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view db_schema/audit.sql @ 1337:462226615381
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author | Tom Gottfried <> |
date | Thu, 06 Apr 2017 17:15:55 +0200 |
parents | d3113d594013 |
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-- Based on -- -- which is licensed by "The PostgreSQL License", effectively equivalent to the BSD -- license. SET search_path TO land; CREATE TABLE audit_trail( id bigserial primary key, table_name varchar(50) not null, tstamp TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL, action varchar(1) NOT NULL CHECK (action IN ('I','D','U', 'T')), object_id integer not null, row_data JSONB, changed_fields JSONB ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION jsonb_delete_left(a jsonb, b jsonb) RETURNS jsonb AS $BODY$ SELECT COALESCE( ( SELECT ('{' || string_agg(to_json(key) || ':' || value, ',') || '}') FROM jsonb_each(a) WHERE NOT ('{' || to_json(key) || ':' || value || '}')::jsonb <@ b ) , '{}')::jsonb; $BODY$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT; COMMENT ON FUNCTION jsonb_delete_left(jsonb, jsonb) IS 'delete matching pairs in second argument from first argument'; DROP OPERATOR IF EXISTS - (jsonb, jsonb); CREATE OPERATOR - ( PROCEDURE = jsonb_delete_left, LEFTARG = jsonb, RIGHTARG = jsonb); COMMENT ON OPERATOR - (jsonb, jsonb) IS 'delete matching pairs from left operand'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION jsonb_delete_left(a jsonb, b text[]) RETURNS jsonb AS $BODY$ SELECT COALESCE( ( SELECT ('{' || string_agg(to_json(key) || ':' || value, ',') || '}') FROM jsonb_each(a) WHERE key <> ALL(b) ) , '{}')::jsonb; $BODY$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT; COMMENT ON FUNCTION jsonb_delete_left(jsonb, text[]) IS 'delete keys in second argument from first argument'; DROP OPERATOR IF EXISTS - (jsonb, text[]); CREATE OPERATOR - ( PROCEDURE = jsonb_delete_left, LEFTARG = jsonb, RIGHTARG = text[]); COMMENT ON OPERATOR - (jsonb, text[]) IS 'delete keys from left operand'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION if_modified_func() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $body$ DECLARE audit_row land.audit_trail; include_values boolean; log_diffs boolean; h_old jsonb; h_new jsonb; excluded_cols text[] = ARRAY[]::text[]; BEGIN IF TG_WHEN <> 'AFTER' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'land.if_modified_func() may only run as an AFTER trigger'; END IF; -- Do nothing on delete. IF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; audit_row = ROW( nextval('land.audit_trail_id_seq'), -- id TG_TABLE_NAME::varchar, -- table_name current_timestamp, -- tstamp substring(TG_OP,1,1), -- action, -- object_id NULL, NULL -- row_data, changed_fields ); IF TG_ARGV[1] IS NOT NULL THEN excluded_cols = TG_ARGV[1]::text[]; END IF; IF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE' AND TG_LEVEL = 'ROW') THEN audit_row.row_data = row_to_json(OLD)::JSONB; audit_row.changed_fields = row_to_json(NEW)::JSONB - audit_row.row_data - excluded_cols; IF audit_row.changed_fields = '{}'::jsonb THEN -- All changed fields are ignored. Skip this update. RETURN NULL; END IF; ELSIF (TG_OP = 'INSERT' AND TG_LEVEL = 'ROW') THEN audit_row.row_data = row_to_json(NEW)::JSONB; audit_row.changed_fields = jsonb_strip_nulls(row_to_json(NEW)::JSONB - excluded_cols); ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '[land.if_modified_func] - Trigger func added as trigger for unhandled case: %, %',TG_OP, TG_LEVEL; RETURN NULL; END IF; INSERT INTO land.audit_trail VALUES (audit_row.*); RETURN NULL; END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = land, public; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION audit_table( target_table regclass, audit_rows boolean, audit_query_text boolean, ignored_cols text[] ) RETURNS void AS $body$ DECLARE stm_targets text = 'INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE OR TRUNCATE'; _q_txt text; _ignored_cols_snip text = ''; BEGIN EXECUTE 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS audit_trigger_row ON ' || quote_ident(target_table::TEXT); EXECUTE 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS audit_trigger_stm ON ' || quote_ident(target_table::TEXT); IF audit_rows THEN IF array_length(ignored_cols,1) > 0 THEN _ignored_cols_snip = ', ' || quote_literal(ignored_cols); END IF; _q_txt = 'CREATE TRIGGER audit_trigger_row AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON ' || quote_ident(target_table::TEXT) || ' FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE land.if_modified_func(' || quote_literal(audit_query_text) || _ignored_cols_snip || ');'; RAISE NOTICE '%',_q_txt; EXECUTE _q_txt; stm_targets = 'TRUNCATE'; ELSE END IF; _q_txt = 'CREATE TRIGGER audit_trigger_stm AFTER ' || stm_targets || ' ON ' || target_table || ' FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE land.if_modified_func('|| quote_literal(audit_query_text) || ');'; RAISE NOTICE '%',_q_txt; EXECUTE _q_txt; END; $body$ language 'plpgsql'; COMMENT ON FUNCTION audit_table(regclass, boolean, boolean, text[]) IS $body$ Add auditing support to a table. Arguments: target_table: Table name, schema qualified if not on search_path audit_rows: Record each row change, or only audit at a statement level audit_query_text: Record the text of the client query that triggered the audit event? ignored_cols: Columns to exclude from update diffs, ignore updates that change only ignored cols. $body$; -- Pg doesn't allow variadic calls with 0 params, so provide a wrapper CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION audit_table(target_table regclass, audit_rows boolean, audit_query_text boolean) RETURNS void AS $body$ SELECT audit_table($1, $2, $3, ARRAY[]::text[]); $body$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- And provide a convenience call wrapper for the simplest case -- of row-level logging with no excluded cols and query logging enabled. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION audit_table(target_table regclass) RETURNS void AS $body$ SELECT audit_table($1, BOOLEAN 't', BOOLEAN 't'); $body$ LANGUAGE 'sql'; COMMENT ON FUNCTION audit_table(regclass) IS $body$ Add auditing support to the given table. Row-level changes will be logged with full client query text. No cols are ignored. $body$; CREATE INDEX probe_id_ndx ON audit_trail(cast("row_data"->>'probe_id' AS int)); CREATE INDEX messung_id_ndx ON audit_trail(cast("row_data"->>'messung_id' AS int)); -- View for probe audit trail CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW audit_trail_probe AS SELECT id, table_name, action, object_id, tstamp, cast(row_data ->> 'messungs_id' AS integer) AS messungs_id, coalesce(cast(row_data ->> 'probe_id' AS integer), (SELECT probe_id FROM messung WHERE id = cast( row_data ->> 'messungs_id' AS integer))) AS probe_id, row_data, changed_fields FROM audit_trail; -- View for messung audit trail CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW audit_trail_messung AS SELECT, audit_trail.table_name, audit_trail.tstamp, audit_trail.action, audit_trail.object_id, audit_trail.row_data, audit_trail.changed_fields, cast(row_data ->> 'messungs_id' AS int) AS messungs_id FROM audit_trail; SELECT audit_table('probe', true, false, '{id, tree_modified, letzte_aenderung}'::text[]); SELECT audit_table('messung', true, false, '{id, probe_id, tree_modified, letzte_aenderung, status}'::text[]); SELECT audit_table('messwert', true, false, '{id, messungs_id, tree_modified, letzte_aenderung}'::text[]); SELECT audit_table('kommentar_p', true, false, '{id, probe_id, tree_modified, letzte_aenderung}'::text[]); SELECT audit_table('kommentar_m', true, false, '{id, messungs_id, tree_modified, letzte_aenderung}'::text[]); SELECT audit_table('zusatz_wert', true, false, '{id, probe_id, tree_modified, letzte_aenderung}'::text[]); SELECT audit_table('ortszuordnung', true, false, '{id, probe_id, tree_modified, letzte_aenderung}'::text[]); SET search_path TO public;