dustin@747: /* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz dustin@747: * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH dustin@747: * dustin@747: * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3) dustin@747: * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out dustin@747: * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details. dustin@747: */ dustin@747: dustin@747: /** dustin@978: * Controller for the ModeSwitcher dustin@978: * This controller handles all logic related to the ModeSwitch dustin@747: */ dustin@978: Ext.define('Lada.controller.ModeSwitcher', { dustin@747: extend: 'Ext.app.Controller', dustin@747: displayFields: null, dustin@747: raimund@749: requires: [ dustin@908: 'Lada.store.MessprogrammQueries', dustin@975: 'Lada.store.ProbeQueries', dustin@975: 'Lada.store.StammdatenQueries' raimund@749: ], raimund@749: dustin@747: /** dustin@747: * Initialize this Controller dustin@747: * It has 1 Listeners dustin@978: * A checked ModeSwithch-Radiofield fired a 'check'-event dustin@747: */ dustin@747: init: function() { dustin@747: this.control({ dustin@978: 'radiofield[name=modeswitch]': { dustin@792: check: this.switchModes dustin@747: } dustin@747: }); dustin@747: this.callParent(arguments); dustin@747: }, dustin@747: dustin@747: /** dustin@747: * Function is called when the user selects a checkbox. dustin@747: * according to the checkboxes inputValue, dustin@747: * the function alters the store which was loaded by the dustin@792: * filterpanels combobox, dustin@747: */ dustin@792: switchModes: function(field) { dustin@978: var cbox = field.up('modeswitcher').up().down('combobox'); dustin@752: filters = field.up('panel[name=main]').down('fieldset[name=filtervariables]'); dustin@752: filters.removeAll(); dustin@752: filters.hide(); dustin@975: raimund@1015: var filterController = this.getController('Lada.controller.Filter'); raimund@1015: filterController.mode = field.inputValue; raimund@1015: filterController.updateFilter(cbox); dustin@747: } dustin@747: });