1 m4_dnl -*-html-*- |
2 m4_include(`template.m4') |
3 m4_dnl $Id$ |
4 |
5 m4_define(`EN') |
6 m4_define(`DE_FILE', `donate-de.html') |
7 m4_define(`TITLE', `Donate') |
8 m4_define(`MAIN', `donate') |
9 |
11 |
12 <div class="donate_header"> |
13 <span class="text"> |
14 We love Free Software!<br /> |
15 You too?<br /> |
16 <b>Please support mapWOC!</b> |
17 </span> |
18 </div> |
19 |
20 <div id="intro"> |
21 <h2>Donate</h2> |
22 <p>Your donation supports the maintenance and further development of |
23 mapWOC and helps us to push the Free Software initiative mapWOC. We |
24 are gratful for every financial aid. |
25 </p> |
26 </div> |
27 |
28 <div id="main"> |
29 <h2>Contribute to mapWOC!</h2> |
30 |
31 <p>Give a <b>small amount</b> via the payment opportunity of this web page. |
32 Add a short comment along with a payment and explain for which |
33 improvements you would again pay. Even smallest amounts help and |
34 motivate.</p> |
35 |
36 <p>For an <b>average amount</b>, contact one of the project members and |
37 receive an official invoice. You could also contract for some specific |
38 step, update, bug fix or new features. Take care that your contracted |
39 improvements will be integrated into the main development of |
40 mapWOC.</p> |
41 |
42 <p>As a company or authority, <b>contract</b> for more extensive measures |
43 that will ensure continuation of the project. This way you will |
44 ensure sustainable availability of mapWOC for your organisation. |
45 Such measures do provide the collateral benefit of generally improving |
46 security for data exchange.</p> |
47 |
48 </div> |
49 |
50 <div id="sidebar"> |
51 <h3>Make your donation now!</h3> |
52 <p> |
53 <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> |
54 <input name="cmd" value="_donations" type="hidden"> |
55 <input name="business" value="paypal@intevation.de" type="hidden"> |
56 <input name="lc" value="US" type="hidden"> |
57 <input name="undefined_quantity" value="1" type="hidden"> |
58 |
59 <input name="item_name" value="mapWOC" type="hidden"> |
60 <input name="item_number" value="2000" type="hidden"> |
61 <input name="no_shipping" value="1" type="hidden"> |
62 <input name="cn" value="Comment to mapWOC developer team (praise/criticism)" type="hidden"> |
63 <input name="currency_code" value="EUR" type="hidden"> |
64 <input name="bn" value="PP-BuyNowBF" type="hidden"> |
65 <input src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif" name="submit" alt="Pay with PayPal" type="image" border="0"> |
66 <input name="on0" value="Allowed to publish of your donation?" type="hidden"> |
67 <input name="os0" value="No" type="hidden"> |
68 |
69 <br> |
70 <input name="os0" value="Yes" checked="checked" type="checkbox">Publish my sponsor name</a> |
71 </form> |
72 </div> |