raimund@548: /* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz raimund@548: * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH raimund@548: * raimund@548: * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3) raimund@548: * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out raimund@548: * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details. raimund@548: */ raimund@548: raimund@548: /* dustin@747: * Panel to show available search queries raimund@548: */ raimund@548: Ext.define('Lada.view.FilterPanel', { raimund@548: extend: 'Ext.form.FieldSet', raimund@548: alias: 'widget.filterpanel', raimund@548: raimund@548: require: [ raimund@548: 'Ext.layout.container.Column' raimund@548: ], raimund@548: raimund@548: title: 'Filter-Auswahl', raimund@548: initComponent: function() { raimund@548: this.layout = { raimund@548: type: 'vbox', raimund@548: align: 'stretch' raimund@548: }; raimund@548: this.items = [{ raimund@548: xtype: 'combobox', raimund@548: name: 'filter', dustin@794: id: 'filter-combobox', raimund@548: editable: false, dustin@794: store: Ext.create('Lada.store.ProbeQueries',{ dustin@794: listeners: { dustin@794: load: function(s){ dustin@794: Ext.getCmp('filter-combobox') dustin@794: .select(s.getAt(0).get('id')); dustin@794: } dustin@794: } dustin@794: }), raimund@548: displayField: 'name', raimund@548: valueField: 'id', dustin@794: emptyText: 'Wählen Sie eine Abfrage', dustin@794: queryMode: 'local' raimund@548: }, { raimund@548: xtype: 'panel', raimund@548: border: false, raimund@548: margin: '0 0 10 0', raimund@548: items: [{ raimund@548: xtype: 'button', raimund@548: action: 'search', raimund@548: text: 'Suchen', raimund@548: margin: '0 10 0 0' raimund@548: }, { raimund@548: xtype: 'button', raimund@548: action: 'reset', raimund@548: text: 'Zurücksetzen' raimund@548: }], raimund@548: hidden: false raimund@548: }, { raimund@548: xtype: 'panel', raimund@548: maxWidth: '500', raimund@548: border: false, raimund@548: margin: '0 10', raimund@548: items: [{ raimund@548: xtype: 'displayfield', raimund@548: name: 'description', raimund@548: fieldLabel: 'Beschreibung', raimund@548: shrinkWrap: 3, raimund@548: value: '-/-' raimund@548: }, { raimund@548: xtype: 'displayfield', raimund@548: name: 'columns', raimund@548: fieldLabel: 'Spalten', raimund@548: value: '-/-' raimund@548: }] raimund@548: }]; raimund@548: this.callParent(arguments); raimund@548: } raimund@548: });