view build.xml @ 126:ff0354265a7d

Write the correct expression for double values.
author Raimund Renkert <>
date Fri, 17 Jun 2011 18:22:40 +0200
parents f0c02ff120d6
children 707f13cfba74
line wrap: on
line source
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE project[
  <!ENTITY properties SYSTEM "properties.xml">
<!-- :mode=ant -->

<project name="MXD-Konverter" default="all" basedir=".">
  <!-- import external XML fragments -->
  <!-- import sample properties -->
  <!-- TODO: edit file before importing -->
  <property file=""/>
  <path id="compile.classpath">
    <pathelement location="${arcobjects.jar}"/>
    <fileset dir="${libs.dir}">
      <include name="**/*.jar"/>
  <path id="run.classpath">
    <path refid="compile.classpath"/>
    <pathelement location="${class.dir}"/>
    <pathelement location="${src.dir}"/>

  <!-- ========================================= -->
  <!-- private targets -->
  <!-- ========================================= -->
  <target name="init">
    <!-- create the time stamp -->
    <!-- create the build directory structure used by compile -->
    <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${class.dir}"/>

  <target name="validate-runtime" depends="init">
    <condition property="runtimeAvailable">
      <isset property="runtime.home"/>
    <fail message="No runtime installed. You need to install ArcGIS Engine, Desktop or Server to run this sample." unless="runtimeAvailable"/>

  <target name="compile" depends="validate-runtime">
  <!-- javac resolver needed to run inside of Websphere Studio -->
    <available classname="org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main" property="build.compiler" value="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter" classpath="${java.class.path}" />
    <!-- compile the java code from ${src.dir} into ${class.dir} -->
    <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${class.dir}" debug="on">
      <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
    <copy todir="${class.dir}">
      <fileset dir="${src.dir}" includes="**/icons/*" />

  <target name="jar" depends="compile">
    <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
    <jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${sample.dir}.jar" compress="true" basedir="${class.dir}">
        <attribute name="Main-Class" value="de.intevation.mxd.Converter"/>
        <attribute name="Class-Path" value="lib/log4j-1.2.16.jar lib/mapscript.jar lib/arcobjects.jar"/>

  <target name="usage">
    <echo message="Execute 'ant -projecthelp' for the build file help"/>
    <echo message="Execute 'ant -help' for Ant help"/>

  <target name="execute" depends="compile">
    <java classname="de.intevation.mxd.Converter" failonerror="true" fork="true">
      <jvmarg value="-Xss2m"/>
      <classpath refid="run.classpath"/>
      <sysproperty key="mxd.file" value="${MXDFILE}"/>

  <!-- ========================================= -->
  <!-- public targets -->
  <!-- ========================================= -->

  <target name="all" depends="compile" description="build everything">
    <echo message="application built"/>

  <target name="clean" description="clean all build products">
    <!-- delete the ${build} directory trees -->
    <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
    <echo message="build directory gone!"/>

  <target name="help" depends="usage" description="usage" />
  <target name="dist" depends="jar" description="create distributable products" />
  <target name="run-sample" depends="execute" description="execute the sample with args set in"/>
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