
age author description
2016-10-11 Tom Gottfried Use Intervall-class for generation of yearly Probe objects.
2016-10-10 Tom Gottfried Fix validation of subintervall for yearly samples.
2016-10-10 Tom Gottfried Remove unused private methods.
2016-10-07 Michael Stanko update db_schema/stammdaten_data.sql schema-update
2016-10-01 Tom Gottfried Use Intervall class for generation of weekly Probe objects.
2016-09-30 Tom Gottfried Remove verbose logging in potentially heavily used function.
2016-09-30 Tom Gottfried Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR is 1-based.
2016-09-30 Tom Gottfried Avoid repeating potentially lengthy download of shapefiles.
2016-09-30 Tom Gottfried Use Intervall class for daily Probe objects.
2016-09-30 Tom Gottfried Adjust end to end of the day.
2016-09-30 Tom Gottfried Remove obsolete TODO comment.
2016-09-30 Tom Gottfried Authorize generation of Probe objects by Messprogramm.
2016-09-30 Tom Gottfried Do not authorize everything unknown.
2016-09-30 Tom Gottfried Add minimalistic authorization for Messprogramm.
2016-09-30 Raimund Renkert Removed old importer stuff and added new Importer based on antlr4 grammar. schema-update
2016-09-30 Tom Gottfried Avoid ISE if invalid datetime values are provided.
2016-09-30 Tom Gottfried A period with end before start is meaningless.
2016-09-29 Tom Gottfried A period with end before start is meaningless.
2016-09-29 Tom Gottfried Validate against possible maxima.
2016-09-29 Tom Gottfried Generalize generation of Proben for (multiples of) months.
2016-09-27 Tom Gottfried Complement data model and validation of sub-intervalls.
2016-09-27 Tom Gottfried Make generation of monthly Probes respect actual lenght of months.
2016-09-27 Tom Gottfried Avoid detour via Date object.
2016-09-23 Tom Gottfried Improve readability for easier debugging.
2016-09-23 Tom Gottfried Set default in data model instead of on generation of Probe objects.
2016-09-23 Tom Gottfried Remove null-checks for already validated mandatory fields.
2016-09-23 Tom Gottfried Remove unused redundant arguments.
2016-09-28 Michael Stanko extend docker envireoment to load geographical data of german comunities
2016-09-28 Michael Stanko ange ShibbolethFilter to accept non-ldap-formated roles (without cn=..)
2016-09-23 Tom Gottfried Remove wrong period check.
2016-09-22 Maximilian Krambach fixed some nullpointers in messproramm validator rules
2016-09-20 Raimund Renkert Fixed data input for messporgramm_transfer table. schema-update
2016-09-20 Raimund Renkert Added new table for messprogramm mappings. schema-update
2016-09-19 Raimund Renkert Added unit tests for importer update path. schema-update
2016-09-19 Raimund Renkert Added class to merge/update objects coming from the importer. schema-update
2016-09-09 Raimund Renkert Added unit tests for probe- and messung identifier. schema-update
2016-09-09 Raimund Renkert Added identifier for probe and messung objects for use in LAF importer. schema-update
2016-09-09 Raimund Renkert Added unique constraint for probe.id_alt schema-update
2016-09-08 Tom Gottfried A period with end before start is not meaningful.
2016-09-07 Tom Gottfried A period with end before start is not meaningful.
2016-09-05 Raimund Renkert Added json export. schema-update
2016-09-05 Raimund Renkert Fixed warnings. schema-update
2016-09-05 Raimund Renkert Organized imports and removed unused logger. schema-update
2016-09-02 Raimund Renkert Updated unit tests to fit the new data model. schema-update
2016-09-02 Raimund Renkert Added Annotation to set the id to generated value. schema-update
2016-09-02 Raimund Renkert Fixed model and its dependencies. schema-update
2016-09-02 Raimund Renkert Fixed datatype for ba_id attribute. schema-update
2016-08-31 Raimund Renkert Removed verbose logging. schema-update
2016-08-31 Raimund Renkert Updated status workflow. schema-update
2016-08-31 Raimund Renkert Make dynamic inserts on probe and messung objects to avoid 'not null'-constraint error. schema-update
2016-08-31 Raimund Renkert Added additional attributes to complete the model. schema-update
2016-08-31 Raimund Renkert Updated sql query strings to match the new schema. schema-update
2016-08-31 Raimund Renkert Removed schema bund from setup_db script. schema-update
2016-07-08 Raimund Renkert merged. schema-update
2016-07-08 Raimund Renkert Moved referenced tables. schema-update
2016-07-08 Raimund Renkert Updated server application to new database model. THIS IS STILL WIP!!! schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Updated probe data. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Added FK to probe and messprogramm. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Added table betriebsart schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Updated references. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Updated values. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Added filter and query type table. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Update data files. schema-update
2016-07-07 Michael Stanko add stammdaten.kta and stammdaten.ortszusatz schema-update
2016-07-05 Tom Gottfried Introduce default value vor Messregime in Messprogramm.
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Fixed typos. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Made most constraints inline. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Added inline FK constraints. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Reordered tables. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Replaced explicid sequences with serials. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Fixed column names in constraints. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Fixed names and typos. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Renamed/Removed some columns. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Use status_kombi as FK in status_protokol schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Added FK constraints. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Removed column name, added column kommentar in messprogramm schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Renamed erzeuger to mst_id. schema-update
2016-07-04 Raimund Renkert Removed duplicated netzbetreiber column. (mst_id already contains the schema-update
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Moved comments to the end of the file. schema-update
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Added index for "child"-tables and removed index for probe. schema-update
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Moved messung.status FK constraint. schema-update
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Updated trigger and functions. schema-update
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Moved trigger creation to table definition. schema-update
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Moved FK constraints into table definition. schema-update
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Reordered table creation to allow inline definition of FKs. schema-update
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Moved unique constraints into table definition. schema-update
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Removed duplicated defaults. schema-update
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Declare primary keys in tabel definition. schema-update
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Removed obsolete search_path statements. schema-update
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Replaced explicit sequences by serials. schema-update
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Replaced translation tables for probe and messung with id_alt columns. schema-update
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Removed schema 'bund'. schema-update
2016-07-01 Tom Gottfried Make ID for Messregime an integer.
2016-07-01 Raimund Renkert Updated description how to create filters.
2016-07-01 Tom Gottfried Complement mandatory fields for messprogramm.
2016-07-01 Tom Gottfried Fix CHECK-Constraint definition.
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