- Do not try to create a new Ort if coordinate transformation failed.2016-12-09, by Tom Gottfried
- Adapt validation rule to changes in data model.2016-12-09, by Tom Gottfried
- Add missing annotations to avoid deserialisation errors.2016-12-09, by Tom Gottfried
- Put latitude and longitude in correct order for EPSG:4326.2016-12-08, by Tom Gottfried
- Add transient fields to be able to deserialize objects from client.2016-12-08, by Tom Gottfried
- The referencing column does not need to be wider than what it refereces.2016-12-08, by Tom Gottfried
- Avoid fetching the whole table from DB if we don't need it at all.2016-12-08, by Tom Gottfried
- An Ort always has a location which is created from respective input.2016-12-08, by Tom Gottfried
- Remove obsolete redundant attributes.2016-12-08, by Tom Gottfried
- Handle unknown and not yet implemented Koordinatenart.2016-12-08, by Tom Gottfried
- Added description of Docker dev environment to README.2016-12-06, by Tom Gottfried
- Add spatial index to speed up OrtFactory.findVerwaltungseinheit().2016-12-05, by Tom Gottfried
- Add missing FK constraint.2016-12-05, by Tom Gottfried
- Backout 2f9dfd292ff1 because it reverts d667092cc788.2016-12-02, by Tom Gottfried
- Add public schema to search path and remove obsolete data-source.2016-12-02, by Tom Gottfried
- Silence DEBUG-logging of geotools.2016-12-02, by Tom Gottfried
- That statement has surely never been successfully tested.2016-12-02, by Tom Gottfried
- fix bug in setup-db.sh2016-12-02, by Michael Stanko
- Separate build/deploy and javadoc.2016-12-01, by Tom Gottfried
- With Java 7 we have to use the 14.x-branch of GeoTools.2016-12-01, by Tom Gottfried
- Fix DB setup.2016-12-01, by Tom Gottfried
- Added missing geotools dependencies.2016-11-30, by Raimund Renkert
- Removed execution of not existing script...2016-11-30, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed setup db script.2016-11-30, by Raimund Renkert
- merged.2016-11-29, by Raimund Renkert
- Added ort factory to generate and find attributes, updated model.2016-11-29, by Raimund Renkert
- Removed table de_vg and added verwaltungsgrenze.2016-11-29, by Raimund Renkert
- Import german administrative borders using EPSG:4326.2016-11-29, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed setup-db script for use with docker.2016-11-29, by Raimund Renkert
- reorganize db setup2016-11-25, by Michael Stanko
- Add MPL to Messprogramm2016-11-25, by Evi Huber
- Add MPL to Messprogramm2016-11-25, by Evi Huber
- redesign stammdaten.verwaltungseinheit2016-11-25, by Michael Stanko
- Export the id according to the specification for PZB_S.2016-11-21, by Raimund Renkert
- merged2016-11-21, by Raimund Renkert
- Import HOEHE_NN and ORTS_ZUSATZCODE for new ort objects.2016-11-21, by Raimund Renkert
- LAF requires char sequences to be quoted in export.2016-11-18, by Tom Gottfried
- Do not try to export non-existant Probe objects.2016-11-18, by Tom Gottfried
- staatId might be null since rev 33dc7dc6b7bc.2016-11-18, by Tom Gottfried
- Add missing column.2016-11-18, by Tom Gottfried
- Check for data in ort attributes in laf import.2016-11-18, by Raimund Renkert
- Declared variable in db function set_ort_id.2016-11-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed validation workflow in laf importer.2016-11-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Create a new ort object on demand while importing LAF data.2016-11-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Removed NOT NULL constraint from stammdaten.ort.staat_id.2016-11-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Added trigger to fill stammdaten.ort attributes.2016-11-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Integrate Audit Log Analyzer.pgaudit 2016-11-11, by Tom Gottfried
- Improbe audit trail configuration.pgaudit 2016-11-11, by Tom Gottfried
- merged.2016-11-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Avoid NPE in TimestampLocker.2016-11-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Log parameters in statements.pgaudit 2016-11-09, by Tom Gottfried
- Add hint for creation of schema objects for log analyzer.pgaudit 2016-11-09, by Tom Gottfried
- Let the database enforce,too, what rev 46db98d060ae introduced.2016-11-09, by Tom Gottfried
- Fixed rule to allow update of 'entnahmeOrt'.2016-11-09, by Raimund Renkert
- Allow update of "entnahme ort" in validation.2016-11-09, by Raimund Renkert
- Added validation to make sure a probe has only one 'entnahme ort'.2016-11-09, by Raimund Renkert
- Let the database generate id_alt and initial status for new messung objects.2016-11-09, by Raimund Renkert
- Write raw data on exit probe context in laf listener.2016-11-09, by Raimund Renkert
- Remove creation of unused superuser and create missing directory.pgaudit 2016-11-08, by Tom Gottfried
- Use pgaudit to generate an audit trail.pgaudit 2016-11-08, by Tom Gottfried