
age author description
2015-04-17 Dustin Demuth Corrected URL for lada-server in export and import
2015-04-16 Raimund Renkert Fixed tree_modified check in orte edit.
2015-04-16 Raimund Renkert Added window for laf file upload and use filtergrid buttons to export or import.
2015-04-16 Raimund Renkert Added new depencies: filesaver[1] and upload[2].
2015-04-16 Dustin Demuth Fixes an Issue that the wrong Units were shown for a Probenzusatzwert. Now the findRecord operation looks for an exact match of the mehId in the Messeinheiten Store
2015-04-16 Dustin Demuth Do not autoload this store
2015-04-15 Dustin Demuth accidently pushed debugger statement... it is getting late...
2015-04-15 Dustin Demuth Fix for ErrorMessages in FieldSets for IE8 IE9
2015-04-15 Dustin Demuth Added a Browser Switch as a function is not available in IE9 and lower
2015-04-15 Dustin Demuth Trailing Commas, editable: false for Umwelt und Messstelle widget
2015-04-13 Dustin Demuth Datevalidation. When editing a timeperiod in a Probeform it is validated wheter begindate is before enddate. This only happens when the blur-event is fired. ToDo: Listen to Events from the Übernehmen Button of the DateTimePicker, ToDo: Somehow the ErrorMessages are not Cleared correctly when the form is restored.
2015-04-08 Dustin Demuth Added Logininformation to a Popup in Viewport
2015-04-08 Dustin Demuth Disable the Fertig-Flag Checkbox in a Messung when the User is not the owner. Do not enable Form-Children when readonly is set to true. Parse login-response in app.js
2015-04-08 Dustin Demuth Loading Mask was not translated correctly. Added Override to fix this.
2015-04-08 Raimund Renkert Set some loading masks.
2015-04-08 Raimund Renkert Cosmetics.
2015-04-08 Raimund Renkert Updated the model to have correct tree_modified value and parent_modified
2015-04-08 Raimund Renkert Handle readonly mode and refresh operations.
2015-04-07 Dustin Demuth Added some CSS to make distinction between active and inactice windows more simple for the user
2015-03-27 Dustin Demuth Added ClearMessages, SetWarnigs, SetReadonly
2015-03-27 Dustin Demuth added disable/enableChildren Method
2015-03-27 Dustin Demuth Re-Enable Add/Delete Button of a MessungGrid in Cases when the User owns the Probe
2015-03-27 Dustin Demuth ResponseObject was not defined
2015-03-27 Dustin Demuth Further Failure Messages
2015-03-27 Dustin Demuth Rowediting is now disabled when the Grid was set to ReadOnly
2015-03-27 Dustin Demuth Added readonly to models, Probenzusatzwertgrid does now check wheter a record is readonly and disables the roweditor in such a case
2015-03-27 Dustin Demuth Added failure - Messages
2015-03-27 Dustin Demuth Renamed function edit to gridSave
2015-03-26 Dustin Demuth removed debug messages
2015-03-26 Dustin Demuth merged
2015-03-26 Dustin Demuth Display Error Message on Failure
2015-03-26 Dustin Demuth Made the unhandled Errors more talkativew
2015-03-26 Dustin Demuth Added simple handling for Failure-Messages
2015-03-26 Dustin Demuth added setReadOnly()
2015-03-26 Dustin Demuth Readonly was missing
2015-03-26 Dustin Demuth added owner-field
2015-03-25 Dustin Demuth Added Owner to Model
2015-03-25 Raimund Renkert Use treeModiefied timestamp to determine if working with 'old' objects.
2015-03-25 Raimund Renkert Added field treeModified to models.
2015-03-25 Dustin Demuth constrain windows to viewport
2015-03-25 Dustin Demuth Applied ReadOnlyParadigm to a Messung Window
2015-03-25 Dustin Demuth Forgot to commit the controller for commit 684
2015-03-25 Dustin Demuth Also Deskriptoren must be set to readonly
2015-03-25 Dustin Demuth When a Probeform is dirty, all child-grids are made readonly (Row Editing is not disbled correctly). When a Probe is read-only all Child-grid buttons are disabled. When a Probe is ReadOnly probeform is also readonly.
2015-03-25 Dustin Demuth Made Grid-Rows uneditable if the dataset contains readonly=true. This only affects the Grids using the RowEdit Plugin
2015-03-25 Dustin Demuth RW Column may not be sortable
2015-03-24 Dustin Demuth a probe can not be edited when the readonly flag was sent by the server
2015-03-24 Dustin Demuth merged
2015-03-24 Dustin Demuth moved code from translations_de.js into proper overrides
2015-03-24 Raimund Renkert Set record dirty flag to false if commit failed.
2015-03-24 Raimund Renkert Updated probe model to serialize empty strings to a null-value.
2015-03-23 Raimund Renkert merged.
2015-03-23 Raimund Renkert merged.
2015-03-19 Raimund Renkert merged.
2015-03-19 Raimund Renkert Merged branch openid back to default.
2015-03-23 Dustin Demuth Ext sends timezone information to the server to prevent accidental changes in times
2015-03-20 Dustin Demuth Deskriptor validation with Regex
2015-03-19 Dustin Demuth totalCountProperty
2015-03-19 Raimund Renkert Cosmetics. openid
2015-03-19 Raimund Renkert Create the viewport manually on application startup. openid
2015-03-19 Dustin Demuth Changes to the Datetimepicker's events, InputValidation and Sanity Checks
2015-03-19 Dustin Demuth More translations for the RowEditor
2015-03-19 Dustin Demuth Field Validity in Probenzusatzwerte Grid
2015-03-19 Dustin Demuth Field Validity in MKommentar Grid
2015-03-19 Dustin Demuth Field Validity in Status Grid
2015-03-19 Dustin Demuth MaxLength
2015-03-19 Dustin Demuth Enforcing maxlength on Numberfield Messdauer
2015-03-19 Dustin Demuth merged
2015-03-19 Dustin Demuth Textfields sind nun max. 1000 Zeichen Lang. Die begrenzung wird erzwungen, kann jedoch überschrieben werden
2015-03-19 Dustin Demuth ComboBoxes sind nun per default nicht mehr editierbar. Das Betriftt auch die Filter-ComboBoxes
2015-03-19 Raimund Renkert Set search parameters as extra parameters to result grid store to send them on
2015-03-19 Dustin Demuth Paging Enabled, RemoteSort Enabled, totalProperty für Probelist spezifisziert
2015-03-18 Raimund Renkert Fixed bug in datetimepicker: Allways insert leading zero; do not allow values
2015-03-18 Raimund Renkert Added tag 2.0-alpha1 for changeset 9f557bd48c30
2015-03-18 Raimund Renkert Temporarily disabled paging toolbar. 2.0-alpha1
2015-03-18 Raimund Renkert Fixed field names.
2015-03-18 Raimund Renkert Changed numberfield to spinner in datepicker to allow leading zeros.
2015-03-18 Raimund Renkert Removed old DateTimeField and replaced them with the new one.
2015-03-18 Raimund Renkert Added new DateTimeFields.
2015-03-18 Dustin Demuth Erste Ansaätze für Paging. Der Server muss dass nun noch umsetzen
2015-03-18 Dustin Demuth zusätzliche overrides für übersetzungsfehler von ext-js
2015-03-17 Dustin Demuth Im Probeform den Custom-Datetimepicker durch den Standard Datepicker ersetzt. So funktioniert die Lokalisierung besser
2015-03-17 Dustin Demuth Ein Datefield Widget hinzugefügt
2015-03-17 Raimund Renkert Reload grids on messung or ort changed/added.
2015-03-17 Raimund Renkert Open the ort create window on button click.
2015-03-17 Raimund Renkert Added window to create a new ort.
2015-03-17 Raimund Renkert Load and update the correct orte form.
2015-03-17 Raimund Renkert Removed field types from orte model.
2015-03-17 Raimund Renkert Open Probe-/Messung-Edit window automatically if a new item was saved
2015-03-17 Raimund Renkert Added controllers for map and location form and handle new locations.
2015-03-17 Raimund Renkert Remove a new record on cancel in grids with rowediting plugin.
2015-03-16 Raimund Renkert merged.
2015-03-16 Raimund Renkert Added a toolbar to the OpenLayers map panel.
2015-03-16 Raimund Renkert Set translateable messages for the parent fieldset.
2015-03-16 Raimund Renkert Allow multiple warning- or error-messages in a fieldset.
2015-03-16 Raimund Renkert Updated images for errors and warnings.
2015-03-16 Dustin Demuth Die Datei translations_de.js hinzugefügt. In Ihr sind Übersetzungen für die Buttons des Row-Editors enthalten.
2015-03-16 Dustin Demuth Column zu datecolumn gemacht
2015-03-16 Dustin Demuth added ext-lang-de.js to index.html
2015-03-16 Dustin Demuth merged
2015-03-16 Dustin Demuth Datumsspalte xtype hinzugefügt
2015-03-16 Dustin Demuth Datum Spalte zu einer Datumsspalte gemacht
2015-03-16 Dustin Demuth Xtype numbercolumn hinzugefügt,
2015-03-16 Dustin Demuth added xtype for numeric-fields to grid to enable decimalseparator-replacement by locale-config
2015-03-16 Dustin Demuth anchored all elements, to make them the same size, added a margin of 1px to the frame around the fieldset to prevent the cuttoff on the right side
2015-03-16 Raimund Renkert Open messung create window on button click.
2015-03-16 Raimund Renkert Added messung create window.
2015-03-16 Raimund Renkert Open probe create window on button click.
2015-03-16 Raimund Renkert Added window for creating probe objects.
2015-03-13 Andre Heinecke Improve error handling on authentication loss. openid
2015-03-13 Andre Heinecke Merge branch default into openid openid
2015-03-13 Raimund Renkert merged.
2015-03-13 Raimund Renkert Update feature selection on 'ort' selection change.
2015-03-13 Raimund Renkert Load locations as layer on the map, set selections based on the selected 'ort'.
2015-03-13 Dustin Demuth reverted changes on messungenedit.js
2015-03-13 Dustin Demuth merged
2015-03-13 Dustin Demuth added a controller for messungforms, modified testdatensatz-widget to load a local store, removed dirtychange listeners from probe-form
2015-03-13 Dustin Demuth Added a Checkbox Widget
2015-03-13 Raimund Renkert Do not load query store in controller.
2015-03-12 Andre Heinecke Add client side openID authentication handling openid
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Load the ort form controller.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Added ort edit window.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Added panel with OpenLayers map.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Added form for locations.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Added ort form and controller.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Updated the ort grid controller.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Moved messungen field in probe edit window up.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Removed row editing plugin in ort grid.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert UI update for textfield widget.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Changed alias for verwaltungseinheit widget.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Add messung kommentare to messung edit window.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Added messung kommentar grid and controller.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Add status to messung edit window.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Added status grid and controller.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Updated status model.
2015-03-12 Raimund Renkert Updated missing name changes for messung grid.
2015-03-11 Raimund Renkert Removed debug logs.
2015-03-11 Raimund Renkert Added grid (+controller) for messwerte.
2015-03-11 Raimund Renkert Cosmetics.
2015-03-11 Raimund Renkert Renamed messungen grid and controller.
2015-03-11 Raimund Renkert Moved controller into subfolders.
2015-03-11 Raimund Renkert Removed row editor.
2015-03-11 Raimund Renkert Load status, messwerte and kommentare asynchronously.
2015-03-11 Raimund Renkert Fixed indention and constructor call.
2015-03-11 Raimund Renkert Removed autoload from status model.
2015-03-11 Raimund Renkert Use indexOf instead of contains to check if a substring exists.
2015-03-10 Dustin Demuth Added a form for Messungen (unfinished)
2015-03-10 Dustin Demuth added MessungGrid Controller
2015-03-10 Dustin Demuth merged
2015-03-10 Dustin Demuth hgignore erweitert
2015-03-10 Dustin Demuth Removed Detail Button from MessungenGrid, Added Operation in Messungengrid controller to open a detailed view after a doubleclick.
2015-03-10 Dustin Demuth Added a blank window to edit a Messung
2015-03-10 Raimund Renkert Fixed filter widget creation.
2015-03-10 Raimund Renkert merged.
2015-03-10 Raimund Renkert Load the PKommentarGrid controller.
2015-03-10 Raimund Renkert Added controller for PKommentarGrid and implemented update/add/delete.
2015-03-10 Raimund Renkert Implemented the 'add' button; fixed renderer and controller.
2015-03-10 Raimund Renkert Added override for RowEditor.
2015-03-10 Dustin Demuth Added a model for Status
2015-03-10 Dustin Demuth More specific 'are your sure?' question on delete
2015-03-10 Dustin Demuth Added Todos. More specific 'are your sure?' question on delete
2015-03-10 Dustin Demuth Added a MessungenGridController. "Delete" causes a Code-500 Server Error.
2015-03-09 Dustin Demuth Felder erweitert. Alles was auf weiter Stores zugreift funktioniert noch nicht
2015-03-09 Dustin Demuth Datumsumwandlung Timestamp -> Datum korrigiert
2015-03-09 Dustin Demuth Datumsumwandlung Timestamp -> Datum korrigiert
2015-03-09 Dustin Demuth URL berichtigt
2015-03-09 Dustin Demuth Ein grid für Messungen hinzugefügt und im Window ProbeEdit eingesetzt. Ohne Funktion sind die Felder: Status, OK-Flag, Anzahl Nuklide/Kommentare
2015-03-06 Raimund Renkert Added probenzusatzwert controller.
2015-03-06 Raimund Renkert Updated probenuzsatzwert grid columns and editors.
2015-03-06 Raimund Renkert Load probenzusatzwert controller.
2015-03-06 Raimund Renkert Added i18n string for 'orte' errors and warnings.
2015-03-06 Raimund Renkert Update probe window and ort grid only on save success.
2015-03-06 Raimund Renkert Fixed typo in messstelle widget.
2015-03-06 Raimund Renkert Update probe form and button status on save.
2015-03-06 Raimund Renkert Added lada.css.
2015-03-06 Raimund Renkert Added lada.css to index.html
2015-03-06 Raimund Renkert Added images.
2015-03-06 Raimund Renkert Added datetime library.
2015-03-06 Raimund Renkert Added i18n files.
2015-03-06 Raimund Renkert Added new js files.
2015-03-06 Raimund Renkert Removed all files.
2014-12-18 Raimund Renkert Added tag mockup-1.1 for changeset 7c9475119861
2014-12-18 Roland Geider Enable the 'details' button only when an item is selected mockup-1.1
2014-12-18 Raimund Renkert updated error and warning handling.
2014-12-18 Raimund Renkert Added custom textfield to shwo errors and warnings.
2014-12-18 Raimund Renkert Added error and warning handling to date time field.
2014-12-18 Raimund Renkert Added an error to static probe data.
2014-12-17 Roland Geider Add detail button to tables
2014-12-17 Roland Geider Merge
2014-12-17 Roland Geider Merge
2014-12-17 Roland Geider Make tables editable for 'Zusatzwerte'
2014-12-17 Roland Geider Make tables editable for 'Kommentare'
2014-12-17 Roland Geider Don't edit 'Status' field
2014-12-17 Roland Geider Render the NWG field in a combobox
2014-12-17 Raimund Renkert merged.
2014-12-17 Raimund Renkert some resizing and layout.
2014-12-17 Raimund Renkert Fixed messmethode combobox display value.
2014-12-17 Raimund Renkert Increased list grid height.
2014-12-17 Raimund Renkert Updated static data.
2014-12-16 Raimund Renkert merged.
2014-12-16 Raimund Renkert Removed sql statement and added column header to query selection.
2014-12-16 Roland Geider Merge
2014-12-16 Roland Geider Make tables editable for 'Messwerte'
2014-12-16 Roland Geider Make tables editable for 'MKommentare'
2014-12-16 Roland Geider Make tables editable for 'Status'
2014-12-16 Roland Geider Add detail button for 'Orte' table
2014-12-16 Roland Geider Rename button to 'Details'
2014-12-16 Raimund Renkert Updated viewport layout.
2014-12-16 Raimund Renkert minor scope fix.
2014-12-16 Raimund Renkert Added save and discard button to messung edit head and listen for change event to enable/disable buttons.
2014-12-16 Raimund Renkert Removed save and cancel button from edit messung dialog.
2014-12-16 Raimund Renkert Added icons for save and discard.
2014-12-16 Raimund Renkert Added save and discard buttons to proben header fields and listen to changes to enable or disable buttons.
2014-12-16 Raimund Renkert Removed save and cancel buttons from proben edit window.
2014-12-16 Raimund Renkert Moved alll list toolbars to bottom and buttons to the right.
2014-12-16 Raimund Renkert Probe and Messung window are now maximizable and collapsible.
2014-12-15 Roland Geider Make tables editable for 'Messungen'
2014-12-15 Roland Geider Make tables editable for 'Orte'
2014-12-13 Raimund Renkert Updated 'create messung' window.
2014-12-13 Raimund Renkert Refactored messung edit window layout (LSB 3.8).
2014-12-13 Raimund Renkert Probe edit window is no more modal.
2014-12-13 Raimund Renkert Moved min width from lada form superclass to concrete form classes.
2014-12-12 Raimund Renkert Refactored proben create window layout. (LSB 3.8)
2014-12-12 Raimund Renkert Code cleanup.
2014-12-11 Raimund Renkert Refactored proben edit window.
2014-12-11 Raimund Renkert Code style.
2014-11-06 Raimund Renkert Updated dependencies and documentation.
2014-11-06 Raimund Renkert Fixed some js related issues (unused vars, arrays, etc.) and code style.
2014-11-06 Raimund Renkert Removed most log messages to make the application less verbose.
2014-11-06 Raimund Renkert Have consistent requires in classes.
2014-11-06 Raimund Renkert Fixed some js related issues (unused vars, arrays, etc.) and code style.
2014-11-06 Raimund Renkert Moved stammdaten stores to app.js and load them via storemanager.
2014-11-03 Raimund Renkert Use extjs dev with all classes and css from extjs resources for development.
2014-11-03 Raimund Renkert Fixed typo in pflichtmessgroessen store.
2014-11-01 Raimund Renkert Fixed the controller.
2014-11-01 Raimund Renkert Added missing model for verwaltungseinheit.
2014-10-31 Raimund Renkert Code style.
2014-10-31 Raimund Renkert Updated views and controllers using the new model and stores.
2014-10-31 Raimund Renkert Added and updated stores.
2014-10-31 Raimund Renkert Added and updated models.
2014-10-31 Raimund Renkert Updated exitsting static data to match the new data model.
2014-10-31 Raimund Renkert Added new static data matching the new data model.
2014-10-31 Raimund Renkert Removed old static data files.
2014-02-24 Raimund Renkert Fixed INSTALL doc.
2014-01-21 Torsten Irländer Added tag 1.0 for changeset a9184ba5ee17
2014-01-21 Torsten Irländer Set paths 1.0
2014-01-21 Torsten Irländer Set typeAhead to false. Causes errors.
2014-01-21 Torsten Irländer Added more files to the ignore file
2014-01-21 Raimund Renkert Set size on initialize in windows.
2014-01-21 Raimund Renkert Added dependency to colum layout.
2014-01-21 Raimund Renkert Added dependency to column layout.
2014-01-20 Torsten Irländer Texte zwischen README und INSTALL verschoben
2014-01-17 Torsten Irländer Anpasung der README
2014-01-17 Torsten Irländer Fixed HTML comment.
2014-01-17 Torsten Irländer Added license text
2014-01-16 Torsten Irländer Added license header to each file.
2014-01-14 Torsten Irländer Added hints on installation
2014-01-14 Torsten Irländer Fixed circular requirement.
2014-01-14 Torsten Irländer README added hints for installation, license etc.
2014-01-14 Torsten Irländer Added tag 1.0 for changeset fa2a7a37a248
2014-01-14 Torsten Irländer Set versions in about dialog to 1.0 for client and server.
2014-01-09 Torsten Irländer Added tag 1.0 for changeset 20df35a31490
2014-01-09 Torsten Irländer Improved import dialog
2014-01-09 Torsten Irländer Added properties for import.
2014-01-09 Torsten Irländer Improved Import Dialog.
2014-01-08 Torsten Irländer Added tag 1.0 for changeset 32cb3ce17f62
2014-01-08 Torsten Irländer Added properties
2014-01-08 Torsten Irländer Added tag 1.0 for changeset 487ae31f4c5d
2013-12-18 Torsten Irländer Added new Field Gemeindename
2013-12-18 Torsten Irländer Renamed field Gem-Id to Gemeindeschlüssel
2013-12-18 Torsten Irländer Autoload Verwaltungseinheiten. We need the store already load on orte listing.
2013-12-18 Torsten Irländer Show ortsType of Ort, and not otyp of ortedetail in orte listing.
2013-12-16 Torsten Irländer Issue55: Show "Ja"/"Nein" for Fertig-Flag in Overview.
2013-12-13 Torsten Irländer Issue67: Always commit the form und not only if there has been changes to the
2013-12-12 Torsten Irländer Formatting
2013-12-12 Torsten Irländer Removed maxlength of 5
2013-12-12 Torsten Irländer Fix Creating, editing and deleting of Zusatzwerte.
2013-12-05 Raimund Renkert Set lon/lat coordinates when selecting a verwaltungseinheit.
2013-12-05 Raimund Renkert Added lon/lat coordinates to varwaltungseinheiten store.
2013-12-05 Raimund Renkert Use 'load', not 'reload' to fill the proben store if its empty.
2013-12-05 Raimund Renkert Apply new workflow in orte dialog.
2013-12-05 Raimund Renkert New view to create ort details.
2013-12-03 Raimund Renkert Fixed typos in fields.
2013-12-03 Torsten Irländer Merged
2013-12-03 Torsten Irländer Added new widget to enter the value for messwertNwg in when creating new messwerte.
2013-12-03 Torsten Irländer Simplified logic in Messwert listing. No extra logic anymore to check if a "<"
2013-12-03 Torsten Irländer Added MesswertNwg to the Messwert model
2013-12-02 Raimund Renkert Added tag 0.9 for changeset 1fc4407c6c83
2013-12-02 Raimund Renkert merged. 0.9
2013-12-02 Raimund Renkert Removed obsolete fields from probe model.
2013-11-18 Torsten Irländer Issue70: Neue Spalte zum Anzeigen ob der Messwert < als die NWG ist. Wenn MW <
2013-11-11 Raimund Renkert Updated Readme: Added section with hints to minify the app with Sencha cmd.
2013-11-08 Torsten Irländer Added tag 0.9 for changeset 759828c533f5
2013-11-08 Torsten Irländer Set Versions
2013-11-08 Torsten Irländer Added tag 0.9 for changeset f4185f2d1a7c
2013-11-08 Torsten Irländer Only load verwaltungseinheit if there is a selected ort.
2013-11-08 Torsten Irländer Merged with @
2013-11-08 Torsten Irländer Removed debugging.
2013-11-08 Torsten Irländer Load currently "selected" verwaltungseinheit when changing the selection.
2013-11-08 Torsten Irländer Added listener to load the recored of the set Verwaltungseinheit.
2013-11-08 Torsten Irländer The proxy to REST for Verwaltungseinheiten
2013-11-08 Torsten Irländer Set flex to true for the probenlist. Remove minheigt and maxheigt from panel
2013-11-08 Torsten Irländer Added layout to the Viewport (root panel) to fix some layout issues.
2013-11-08 Torsten Irländer Fix rendering of the orte list. Some fields was not shown because of wrong
2013-11-07 Raimund Renkert Fixed class names.
2013-11-07 Raimund Renkert Removed trailing commas.
2013-11-07 Raimund Renkert Added compiler tags for sencha cmd compiler and made the DateTime lib compile.
2013-10-11 Torsten Irländer Do not autoload the Verwaltungsgrenzen store.
2013-10-11 Torsten Irländer Issue70: Indikator eingefügt um anzuzeigen das der Messert unterhalb der
2013-10-09 Raimund Renkert Enabled multiselect for query filter. (Used as example in final workshop)
2013-10-09 Raimund Renkert Disabled trigger for combobox and request data if two chars typed.
2013-10-09 Torsten Irländer Set querymode to remote to only load a subset of items of the
2013-10-09 Torsten Irländer Do not autoload the large Verwaltungseinheiten store.
2013-09-27 Torsten Irländer Added tag 0.6 for changeset e1af66012ef0
2013-09-23 Torsten Irländer Reverse displayFields Array before configuring the columns of the result list. 0.6
2013-09-19 Torsten Irländer Typo fixed.
2013-09-18 Torsten Irländer Added todo
2013-09-16 Torsten Irländer Changed order of the script loading
2013-09-16 Torsten Irländer Deleted empty script tag
2013-09-12 Raimund Renkert New icons for errors and warnings.
2013-09-12 Raimund Renkert Fixed error code transaltions.
2013-09-12 Raimund Renkert Show warnings in proben edit form.
2013-09-12 Raimund Renkert Show warnings when saving a new Probe.
2013-09-11 Raimund Renkert Added tag 0.5 for changeset e3e4adb00f32
2013-09-11 Raimund Renkert Removed multiselect from filter comboboxes. 0.5
2013-09-06 Raimund Renkert Fixed converting dates from timestamp to date object to allow empty(NULL) values.
2013-09-04 Raimund Renkert merged.
2013-09-04 Raimund Renkert Enable multiselect in probe list and download LAF export via POST request.
2013-08-30 Torsten Irländer Hinweis hinzugefügt wo JSDuck zu finden ist.
2013-08-30 Torsten Irländer Added tag 0.4 for changeset c5188d71ef87
2013-08-30 Torsten Irländer Fixed import report dialog. 0.4
2013-08-30 Raimund Renkert Added tag 0.4 for changeset bcc7546c6366
2013-08-30 Raimund Renkert Set client and server version.
2013-08-30 Raimund Renkert Added tag 0.4 for changeset 92a960b691a4
2013-08-30 Raimund Renkert merged.
2013-08-30 Raimund Renkert Chenged theme to 'gray'.
2013-08-30 Raimund Renkert Use the new icons in list views and status bar.
2013-08-30 Raimund Renkert New icons.
2013-08-30 Torsten Irländer Added tag 0.4 for changeset 9591ca90d58d
2013-08-30 Torsten Irländer Set client and server version
2013-08-30 Torsten Irländer Changed size of about window
2013-08-30 Torsten Irländer Added about dialog.
2013-08-30 Raimund Renkert Use 'this' reference for idProperty in model.
2013-08-29 Torsten Irländer Added user icons to the toolbar.
2013-08-29 Torsten Irländer Added toolbar to the mainwindow.
2013-08-29 Torsten Irländer Make the error dialog look better.
2013-08-27 Torsten Irländer Added action in controller to download the file in a new window.
2013-08-27 Torsten Irländer Added an export button to trigger export action for a selected (single) probe
2013-08-26 Torsten Irländer Set first version of a report of the import.
2013-08-26 Torsten Irländer Fixed building searchparams support empty selection in multiselect.
2013-08-23 Raimund Renkert merged.
2013-08-23 Raimund Renkert Updated URL for import service.
2013-08-23 Torsten Irländer Added more search filters.
2013-08-20 Torsten Irländer Implemented dynamic ProbelList model. The model will get initialized by the
2013-08-16 Torsten Irländer Added tag 0.3 for changeset eba7ba244968
2013-08-16 Torsten Irländer Added changes 0.3
2013-08-16 Torsten Irländer Added tag 0.3 for changeset 1179b3a1251b
2013-08-16 Raimund Renkert Alway send filter parameters to proben service.
2013-08-16 Torsten Irländer Dynamically add configured search filters. Send needed values to the server.
2013-08-16 Torsten Irländer Set autoload to true
2013-08-16 Torsten Irländer Set autoload to true
2013-08-16 Torsten Irländer Syntax
2013-08-16 Torsten Irländer Make Filter generatiion work for new query config
2013-08-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed syntax
2013-08-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed display of lock and unlock items.
2013-08-15 Torsten Irländer Issue56: Changed way how to set the form and window to readonly. Now all dialogs should
2013-08-15 Torsten Irländer Only hide save buttons if there are no fields which should be ignore while
2013-08-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed syntax
2013-08-15 Torsten Irländer Added helper function to get authorisation information for the current item.
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added Changes
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added logic to upload a file to the server.
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added Changes
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Issue8. Fixed filtering of comboboxes while typing.
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Fixed local filtering of combo
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added documentation
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added documenation
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added documenation
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added documentation
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added documentation
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added documentation
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added documentation
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added documentation
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added documentation
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Removed commented code.
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added documentation
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added documentation
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added documentation.
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Hinweise zur Dokumentation eingefügt.
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added condiguration file for generating documentation based on Jsduck.
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added ignore file.
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added docstring
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Inherit form model.base. Formatting
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Inherit form model.base. Formatting
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Inherit form model.base. Formatting
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Inherit form model.base. Formatting
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Inherit form model.base. Formatting
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Inherit form model.base. Formatting
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Inherit form model.base. Formatting
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Inherit form model.base. Formatting
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Inherit form model.base. Formatting
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Inherit form model.base. Formatting
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Inherit form model.base. Formatting
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Inherit from model.Base
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Removed documentation of things which are already documented in the Ext model
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added docstring
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added docstring
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added docstring
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added docstring
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added docstring
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added docstring
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added docstring
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added docstring
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added docstring
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added docstring
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Added docstring
2013-08-13 Torsten Irländer Fix initialisation of Messungen controller
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Required Lada.lib.Helpers
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Added Base model class
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Use ts2date function from lib.Helpers. Remove old code
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Use ts2date function from lib.Helpers. Remove old code
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Use ts2date function from lib.Helpers. Remove old code
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Use ts2date function from lib.Helpers. Remove old code
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Use ts2date function from lib.Helpers. Remove old code
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Use ts2date function from lib.Helpers. Remove old code
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Use ts2date function from lib.Helpers. Remove old code
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Use ts2date function from lib.Helpers. Remove old code
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Use ts2date function from lib.Helpers. Remove old code
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Use ts2date function from lib.Helpers. Remove old code
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Use ts2date function from lib.Helpers. Remove old code
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Use ts2date function from lib.Helpers. Remove old code
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Added Helpers class to provide some helper methods.
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Inherit from Base controller
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Inherit from Base controller
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Inherit from Base controller
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Inherit from Base controller
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Inherit from Base controller
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Inherit from Base controller
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Inherit from Base controller
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Inherit from Base controller
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Remeoved methods which are defined in the base class.
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Move more methods into the BaseController.
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Added BaseController and inherit Kommentar controller from it.
2013-08-09 Torsten Irländer Added Docstrings
2013-08-08 Torsten Irländer Fix for issue58. Get the related probe for the messwert and check if the probe
2013-08-08 Torsten Irländer Added docstrings
2013-08-08 Torsten Irländer Added docstring
2013-08-08 Torsten Irländer Partially fixed issue55: Ignore the "fertig" field form when setting the form
2013-08-08 Torsten Irländer Issue55: Added ignoreFields parameter to the setReadonly function to be able
2013-08-07 Torsten Irländer Added documentation (jsduck-tests)
2013-08-07 Torsten Irländer Clientseitige Überprüfung der Datenfelder hinzugefügt: Nutzung von "numberfields" bei Zahlenwerten, maxLength, min/maxValue
2013-08-07 Torsten Irländer Added Changes.
2013-08-07 Torsten Irländer Use datetimepicker for all datefields
2013-08-07 Torsten Irländer define lada specific datetimefield and set dateformat to german format.
2013-08-07 Torsten Irländer Include required JS code for datetimepicker
2013-08-07 Torsten Irländer Added datetimepicker from
2013-08-06 Torsten Irländer Make custom comboboxed selectable
2013-08-06 Torsten Irländer Added Cancel Button to all Windows. Changed order howthe form is initialized.
2013-08-06 Torsten Irländer Add cancel Button to the editproben window and only show save button if the
2013-07-29 Torsten Irländer Set maxlength to 20
2013-07-29 Torsten Irländer Fixed Syntax.
2013-07-29 Torsten Irländer Fixed Issue16: Removed "Ursprungszeit"
2013-07-29 Torsten Irländer Fixed issue34. Erzeuger is now a selection field for messstelle.
2013-07-29 Torsten Irländer Added Changes.txt
2013-07-29 Torsten Irländer Fixed Issue17.
2013-07-26 Torsten Irländer Added tag 0.2 for changeset 1626279daadb
2013-07-26 Torsten Irländer Set client version 0.2
2013-07-26 Torsten Irländer Issue50. Show ID an text in combobox.
2013-07-25 Torsten Irländer Issue50: Added sorting on the most stores.
2013-07-25 Torsten Irländer Added code to show general information about the application in the
2013-07-25 Torsten Irländer Fixed Issue44: Show locked or unlocked icon in the first column of the
2013-07-25 Torsten Irländer Fixed Issue54. Set fieldtype to numberfield.
2013-07-25 Torsten Irländer Added a possible fix for issue57. After the create dialog is closed the edit
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer #57: Open Edit-Dialog after creating a new Probe.
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Added panel with details for the selected query
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Fixed variable name
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Update description and sql statement when chosing another query
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Fixed filter names
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Fixed id of filter
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Simpliefied function to reconfigure the table.
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Changed proxy to load data from the server.
2013-07-24 Torsten Irländer Removed data from store. queries are now loaded from the server.
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Change logic how to show and hide the search filters. Now we iterate over the
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Put all available search filters to the viewport. They are later hidden and
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Added filter attribute and added comments.
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Configured fields for the two defined search queries.
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Iteratre the available cols in reverse order (begining from 0) to maintain the
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer If the user selects a search query add call setupColumns method to dynamically
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Added a comment with a list of currently available columns.
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Added function to dynamically add columns to the probenlist.
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer On Default the proben list will have no columns at all. The are added
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Added configuration varibale to define the set of all available columns.
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Use new queries store in search selection.
2013-07-23 Torsten Irländer Added new model and store for Queries.
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Added tag M1 for changeset f60472df54e3
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Added Listener for save event in edit dialog. M1
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Used new Editdialog and set the form readonly if the parent probe is readonly.
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Modified create dialogs to only contain fields to create a messung (without,
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Added function to directly initialize the probenendit form.
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Set messung readonly if parent probe is readonly
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Only iterate over fields of the form is readonly. This increases the
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Set IdProperty and fix creating and updating mkommentar
2013-07-17 Torsten Irländer Fixed creating messwerte.
2013-07-16 Torsten Irländer Fix ID-property
2013-07-16 Torsten Irländer Fixed loading stores when editing Messung.
2013-07-16 Torsten Irländer Set Id to Messgroesse. In a store of messwerte the messgroesse is the unique
2013-07-16 Torsten Irländer Set maxLength of erzeuger to 5
2013-07-16 Torsten Irländer setReadOnly now also iterates over the toolbars within the form and hide them
2013-07-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed variable name
2013-07-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed delete call
2013-07-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed delete call
2013-07-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed issue21
2013-07-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed issue23
2013-07-15 Torsten Irländer Fixed issue22
2013-07-12 Torsten Irländer Fix getting messerte, status and kommentare in debug mode
2013-07-12 Torsten Irländer Set messungsid for new messungunswerte
2013-07-12 Torsten Irländer add getEidi function to model
2013-07-12 Torsten Irländer Fix rendering the form readonly.
2013-07-12 Torsten Irländer Set parentId to messwert for add button
2013-07-12 Torsten Irländer Set maxlength of NPR to 10
2013-07-12 Torsten Irländer Set maxlength to 5 for erzeuger.
2013-07-09 Torsten Irländer Inheritance of Mkommentare from Kommentare does not work as expected. So write
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Preload Mkommentar Controller.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Added new Controller for MKommentare.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Removed unneeded listeners. There is not editdialog.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Fixed building the id of MKommentar
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Added status controller.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Added messungsid to the status list.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Fixed attribute names in the Status model
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Added forms to create a Messstatus
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Added new widget to list the available Statuswerte.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Added messwerte controller to be able to add, edit and delete messwerte.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Set messungsId to the add buttons in the lists on edit page for messungen.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Load kommentare, status and messwerte when editing probe.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Added function to save a Messung.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Renamed function names to Messungen
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Added action attribute to button. Needed for listener.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Removed unneeded code and set action attribute on button.
2013-07-08 Torsten Irländer Fixed name of store.
2013-07-05 Torsten Irländer As the model now should have a readonly flag, the check if the form must be
2013-07-05 Torsten Irländer Removed unused code.
2013-07-05 Torsten Irländer Added readonly attribute.
2013-07-05 Torsten Irländer Added missing files.
2013-07-05 Torsten Irländer Enabled readonly mode
2013-07-05 Torsten Irländer Show search on app startup.
2013-07-05 Torsten Irländer Added missing file.
2013-07-04 Torsten Irländer Added missing files.
2013-07-04 Torsten Irländer Completed Messwertelist
2013-07-04 Torsten Irländer Added missing file.
2013-07-04 Torsten Irländer Show List of Messungskommentare
2013-07-04 Torsten Irländer Added Messmethode.js
2013-07-04 Torsten Irländer Use Messmethodewidget.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Require messmethode widget. Fix fieldname.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Removed size.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Added basic fields for Messungen.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Added options to open dialogs directly without the need to click through the
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Implemented opening a new Messungen form when clicking and the "Add Button" on
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Show messzeitpunkt in messung listing. Convert timestamp to date.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Added Status into Messungen listing.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Load Messwerte instead of Messungen
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Added Messwertestore to stores.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Added model and store for messwert.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Fixed getting Messwerte.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Show "Anzahl der Nuklide"
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Added custom renderer for "Anzahl Kommentare" column count the number of
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Added MKommentare store. Some cleanup.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Added nested id attribute which comes in JSON response to the model as we need
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Added model and store for Messungskommentare.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Reenabled Messungen in ProbenEdit.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Fixed model. Added mapping.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Removed unused code.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Enabled loading Messungen.
2013-07-03 Torsten Irländer Removed Bezeichnung, Kreis as Model changes on serverside in r201.
2013-07-02 Torsten Irländer Set ortId in l_ort if new ortdetail was created.
2013-07-02 Torsten Irländer Implemented creating and editing new l_ort. Created editing orte.
2013-07-02 Torsten Irländer Added files for Staat, Ort and Verwaltungseinheiten.
2013-07-02 Torsten Irländer Return korrekt Messpunkt
2013-07-02 Torsten Irländer Return correct Gemeindebezeichnung
2013-07-02 Torsten Irländer Renabled ortelist
2013-07-01 Torsten Irländer Added Orte.
2013-07-01 Torsten Irländer Do not hide search buttons and the resultlist on initial load.
2013-07-01 Torsten Irländer Do no hide the earch buttons and the resultlist on reset.
2013-07-01 Torsten Irländer Only use minimum required space to enter a new Zusatzwert
2013-07-01 Torsten Irländer Changed size of kommentare window. Only use minimum required space.
2013-07-01 Torsten Irländer Re-Added Kommentare
2013-06-28 Torsten Irländer Show Messeinheit next to the Messwert field and change the value if the
2013-06-28 Torsten Irländer Added function to model with return the beschreibung of the messeinheit of a
2013-06-28 Torsten Irländer Displaye Messeinheit in the Zusatzwerte Overview.
2013-06-28 Torsten Irländer Display messwert of Zusatzwert with a prepended "<" if the messwert is smaller
2013-06-27 Torsten Irländer Changed params probe -> probeId, mst -> mstId, uwb -> umwId
2013-06-26 Torsten Irländer Fixed fields in model (Forgotten broken mapping)
2013-06-26 Torsten Irländer Removed id property from Zusatzwerte model. Do not set Probenzusatz when
2013-06-26 Torsten Irländer Removed nested elements in Zusatzwerte. Change getting aditional info for
2013-06-26 Torsten Irländer Load Probenzusatzwerte on editing a Probe. Values are needed in the
2013-06-25 Torsten Irländer Reset idProperty to probeId again as it seems the the submitted data will have
2013-06-25 Torsten Irländer Do not use the model.save mathod to store items in the databut but trigger a
2013-06-25 Torsten Irländer Use getEidi on url generation for delete requests.
2013-06-25 Torsten Irländer Implement custom getEidi function to build a ID from the pzsId and the
2013-06-25 Torsten Irländer Added function getEidi which returns the part of the id of an item which needs
2013-06-25 Torsten Irländer Do not call remove with selection on the store to delete object. Trigger
2013-06-25 Torsten Irländer Added allowBlanks to the Form.
2013-06-25 Torsten Irländer Commented out pzsId in Zusatzwert model.
2013-06-25 Torsten Irländer Use probeId value of the add button to set the probeId of new created Zusatzwerte.
2013-06-25 Torsten Irländer Store probeId as attribute of the "add" button in the zusatzwerte list.
2013-06-25 Torsten Irländer Removed id property
2013-06-21 Torsten Irländer Enabled accessing nested data in the grid through a renderer.
2013-06-21 Torsten Irländer Cleanup part three. Reenabled Zusatzwerte and implemented sending nested data.
2013-06-21 Torsten Irländer Cleanup part two. Reenabled Proben edit but one use minimum version of the probenedit. Move some stores to the combobox definitons
2013-06-21 Torsten Irländer Clean up part one. Reduced application to the search page. Moved some stores for comoboboxes right to the combobox
2013-06-21 Torsten Irländer Added tag tag-refactor for changeset f2579cadaee8
2013-06-21 Torsten Irländer Formatting tag-refactor
2013-06-21 Torsten Irländer Clean up code and improve comments.
2013-06-20 Torsten Irländer Set debug version as dev version has a bug on displaying values from model.
2013-06-20 Torsten Irländer Added conversion of datefield.
2013-06-20 Torsten Irländer Worked on Zusatzwerte. No all values are displayed correct in the List and
2013-06-19 Torsten Irländer Use new widgets in form for zusatzwerte.
2013-06-19 Torsten Irländer Added widgets for messeinheiten und zusatzwerte.
2013-06-19 Torsten Irländer Replaced Logic for Kommentare. Use copied code form Orte.
2013-06-19 Torsten Irländer Added Forms to add Zusatzwerte
2013-06-19 Torsten Irländer Added forms to add Orte
2013-06-19 Torsten Irländer Added Forms to add Messungen
2013-06-19 Torsten Irländer Added form to create kommentare
2013-06-18 Torsten Irländer Load Zusatzwerte from server
2013-06-18 Torsten Irländer Added gemId and staatId
2013-06-18 Torsten Irländer [mq]: craftid
2013-06-17 Torsten Irländer Added Messungenlist to the Proben eddit view.
2013-06-17 Torsten Irländer Added static Orte list
2013-06-17 Torsten Irländer Added static kommentare list
2013-06-17 Torsten Irländer Changed store. Elements are in thate data attribute. Build custom id
2013-06-14 Torsten Irländer Setup missing fields in the proben overview.
2013-06-14 Torsten Irländer Remove duplicated attribute
2013-06-14 Torsten Irländer Only getTimte from datefield if the value is not null.
2013-06-14 Torsten Irländer Only add search params if the user actually set them in the form.
2013-06-13 Torsten Irländer Set flex option in grid for "Gemeindebezeichnung"
2013-06-13 Torsten Irländer Added Orte to the Proben edit window
2013-06-13 Torsten Irländer Set root of the data element to "data". This was needed as the Response of the
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Fixed name of xtype
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Added new widget for the netzbetreiber.
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Changed type of messstelle field to combobox
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Comment out ProbeID. Should be be changed.
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Fixed naming of fields.
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Added field for netzbetreiber. Is needed because of FK constraints.
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Reload the store after the probe was created or edited.
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Added function to mark the form as readonly.
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Only submit form if internal validation is ok.
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Move parsing the response in a seperate function.
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Change fieldtype of Messstelle to combobox.
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Do not collapse the fields, as required field should be visible on creation.
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Mark field as required.
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Fixed fieldnaming.
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Removed ID field from create form as providing a value here seems to trigger a
2013-06-11 Torsten Irländer Set default date in Proben to today.
2013-06-05 Torsten Irländer Use translated message from server in error dialog
2013-06-05 Torsten Irländer Translate error codes and store them as attributes of the form
2013-06-05 Torsten Irländer Add function which translates the errorcodes returned from the server.
2013-06-05 Torsten Irländer Added i18n extension. Note: This extension must be installed. See https://github.com/elmasse/Ext.i18n.Bundle/wiki/HowTo
2013-06-05 Torsten Irländer Added translation files.
2013-06-05 Torsten Irländer Added new Form for editing proben. Use this form in the edit window.
2013-06-05 Torsten Irländer Added new listeners for events comming from the Probenforms.
2013-06-05 Torsten Irländer Removed old code
2013-06-05 Torsten Irländer Do not define form element in the window. Use new defined Probencreate Form.
2013-06-05 Torsten Irländer Added CreateForm for proben
2013-06-05 Torsten Irländer Created custom Form element which is bound to the model
2013-05-31 Torsten Irländer Added a new Dialog to create proben without any kommentare or other additional
2013-05-31 Torsten Irländer Added listener to open a new window to enter data fpr the new probe.
2013-05-31 Torsten Irländer Added toolbar on the top of the proben listing.
2013-05-31 Torsten Irländer Added comment on the id key in kommentare.
2013-05-29 Torsten Irländer Removed old code.
2013-05-29 Torsten Irländer Implemented Adding und Editing Kommentare
2013-05-29 Torsten Irländer Added function to delete kommentare
2013-05-29 Torsten Irländer Added action attributes to the buttons in the toolbar of the kommentar list
2013-05-29 Torsten Irländer Added idProperty to "id" which is the default anyway. Removed api definition
2013-05-29 Torsten Irländer Removed storeId. Is not needed and used anywhere.
2013-05-28 Torsten Irländer Added dialog for editing kommentare. Open the dialog on double click on a
2013-05-28 Torsten Irländer Added Controller for kommentare
2013-05-28 Torsten Irländer Added store, view and model for kommentare. Load kommentare when opening a probe.
2013-05-27 Torsten Irländer Load Proben form with detailed version of the proben record.
2013-05-27 Torsten Irländer Fixed debug output of the selected probe on doubleclick in grid.
2013-05-27 Torsten Irländer Move proxy definition into the model. Else the building of the URL does not
2013-05-27 Torsten Irländer Added combobox for field "testdatensatz"
2013-05-27 Torsten Irländer Make the combobox for selecting search queries not editiable. Only predefined
2013-05-27 Torsten Irländer Set size of the edit window relative to the available space in the browser.
2013-05-24 Torsten Irländer Added combotbox for Betriebsart.
2013-05-24 Torsten Irländer Removed 'Szenario'. Not needed in prototype.
2013-05-24 Torsten Irländer Removed Phase. Not required in the prototype.
2013-05-24 Torsten Irländer Added testfunction (not working) to initialize the comboboxes with a given value
2013-05-24 Torsten Irländer Added missiong code for uwb.
2013-05-24 Torsten Irländer Added datenbasis combobox
2013-05-24 Torsten Irländer Added probenart combobox
2013-05-24 Torsten Irländer Require Edit Dialog.
2013-05-24 Torsten Irländer Use combobox for Umweltdaten
2013-05-23 Torsten Irländer Added empty text message to the probenlist.
2013-05-23 Torsten Irländer Implemted search. When user clicks on the search buttons parameters are
2013-05-23 Torsten Irländer Added store for Messstelle. Fill Messstellen widget on search page
2013-05-23 Torsten Irländer Added Messtellen
2013-05-22 Torsten Irländer Fetch UWB dynamically.
2013-05-21 Torsten Irländer Removed unused file.
2013-05-21 Torsten Irländer Changed logic of the Probenauswahl. Now logic works like the BFS version.
2013-05-16 Torsten Irländer Removed Nebenprobenummer from overview. Ich think this field makes no sense
2013-05-16 Torsten Irländer Changed MLP to MPL. It seems that this one was a typo.
2013-05-16 Torsten Irländer Renamed sql modul into search. Further display The query selection as Combobox
2013-05-10 Torsten Irländer Added notes to the README
2013-05-10 Torsten Irländer Added README
2013-05-08 Torsten Irländer Restructured the application. Fixed layouts etc.
2013-05-07 Torsten Irländer Do not autoload the data from the server. Only load an request.
2013-05-07 Torsten Irländer Added debugging urls
2013-05-07 Torsten Irländer Added more fields to the overview and set correct reference in on the edit
2013-05-07 Torsten Irländer Added more fields to the probenclass
2013-05-07 Torsten Irländer Remove Field configuration. Field are configured in the model.
2013-05-07 Torsten Irländer Added more fields to the Edit-Dialog.
2013-05-06 Torsten Irländer Implemented a basic edit dialog. Data will be set to data/proben2.json url
2013-04-30 Torsten Irländer Changed layout and added Listeners to show the correct variable definition for
2013-04-30 Torsten Irländer Remove title form sqllist to not show the panel header.
2013-04-30 Torsten Irländer Remove title attribute to not show Header on the probenlist
2013-04-30 Torsten Irländer Load data from data/proben.json
2013-04-30 Torsten Irländer Added model for Proben and a Store.
2013-04-30 Torsten Irländer Added Viewport class which should be used to setup the viewport. Currently not
2013-04-30 Torsten Irländer Added some comment.
2013-04-30 Torsten Irländer Do not autocreate a viewport as automatic loading of the Viewport.js fiel
2013-04-30 Torsten Irländer Add probnelist to view
2013-04-29 Torsten Irländer Moved stored SQL into its own file.
2013-04-29 Torsten Irländer Moved title attribute
2013-04-29 Torsten Irländer Added a list to select predefined SQL Statement for the Proben list.
2013-04-29 Torsten Irländer Map double click event on rows of the userlist to the editProben function.
2013-04-29 Torsten Irländer Added a first example view (userlisting) from the EXJS Tutorial. Need to be
2013-04-29 Torsten Irländer Initialise the Proben controller.
2013-04-29 Torsten Irländer Added a simple panel to the application.
2013-04-29 Torsten Irländer Added basic Proben controller.
2013-04-17 Torsten Irländer Initial commit
