
age author description
2015-06-16 Dustin Demuth GenProbenWindow: Resize
2015-06-15 Raimund Renkert Fixed url for 'proben generieren' request.
2015-06-15 Dustin Demuth Emptytext wurde falsch gesetzt
2015-06-15 Raimund Renkert Fixed descriptor selection.
2015-05-29 Raimund Renkert Added tag 2.0 for changeset 42f7475f3b7d
2015-05-29 Raimund Renkert Set version to 2.0 2.0
2015-05-29 Dustin Demuth disable remove button after a item is deleted from grid
2015-05-29 Dustin Demuth fixed scope for reload
2015-05-29 Dustin Demuth add disbled remove button to all grids which relate to proben or messungen. Messprogramme-grids are untouched. BUG: When the last entry is deleted, the button remains active
2015-05-29 Dustin Demuth Only enable delete button in grids when an entry was selected
2015-05-29 Dustin Demuth New Error String
2015-05-29 Dustin Demuth added an errortext
2015-05-29 Dustin Demuth Fixed Button Positon for Orte Window
2015-05-29 Dustin Demuth reload works now.
2015-05-29 Dustin Demuth Genprobenwindow can only be created once, also fixed messprogrammortewindow 'close with x and can not reopen' bug
2015-05-29 Dustin Demuth ComboBox ForceSelection defaults to false now, ProbenehmerId can not be negative
2015-05-28 Dustin Demuth Removed a Bug where Datetimepickler errormessages where not reset on Form Discard
2015-05-28 Dustin Demuth fixed a bug where the window is not refreshed.
2015-05-28 Dustin Demuth Fix for IE8 compatibility
2015-05-28 Dustin Demuth In some cases there was an error bc. the Item in the StatuswerteStore was not found. this is fixed now.
2015-05-27 Dustin Demuth Added Errorhandling for AJAX-Requests, especially Authentication Issues.
2015-05-27 Dustin Demuth removed surplus code
2015-05-27 Dustin Demuth Created a loading Animation for the Filterresultgrid
2015-05-22 Dustin Demuth Added some todos, Enhanced Proge-Generation Success Msg.
2015-05-22 Dustin Demuth removed console msg.
2015-05-22 Dustin Demuth Less ugly
2015-05-22 Dustin Demuth Exchanged Icon to display if Probe/Messprogramm is editable
2015-05-22 Dustin Demuth About Window
2015-05-22 Dustin Demuth Enabled i18n translation of store values
2015-05-22 Dustin Demuth Removed console output from map
2015-05-22 Dustin Demuth Increased decimalPrecision for LatLon
2015-05-22 Dustin Demuth moved code to request the server version to app.js
2015-05-21 Dustin Demuth Added about window, There are still some todos when retrieving the server version, the asynchronous request seems to fail and does not evaluate in time
2015-05-21 Dustin Demuth created StatusWerte Store to correctly display textual representation of a Status in a MessungenGrid
2015-05-21 Dustin Demuth Filter Messtellen in Probeform and Messprogramm
2015-05-20 Dustin Demuth Added a Window to alter Orte of a Messprogramm
2015-05-20 Dustin Demuth made window-panel recyclable, fwd openlayers events to ext
2015-05-18 Dustin Demuth Latest commit broke the search function
2015-05-18 Dustin Demuth Preselect Proben in PPS, Preselect the first entry in the Filter Combobox
2015-05-13 Dustin Demuth Serialising GueltigVon and GueltigBis natively with Ext
2015-05-13 Dustin Demuth some work on a context-sensitive toolbar
2015-05-13 Dustin Demuth removed icons
2015-05-13 Raimund Renkert Added tag 2.0-beta2 for changeset 1ef815f5b9fa
2015-05-13 Dustin Demuth Forced IEs to always use highest standard mode available 2.0-beta2
2015-05-13 Dustin Demuth moved doctype declaration to the beginning of the file. Else IE9 will try to display the page in QUIRKS mode and it won't work.
2015-05-13 Dustin Demuth merged heads
2015-05-13 Dustin Demuth removed trailing comma
2015-05-13 Raimund Renkert Exclude interval slider from form.
2015-05-13 Raimund Renkert Handle deskriptoren in messprogramm like in probe.
2015-05-13 Raimund Renkert Exclude deskriptor fields from form.
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth Added Prototype for Date to return DOY
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth Serialize Date to DayOfYear when writing/saving
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth Added a Prototype to return the day of the year
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth PopulateINtervalls on init
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth Merged Heads
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth ClearMessages
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth merged
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth controller debugging
2015-05-12 Dustin Demuth Added Offset field
2015-05-12 Raimund Renkert Code style.
