raimund@635: /* Copyright (C) 2013 by Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz
raimund@635:  * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
raimund@635:  *
raimund@635:  * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=3)
raimund@635:  * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out
raimund@635:  * the documentation coming with IMIS-Labordaten-Application for details.
raimund@635:  */
dustin@892: /**
dustin@892:  * This is a Toolbar for the Map.
dustin@892:  */
raimund@635: Ext.define('Lada.view.widget.MapToolbar', {
raimund@635:     extend: 'Ext.toolbar.Toolbar',
raimund@635:     alias: 'widget.maptoolbar',
raimund@635:     initComponent: function() {
raimund@635:         this.items = [{
raimund@635:             icon: 'resources/img/list-add.png',
raimund@635:             tooltip: 'Neuen Ort hinzufügen',
raimund@635:             action: 'add'
raimund@635:         }];
raimund@635:         this.callParent(arguments);
raimund@635:     }
raimund@635: });