
age author description
2015-05-22 Dustin Demuth Increased decimalPrecision for LatLon
2015-05-22 Dustin Demuth moved code to request the server version to app.js
2015-05-21 Dustin Demuth Added about window, There are still some todos when retrieving the server version, the asynchronous request seems to fail and does not evaluate in time
2015-05-21 Dustin Demuth created StatusWerte Store to correctly display textual representation of a Status in a MessungenGrid
2015-05-21 Dustin Demuth Filter Messtellen in Probeform and Messprogramm
2015-05-20 Dustin Demuth Added a Window to alter Orte of a Messprogramm
2015-05-20 Dustin Demuth made window-panel recyclable, fwd openlayers events to ext
2015-05-18 Dustin Demuth Latest commit broke the search function
2015-05-18 Dustin Demuth Preselect Proben in PPS, Preselect the first entry in the Filter Combobox
2015-05-13 Dustin Demuth Serialising GueltigVon and GueltigBis natively with Ext
2015-05-13 Dustin Demuth some work on a context-sensitive toolbar
2015-05-13 Dustin Demuth removed icons
2015-05-13 Raimund Renkert Added tag 2.0-beta2 for changeset 1ef815f5b9fa
2015-05-13 Dustin Demuth Forced IEs to always use highest standard mode available 2.0-beta2
2015-05-13 Dustin Demuth moved doctype declaration to the beginning of the file. Else IE9 will try to display the page in QUIRKS mode and it won't work.
2015-05-13 Dustin Demuth merged heads
2015-05-13 Dustin Demuth removed trailing comma
2015-05-13 Raimund Renkert Exclude interval slider from form.
2015-05-13 Raimund Renkert Handle deskriptoren in messprogramm like in probe.
2015-05-13 Raimund Renkert Exclude deskriptor fields from form.
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth Added Prototype for Date to return DOY
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth Serialize Date to DayOfYear when writing/saving
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth Added a Prototype to return the day of the year
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth PopulateINtervalls on init
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth Merged Heads
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth ClearMessages
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth merged
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth controller debugging
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth Added Offset field
2015-05-12 Raimund Renkert Code style.
2015-05-12 Raimund Renkert Fixed messprogramm window layout.
2015-05-12 Raimund Renkert Load, set and parse deskriptoren in probe form.
2015-05-12 Raimund Renkert Added combobox widget for deskriptoren.
2015-05-12 Raimund Renkert Added model and store for deskriptoren.
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth changes on the margins, erratic behaviour is not fixed
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth Add/Remove is now reliable
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth enabled removal and creation of messgroessen for a messmethode
2015-05-08 Dustin Demuth A draft on how the Nuklide could be selected... maybe this path can be used
2015-05-08 Dustin Demuth Some work was done on the nuklidegrid, added a checkbox model to select the nuklide. Looks OK, but has no function right now
2015-05-08 Dustin Demuth Fixed a bug where Comboboxes where not loaded
2015-05-08 Dustin Demuth Only disable Add/Remove buttons of Messwertgrid and not the whole grid when no record is present
2015-05-08 Dustin Demuth Sending Date as timestamp
2015-05-08 Dustin Demuth Added a Window and Buttons to generate Proben from a Messprogramm
2015-05-07 Dustin Demuth Unified the Messprogramm windows. Unfortunately the Roweditor of Messmethodengrid is broken in this commit. This is due to the fact that the Mmt store is noit autoloaded anymore
2015-05-06 Dustin Demuth Filled MessmethodenGrid with life.
2015-05-06 Dustin Demuth Added missing files. Added MmtMockup
2015-05-06 Dustin Demuth Created a Messmethoden Combobox in a Messprogramme form without higher functionality.
2015-05-06 Dustin Demuth Enabled Creation of a Messprogramm, an empty Window is now shown. The save operation leads to a E 500
2015-05-05 Dustin Demuth added Probenintervalle to a Messprogramm... there is still a lot of work needed. For instance for the slider element.
2015-04-29 Dustin Demuth Display a Title in the Toolbar
2015-04-28 Dustin Demuth remove and hide filters when switching between modes
2015-04-28 Dustin Demuth dynamically exchange the store of the resultfiltergrid
2015-04-28 Dustin Demuth reset combobox when the store was switched
2015-04-28 Raimund Renkert Change store on radiobutton change for proben and messprogramm.
2015-04-28 Raimund Renkert Added new stores for messprogramm and Probe queries.
2015-04-24 Dustin Demuth Radio-Buttons to switch between query-modes: Probenliste und Probenplanung. Filter-Combobox store wird automatisch gewechselt. ToDo: Query-Store für Probenplanung
2015-04-24 Dustin Demuth Renamed Messprogramm (caps)
2015-04-24 Dustin Demuth Added Messprogramme Store and Model
2015-04-24 Dustin Demuth Fixed a Copy-Paste Error
2015-04-23 Dustin Demuth merged heads
