view website/donate.htm4 @ 161:3ac0968e26f3

merged with Karls repo from website
author Stephan Holl <>
date Thu, 30 Jun 2011 12:40:27 +0200
parents 579b94f442a9
children dd4bb5869f86
line wrap: on
line source
m4_dnl -*-html-*-
m4_dnl $Id$

m4_define(`DE_FILE', `donate-de.html')
m4_define(`TITLE', `Donate')
m4_define(`MAIN', `donate')


<div class="donate_header">
 <span class="text">
  We love Free Software!<br />
  You too?<br />
  <b>Please support mapWOC!</b>

<div id="intro">
<p>Your donation supports the maintenance and further development of
mapWOC and helps us to push the Free Software initiative mapWOC. We
are gratful for every financial aid. 

<div id="main">
<h2>Contribute to mapWOC!</h2>

<p>Give a <b>small amount</b> via the payment opportunity of this web page.
Add a short comment along with a payment and explain for which
improvements you would again pay.  Even smallest amounts help and

<p>For an <b>average amount</b>, contact one of the project members and
receive an official invoice. You could also contract for some specific
step, update, bug fix or new features.  Take care that your contracted
improvements will be integrated into the main development of

<p>As a company or authority, <b>contract</b> for more extensive measures
that will ensure continuation of the project.  This way you will
ensure sustainable availability of mapWOC for your organisation.
Such measures do provide the collateral benefit of generally improving
security for data exchange.</p>


<div id="sidebar">
<h3>Make your donation now!</h3>
<form action="" method="post">
    <input name="cmd" value="_donations" type="hidden">
    <input name="business" value="" type="hidden">
    <input name="lc" value="US" type="hidden">
    <input name="undefined_quantity" value="1" type="hidden">

    <input name="item_name" value="mapWOC" type="hidden">
    <input name="item_number" value="2000" type="hidden">
    <input name="no_shipping" value="1" type="hidden">
    <input name="cn" value="Comment to mapWOC developer team (praise/criticism)" type="hidden">
    <input name="currency_code" value="EUR" type="hidden">
    <input name="bn" value="PP-BuyNowBF" type="hidden">
    <input src="" name="submit" alt="Pay with PayPal" type="image" border="0">
    <input name="on0" value="Allowed to publish of your donation?" type="hidden">
    <input name="os0" value="No" type="hidden">

    <input name="os0" value="Yes" checked="checked" type="checkbox">Publish my sponsor name</a>
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