raimund@1015: /* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz
raimund@1015:  * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
raimund@1015:  *
raimund@1015:  * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3)
raimund@1015:  * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out
raimund@1015:  * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details.
raimund@1015:  */
raimund@1015: /**
raimund@1015:  *
raimund@1015:  */
raimund@1015: Ext.define('Lada.controller.FilterManagement', {
raimund@1015:     extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
raimund@1015:     /**
raimund@1015:      * @private
raimund@1015:      * Initialize the controller.
raimund@1015:      */
raimund@1015:     init: function() {
raimund@1015:         var me = this;
raimund@1015:         this.control({
raimund@1015:             'filtermanagement grid favcolumn': {
raimund@1015:                 checkchange: me.checkchange
raimund@1015:             },
raimund@1015:             'filtermanagement': {
raimund@1015:                 close: me.windowClosed
raimund@1015:             }
raimund@1015:         });
raimund@1015:     },
raimund@1015:     checkchange: function(column, ndx, value) {
raimund@1015:         var store = column.up('grid').store;
raimund@1015:         var record = store.getAt(ndx);
raimund@1015:         if (value) {
raimund@1015:             Ext.Ajax.request({
raimund@1015:                 url: 'lada-server/rest/favorite',
raimund@1015:                 method: 'POST',
raimund@1015:                 jsonData: {
raimund@1015:                     'queryId': record.get('id')
raimund@1015:                 },
raimund@1015:                 success: function() {
raimund@1015:                     record.set('favorite', true);
raimund@1015:                 }
raimund@1015:             });
raimund@1015:         }
raimund@1015:         else {
raimund@1015:             Ext.Ajax.request({
raimund@1015:                 url: 'lada-server/rest/favorite?queryId=' + record.get('id'),
raimund@1015:                 method: 'DELETE',
raimund@1015:                 success: function() {
raimund@1015:                     record.set('favorite', false);
raimund@1015:                 }
raimund@1015:             });
raimund@1015:         }
raimund@1015:     },
raimund@1015:     windowClosed: function() {
raimund@1015:         var combobox = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('combobox[name=filter]')[0];
raimund@1015:         this.getController('Lada.controller.Filter').updateFilter(combobox);
raimund@1015:     }
raimund@1015: });