dustin@561: /* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz dustin@561: * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH dustin@561: * dustin@561: * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3) dustin@561: * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out dustin@561: * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details. dustin@561: */ dustin@561: dustin@561: /* dustin@561: * Grid to list Messungen dustin@561: */ dustin@561: Ext.define('Lada.view.grid.Messungen', { dustin@561: extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel', dustin@561: alias: 'widget.messungengrid', dustin@561: dustin@561: maxHeight: 350, dustin@561: emptyText: 'Keine Messungen gefunden', dustin@561: minHeight: 110, dustin@561: viewConfig: { dustin@561: deferEmptyText: false dustin@561: }, dustin@561: margin: '0, 5, 5, 5', dustin@561: dustin@561: recordId: null, dustin@561: dustin@561: warnings: null, dustin@561: errors: null, dustin@561: dustin@561: initComponent: function() { dustin@561: this.dockedItems = [{ dustin@561: xtype: 'toolbar', dustin@561: dock: 'bottom', dustin@561: items: ['->', { dustin@561: text: 'Hinzufügen', dustin@561: icon: 'resources/img/list-add.png', dustin@561: action: 'add', dustin@566: probeId: this.probeId dustin@561: }, { dustin@561: text: 'Löschen', dustin@561: icon: 'resources/img/list-remove.png', dustin@561: action: 'delete' dustin@561: }] dustin@561: }]; dustin@561: this.columns = [{ dustin@561: header: 'Mess-ID', dustin@561: dataIndex: 'id', dustin@561: flex: 1, raimund@586: editor: { raimund@586: allowBlank: false raimund@586: } dustin@561: }, { dustin@561: header: 'Nebenproben-Nr.', dustin@561: dataIndex: 'nebenprobenNr', dustin@561: flex: 1, raimund@586: editor: { raimund@586: allowBlank: false raimund@586: } dustin@561: }, { dustin@561: header: 'MMT', dustin@561: dataIndex: 'mmtId', dustin@561: flex: 1, dustin@561: editor: { dustin@561: allowBlank: false dustin@561: } dustin@561: }, { dustin@561: header: 'Messzeit', dustin@561: dataIndex: 'messzeitpunkt', dustin@561: flex: 2, raimund@586: editor: { raimund@586: xtype: 'datefield', raimund@586: allowBlank: false, raimund@586: format: 'd.m.Y', raimund@586: // minValue: '01.01.2001', //todo: gibt es das? raimund@586: // minText: 'Das Datum der Messung darf nicht vor dem 01.01.2001 liegen.', raimund@586: maxValue: Ext.Date.format(new Date(), 'd.m.Y') raimund@586: } dustin@561: }, { dustin@561: header: 'Status', dustin@565: flex: 1, dustin@561: dataIndex: 'id', dustin@561: renderer: function(value) { raimund@585: var id = 'messung-status-item' + value; raimund@585: this.updateStatus(value, id); raimund@585: return '
'; dustin@561: } dustin@561: }, { dustin@561: header: 'OK-Flag', dustin@561: dataIndex: 'fertig', dustin@561: flex: 1, raimund@585: renderer: function(value) { raimund@585: if (value) { dustin@561: return 'Ja'; dustin@561: } dustin@561: return 'Nein'; dustin@561: }, dustin@561: editor: { dustin@561: xtype: 'checkboxfield', dustin@561: allowBlank: false dustin@561: } dustin@561: }, { dustin@561: header: 'Anzahl Nuklide', dustin@565: // Gibt die Anzahl der Messwerte wieder, dustin@565: // NICHT die Anzahl der verschiedenen Nukleide dustin@565: // Eventuell ist die Bezeichnug daher irreführend raimund@585: dataIndex: 'id', dustin@561: flex: 1, dustin@561: renderer: function(value) { raimund@585: var id = 'messung-nuklid-item' + value; raimund@585: this.updateNuklide(value, id); raimund@585: return '
'; dustin@561: } dustin@561: }, { dustin@561: header: 'Anzahl Kommentare', dustin@561: flex: 1, dustin@565: dataIndex: 'id', dustin@561: renderer: function(value) { raimund@585: var id = 'messung-kommentar-item' + value; raimund@585: this.updateKommentare(value, id); raimund@585: return '
'; dustin@561: } dustin@561: }]; dustin@561: this.initData(); dustin@561: this.callParent(arguments); dustin@561: }, dustin@561: raimund@585: initData: function() { dustin@561: this.store = Ext.create('Lada.store.Messungen'); dustin@561: this.store.load({ dustin@561: params: { dustin@561: probeId: this.recordId dustin@561: } dustin@561: }); raimund@585: }, raimund@585: raimund@585: updateStatus: function(value, divId) { raimund@585: var statusStore = Ext.create('Lada.store.Status'); raimund@585: statusStore.on('load', raimund@585: this.updateStatusColumn, raimund@585: this, raimund@585: {divId: divId}); raimund@585: statusStore.load({ raimund@585: params: { raimund@585: messungsId: value raimund@585: } raimund@585: }); raimund@585: }, raimund@585: raimund@585: updateNuklide: function(value, divId) { raimund@585: var messwerte = Ext.create('Lada.store.Messwerte'); raimund@585: messwerte.on('load', raimund@585: this.updateColumn, raimund@585: this, raimund@585: {divId: divId}); raimund@585: messwerte.load({ raimund@585: params: { raimund@585: messungsId: value raimund@585: } raimund@585: }); raimund@585: }, raimund@585: raimund@585: updateKommentare: function(value, divId) { raimund@585: var kommentare = Ext.create('Lada.store.MKommentare'); raimund@585: kommentare.on('load', raimund@585: this.updateColumn, raimund@585: this, raimund@585: {divId: divId}); raimund@585: kommentare.load({ raimund@585: params: { raimund@585: messungsId: value raimund@585: } raimund@585: }); raimund@585: }, raimund@585: raimund@585: updateColumn: function(store, record, success, opts) { raimund@585: var value; raimund@585: if (store.getTotalCount() === 0) { raimund@585: value = 'Keine'; raimund@585: } raimund@585: else { raimund@585: value = store.getTotalCount(); raimund@585: } raimund@585: Ext.fly(opts.divId).update(value); raimund@585: }, raimund@585: raimund@585: updateStatusColumn: function(sstore, record, success, opts) { raimund@585: var value; raimund@585: if (sstore.getTotalCount() === 0) { raimund@585: value = 'unbekannt'; raimund@585: } raimund@585: else { raimund@585: value = sstore.last().get('status'); raimund@585: } raimund@585: if (Ext.fly(opts.divId)) { raimund@585: Ext.fly(opts.divId).update(value); raimund@585: } dustin@561: } dustin@561: });