
age author description
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer #57: Open Edit-Dialog after creating a new Probe.
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Added panel with details for the selected query
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Fixed variable name
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Update description and sql statement when chosing another query
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Fixed filter names
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Fixed id of filter
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Simpliefied function to reconfigure the table.
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Changed proxy to load data from the server.
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Removed data from store. queries are now loaded from the server.
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Change logic how to show and hide the search filters. Now we iterate over the
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Put all available search filters to the viewport. They are later hidden and
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Added filter attribute and added comments.
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Configured fields for the two defined search queries.
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Iteratre the available cols in reverse order (begining from 0) to maintain the
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer If the user selects a search query add call setupColumns method to dynamically
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Added a comment with a list of currently available columns.
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Added function to dynamically add columns to the probenlist.
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer On Default the proben list will have no columns at all. The are added
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Added configuration varibale to define the set of all available columns.
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Use new queries store in search selection.
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Added new model and store for Queries.
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Added tag M1 for changeset f60472df54e3
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Added Listener for save event in edit dialog. M1
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Used new Editdialog and set the form readonly if the parent probe is readonly.
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Modified create dialogs to only contain fields to create a messung (without,
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Added function to directly initialize the probenendit form.
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Set messung readonly if parent probe is readonly
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Only iterate over fields of the form is readonly. This increases the
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Set IdProperty and fix creating and updating mkommentar
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Fixed creating messwerte.
2013-07-16 Torsten Irländer Fix ID-property
2013-07-16 Torsten Irländer Fixed loading stores when editing Messung.
2013-07-16 Torsten Irländer Set Id to Messgroesse. In a store of messwerte the messgroesse is the unique
2013-07-16 Torsten Irländer Set maxLength of erzeuger to 5
2013-07-16 Torsten Irländer setReadOnly now also iterates over the toolbars within the form and hide them
2013-07-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed variable name
2013-07-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed delete call
2013-07-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed delete call
2013-07-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed issue21
2013-07-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed issue23
2013-07-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed issue22
2013-07-12 Torsten Irländer Fix getting messerte, status and kommentare in debug mode
2013-07-12 Torsten Irländer Set messungsid for new messungunswerte
2013-07-12 Torsten Irländer add getEidi function to model
2013-07-12 Torsten Irländer Fix rendering the form readonly.
2013-07-12 Torsten Irländer Set parentId to messwert for add button
2013-07-12 Torsten Irländer Set maxlength of NPR to 10
2013-07-12 Torsten Irländer Set maxlength to 5 for erzeuger.
2013-07-09 Torsten Irländer Inheritance of Mkommentare from Kommentare does not work as expected. So write
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Preload Mkommentar Controller.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Added new Controller for MKommentare.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Removed unneeded listeners. There is not editdialog.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Fixed building the id of MKommentar
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Added status controller.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Added messungsid to the status list.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Fixed attribute names in the Status model
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Added forms to create a Messstatus
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Added new widget to list the available Statuswerte.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Added messwerte controller to be able to add, edit and delete messwerte.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Set messungsId to the add buttons in the lists on edit page for messungen.
