field.Number' raimund@649: ], raimund@649: raimund@649: todayText: 'Jetzt', raimund@649: raimund@649: renderTpl: [ raimund@649: '<div id="{id}-innerEl" role="grid">', raimund@649: '<div role="presentation" class="{baseCls}-header">', raimund@649: // the href attribute is required for the :hover selector to work in IE6/7/quirks raimund@649: '<a id="{id}-prevEl" class="{baseCls}-prev {baseCls}-arrow" href="#" role="button" title="{prevText}" hidefocus="on" ></a>', raimund@649: '<div class="{baseCls}-month" id="{id}-middleBtnEl">{%this.renderMonthBtn(values, out)%}</div>', raimund@649: // the href attribute is required for the :hover selector to work in IE6/7/quirks raimund@649: '<a id="{id}-nextEl" class="{baseCls}-next {baseCls}-arrow" href="#" role="button" title="{nextText}" hidefocus="on" ></a>', raimund@649: '</div>', raimund@649: '<table id="{id}-eventEl" class="{baseCls}-inner" cellspacing="0" role="grid">', raimund@649: '<thead role="presentation"><tr role="row">', raimund@649: '<tpl for="dayNames">', raimund@649: '<th role="columnheader" class="{parent.baseCls}-column-header" title="{.}">', raimund@649: '<div class="{parent.baseCls}-column-header-inner">{.:this.firstInitial}</div>', raimund@649: '</th>', raimund@649: '</tpl>', raimund@649: '</tr></thead>', raimund@649: '<tbody role="presentation"><tr role="row">', raimund@649: '<tpl for="days">', raimund@649: '{#:this.isEndOfWeek}', raimund@649: '<td role="gridcell" id="{[Ext.id()]}">', raimund@649: // the href attribute is required for the :hover selector to work in IE6/7/quirks raimund@649: '<a role="presentation" hidefocus="on" class="{parent.baseCls}-date" href="#"></a>', raimund@649: '</td>', raimund@649: '</tpl>', raimund@649: '</tr></tbody>', raimund@649: '</table>', raimund@649: '<div id="{id}-timeEl" role="presentation" class="{baseCls}-footer">', raimund@649: '<table cellspacing="0">', raimund@649: '<colgroup><col width="70"><col width="40"><col width="40"></colgroup>', raimund@649: '<tr>', raimund@649: '<td>', raimund@649: '<div id="{id}-timeLabelEl" role="presentation">{%this.renderTimeLabel(values, out)%}</div>', raimund@649: '</td><td>', raimund@649: '<div id="{id}-timeHourEl" role="presentation">{%this.renderTimeHour(values, out)%}</div>', raimund@649: '</td><td>', raimund@649: '<div id="{id}-timeMinuteEl" role="presentation">{%this.renderTimeMinute(values, out)%}</div>', raimund@649: '</td>', raimund@649: '</tr>', raimund@649: '</table>', raimund@649: '<table cellspacing="0">', raimund@649: '<colgroup width="75"></colgroup>', raimund@649: '<tr>', raimund@649: '<td>', raimund@649: '<div id="{id}-footerNowEl" role="presentation">{%this.renderTodayBtn(values, out)%}</div>', raimund@649: '</td><td>', raimund@649: '<div id="{id}-footerAcceptEl" role="presentation">{%this.renderAcceptBtn(values, out)%}</div>', raimund@649: '</td>', raimund@649: '</tr>', raimund@649: '</table>', raimund@649: '</div>', raimund@649: '</div>', raimund@649: { raimund@649: firstInitial: function(value) { raimund@649: return Ext.picker.Date.prototype.getDayInitial(value); raimund@649: }, raimund@649: isEndOfWeek: function(value) { raimund@649: // convert from 1 based index to 0 based raimund@649: // by decrementing value once. raimund@649: value--; raimund@649: var end = value % 7 === 0 && value !== 0; raimund@649: return end ? '</tr><tr role="row">' : ''; raimund@649: }, raimund@649: renderTodayBtn: function(values, out) { raimund@649: Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(values.$comp.todayBtn.getRenderTree(), out); raimund@649: }, raimund@649: renderMonthBtn: function(values, out) { raimund@649: Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(values.$comp.monthBtn.getRenderTree(), out); raimund@649: }, raimund@649: renderTimeLabel: function(values, out) { raimund@649: Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(values.$comp.timeLabel.getRenderTree(), out); raimund@649: }, raimund@649: renderTimeHour: function(values, out) { raimund@649: Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(values.$comp.hourField.getRenderTree(), out); raimund@649: }, raimund@649: renderTimeMinute: function(values, out) { raimund@649: Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(values.$comp.minuteField.getRenderTree(), out); raimund@649: }, raimund@649: renderAcceptBtn: function(values, out) { raimund@649: Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(values.$comp.acceptBtn.getRenderTree(), out); raimund@649: } raimund@649: } raimund@649: ], raimund@649: raimund@649: beforeRender: function () { raimund@649: var me = this; dustin@667: me.hourField = new Ext.form.field.Number({ raimund@649: ownerCt: me, raimund@649: ownerLayout: me.getComponentLayout(), raimund@649: value: 0, dustin@667: valueToRaw: function (value) { dustin@667: return (value < 10 ? '0' : '') + value; // add leading Zero dustin@667: }, raimund@655: maxValue: 23, dustin@667: maxLength: 2, dustin@667: enforceMaxLength: true, raimund@651: onSpinUp: function() { raimund@651: var value = parseInt(this.getValue()); raimund@651: if (value === 23) { raimund@651: return; raimund@651: } raimund@651: var newValue = value + 1; dustin@667: this.setValue(newValue); raimund@651: }, raimund@651: onSpinDown: function() { raimund@651: var value = parseInt(this.getValue()); raimund@651: if (value === 0) { raimund@651: return; raimund@651: } raimund@651: var newValue = value - 1; dustin@667: this.setValue(newValue); raimund@651: }, raimund@649: listeners: { raimund@649: change: me.changeTimeValue, raimund@649: scope: me dustin@667: }, dustin@667: checkChangeEvents: ['change'] raimund@649: }); raimund@649: dustin@667: me.minuteField = new Ext.form.field.Number({ raimund@649: ownerCt: me, raimund@649: ownerLayout: me.getComponentLayout(), raimund@649: value: 0, raimund@655: maxValue: 59, dustin@667: valueToRaw: function (value) { dustin@667: return (value < 10 ? '0' : '') + value; // add leading Zero dustin@667: }, dustin@667: maxLength: 2, dustin@667: enforceMaxLength: true, raimund@651: onSpinUp: function() { raimund@651: var value = parseInt(this.getValue()); raimund@651: if (value === 59) { raimund@651: return; raimund@651: } raimund@651: var newValue = value + 1; dustin@667: this.setValue(newValue); raimund@651: }, raimund@651: onSpinDown: function() { raimund@651: var value = parseInt(this.getValue()); raimund@651: if (value === 0) { raimund@651: return; raimund@651: } raimund@651: var newValue = value - 1; dustin@667: this.setValue(newValue); raimund@651: }, raimund@649: listeners: { raimund@649: change: me.changeTimeValue, raimund@649: scope: me dustin@667: }, dustin@667: checkChangeEvents: ['change'] raimund@649: }); raimund@649: raimund@649: me.timeLabel = new Ext.form.Label({ raimund@649: ownerCt: me, raimund@649: ownerLayout: me.getComponentLayout(), raimund@649: text: 'Zeit' raimund@649: }); raimund@649: me.acceptBtn = new Ext.button.Button({ raimund@649: ownerCt: me, raimund@649: ownerLayout: me.getComponentLayout(), raimund@649: text: 'Übernehmen', raimund@649: handler: me.acceptDate, raimund@649: scope: me raimund@649: }); raimund@649: me.callParent(); raimund@649: }, raimund@649: raimund@649: finishRenderChildren: function() { raimund@649: var me = this; raimund@649: me.callParent(); raimund@649: me.timeLabel.finishRender(); raimund@649: me.hourField.finishRender(); raimund@649: me.minuteField.finishRender(); raimund@649: me.acceptBtn.finishRender(); raimund@649: }, raimund@649: raimund@649: showTimePicker: function() { raimund@649: var me = this; raimund@649: var el = me.el; raimund@649: Ext.defer(function() { raimund@649: var xPos = el.getX(); raimund@649: var yPos = el.getY() + el.getHeight(); raimund@649: me.timePicker.setHeight(30); raimund@649: me.timePicker.setWidth(el.getWidth()); raimund@649: me.timePicker.setPosition(xPos, yPos); raimund@649: me.timePicker.show(); raimund@649: },1); raimund@649: }, raimund@649: raimund@649: beforeDestroy: function() { raimund@649: var me = this; raimund@649: if (me.rendered) { raimund@649: Ext.destroy( raimund@649: me.minuteField, raimund@649: me.hourField raimund@649: ); raimund@649: } raimund@649: me.callParent(); raimund@649: }, raimund@649: raimund@655: changeTimeValue: function (field, nValue) { raimund@655: var value = parseInt(nValue); raimund@655: if (value > field.maxValue) { raimund@655: field.setValue(field.maxValue); raimund@655: } dustin@667: if (value == null || value == "" || isNaN(value)) { dustin@667: field.setValue('0'); raimund@655: } raimund@649: }, raimund@649: raimund@649: setValue: function(value) { raimund@649: value.setSeconds(0); raimund@649: this.value = new Date(value); raimund@649: return this.update(this.value); raimund@649: }, raimund@649: raimund@649: selectToday: function() { raimund@649: var me = this; raimund@649: var btn = me.todayBtn; raimund@649: var handler = me.handler; raimund@649: var auxDate = new Date(); raimund@649: raimund@649: if (btn && !btn.disabled) { raimund@649: me.pickerField.setValue(new Date(auxDate.setSeconds(0))); raimund@649: me.setValue(new Date(auxDate.setSeconds(0))); raimund@649: if (handler) { raimund@649: handler.call(me.scope || me, me, me.value); raimund@649: } raimund@649: me.onSelect(); raimund@649: } raimund@649: return me; raimund@649: }, raimund@649: raimund@649: acceptDate: function() { raimund@649: var me = this; raimund@649: var hourSet = me.hourField.getValue(); raimund@649: var minuteSet = me.minuteField.getValue(); raimund@649: var currentDate = me.value; raimund@649: currentDate.setHours(hourSet); raimund@649: currentDate.setMinutes(minuteSet); raimund@649: me.setValue(currentDate); raimund@649: me.fireEvent('select', me, currentDate); raimund@649: }, raimund@649: raimund@649: handleDateClick: function(e, t) { raimund@649: var me = this; raimund@649: var handler = me.handler; raimund@649: var hourSet = me.hourField.getValue(); raimund@649: var minuteSet = me.minuteField.getValue(); raimund@649: var auxDate = new Date(t.dateValue); raimund@649: e.stopEvent(); raimund@649: if (!me.disabled && raimund@649: t.dateValue && raimund@649: !Ext.fly(t.parentNode).hasCls(me.disabledCellCls) raimund@649: ) { raimund@649: me.doCancelFocus = me.focusOnSelect === false; raimund@649: auxDate.setHours(hourSet, minuteSet, 0); raimund@649: me.setValue(new Date(auxDate)); raimund@649: delete me.doCancelFocus; raimund@649: if (handler) { raimund@649: handler.call(me.scope || me, me, me.value); raimund@649: } raimund@649: // event handling is turned off on hide raimund@649: // when we are using the picker in a field raimund@649: // therefore onSelect comes AFTER the select raimund@649: // event. raimund@649: me.onSelect(); raimund@649: } raimund@649: }, raimund@649: raimund@649: selectedUpdate: function(date) { raimund@649: var me = this; raimund@649: var dateOnly = Ext.Date.clearTime(date, true); raimund@649: var t = dateOnly.getTime(); raimund@649: var currentDate = (me.pickerField && me.pickerField.getValue()) || new Date(); raimund@649: var cells = me.cells; raimund@649: var cls = me.selectedCls; raimund@649: var cellItems = cells.elements; raimund@649: var c; raimund@649: var cLen = cellItems.length; raimund@649: var cell; raimund@649: raimund@649: cells.removeCls(cls); raimund@649: raimund@649: for (c = 0; c < cLen; c++) { raimund@649: cell = Ext.fly(cellItems[c]); raimund@649: raimund@649: if (cell.dom.firstChild.dateValue == t) { raimund@649: me.fireEvent('highlightitem', me, cell); raimund@649: cell.addCls(cls); raimund@649: raimund@649: if (me.isVisible() && !me.doCancelFocus) { raimund@649: Ext.fly(cell.dom.firstChild).focus(50); raimund@649: } raimund@649: raimund@649: break; raimund@649: } raimund@649: } raimund@649: if (currentDate) { raimund@649: me.hourField.setValue(currentDate.getHours()); raimund@649: me.minuteField.setValue(currentDate.getMinutes()); raimund@649: } raimund@649: } raimund@649: });