- Set map size after setting map extent to avoid the extent to be modified2011-08-15, by raimund renkert
- Added LGPL header.2011-08-15, by raimund renkert
- Replaced error outputs with logging messages.2011-08-15, by raimund renkert
- Changed logging from info to debug in writePicture.2011-08-15, by raimund renkert
- Replace all german umlauts in group names.2011-08-15, by raimund renkert
- Added raster layer support.2011-08-15, by raimund renkert
- Added picture symbol support to the converter.2011-08-12, by raimund renkert
- Documented a bunch of new features2011-08-12, by Stephan Holl
- Print out a message when a jointable attribute occurs in the mapfile.2011-08-10, by raimund renkert
- Minor fixes for metadata information.2011-08-10, by raimund renkert
- Print out a message if an empty layer is not written to the mapfile.2011-08-10, by raimund renkert
- Added extent and projection as ows metadata to the mapfile.2011-08-10, by raimund renkert
- Set the group attribute to the correct wms metadata.2011-08-09, by raimund renkert
- Refactored group layer handling and "wms_title" metadata.2011-08-09, by raimund renkert
- Added LGPL header.2011-08-09, by Raimund Renkert