
age author description
2011-04-14 Raimund Renkert Added root element to document and save the filename in the XML tree.
2011-04-13 Bjoern Schilberg Added a new mapserver wrapper cgi script for testing of generated map from
2011-04-12 Raimund Renkert Added a new layer reader and symbol reader.
2011-04-12 Raimund Renkert Changed classname for converter entry point.
2011-04-12 Raimund Renkert Removed needless imports.
2011-04-12 Raimund Renkert Separated converter components into packages.
2011-04-11 Raimund Renkert Convert all symbol colors to RgbColor.
2011-04-11 Raimund Renkert Added utility class to store map attributes.
2011-04-08 Raimund Renkert Introduced class reader.
2011-04-08 Raimund Renkert Write FeatureLayer attributes to XML document.
2011-04-08 Raimund Renkert Added parameter for MXD filename.
2011-04-08 Raimund Renkert Added XMLUtils to store map information.
2011-04-08 Raimund Renkert Moved reader components to reader folder.
2011-04-08 Raimund Renkert Initial commit of the first prototype.
2011-04-04 Ingo Weinzierl Added source directory and an initial entry class for a MXD converter tool.
2011-03-07 Bjoern Schilberg Fixed epsg problem with own epsg file.
2011-03-07 Bjoern Schilberg Addes hints for ColorRamps in mapserver.
2011-03-07 Bjoern Schilberg Added missing map and symbology file for testcase multilayer CartographicLineSymbol.
2011-03-07 Bjoern Schilberg Renamed CartographicLineSymbol multilayer testcase.
2011-03-07 Bjoern Schilberg Making point CharacterMarkerSymbol testcase work.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Added initial .hgignore.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Modified polygon style LineFillSymbol mapfile testcase.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Modified polygon style SimpleFillSymbol mapfile testcase.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Modified polygon style PictureFillSymbol mapfile testcase.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Modified polygon style MarkerFillSymbol mapfile testcase.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Modified line style MarkerLineSymbol mapfile testcase.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Modified line style SimpleLineSymbol mapfile testcases.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Modified line style PictureLineSymbol mapfile testcase.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Modified line style CartographicLineSymbol mapfile testcases.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Modified point style SimpleMarkerSymbol mapfile testcase.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Modified point style PictureMarkerSymbol mapfile testcase.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Modified point style ArrowMarkerSymbol mapfile testcase.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Modifed point style CharacterMarkerSymbol mapfile testcases.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Adjusted CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE". Commented out CONFIG "PROJ_LIB", because it doesn' work.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Removed ms_error.log from repository.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Apache adjustments for the mxd-testbed.
2011-03-04 Bjoern Schilberg Concretions of README.txt
2011-03-03 Bjoern Schilberg Added initial apache configuration stuff.
2011-03-03 Bjoern Schilberg Initial commit.
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