aheinecke@328: Version 1.1 ( InterGEO 2012 ): aheinecke@328: aheinecke@328: The mxd2map Version 1.1 brings support for a variety of new aheinecke@328: ArcGIS Layer types and improvements to the conversion of styles and aheinecke@328: labels. aheinecke@328: aheinecke@328: New Features include: aheinecke@328: * Support for dynamic angles in styles based on layer attributes. aheinecke@328: * WMS Data layers are now converted to the map file. aheinecke@328: * Grouped layers are now also grouped in the map file. aheinecke@328: * Raster data layer can now be converted. aheinecke@328: * Layers can now use different projections in a single mapfile. aheinecke@328: * FileGDB datasources can now be used in layers (needs gdal with FileGDB support) aheinecke@328: * Support for annotation layers (limited to text annotations) has been added. aheinecke@328: * Label styles can now be used and labels can have a background. aheinecke@328: (needs mapserver >= 6.2) aheinecke@328: