view db_schema/stammdaten_data_auth.sql @ 1292:588f6deae24a

Fix authorization for OrtszuordnungMp and friends. Setting readonly equal to owner implied an owner cannot edit its own objects. That was probably not intended. As many of the conditionals actually evaluated to doing nothing, those were removed.
author Tom Gottfried <>
date Wed, 08 Feb 2017 19:56:01 +0100
parents 3923b41f8783
line wrap: on
line source

-- PostgreSQL database dump

-- Dumped from database version 9.5.1
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.5.0

-- Started on 2016-03-31 11:38:13

SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET lock_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;

SET search_path = stammdaten, pg_catalog;

-- TOC entry 4670 (class 0 OID 535676)
-- Dependencies: 232
-- Data for Name: auth; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: stammdaten; Owner: lada

COPY auth (id, ldap_group, netzbetreiber_id, mst_id, labor_mst_id, funktion_id) FROM stdin;
1	Imis_world	\N	\N	\N	0
2	mst_06010	06	06010	06010	0
3	mst_06060	06	06060	06060	0
4	mst_11010	11	11010	11010	0
5	mst_12010	12	12010	12010	0
6	mst_12020	12	12020	12020	0
7	mst_06_status	06	06010	06010	1
8	mst_06-status	06	06060	06060	1
9	mst_11010_status	11	11010	11010	1
10	mst_12010_status	12	12010	12010	1
11	mst_12020_status	12	12020	12020	1
16	land_06_status	06	06112	\N	2
17	land_11_status	11	11042	\N	2
21	land_12_status	12	12032	\N	2
22	lst_kiel	\N	20050	\N	3
23	lst_fisch	\N	20040	\N	3
24	land_06_stamm	06	\N	\N	4
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